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Levels of Consciousness and Brahman

A Tract Book Essay


Anthony J. Fejfar, B.A., J.D., Esq., Coif

© Copyright 2008 by Anthony J. Fejfar

Previously, I have argued that Stages of Consciousness or Reality exist. Those

are: Body Body Mind Experience

Soul Analytic Mind Understanding

Spirit Wisdom Mind Judgment and Reflection

Objective Spirit Objective Mind Objectivity and Formal Operations

Creativity Creative Mind Creativity and Hermeneutics

Intuition Intuitive Mind Intuits Being

Higher Love Higher Love Mind Love of Intellect and Compassion

In his Book, “The Visionary Window,” Amit Goswami describes the levels of

reality associated with the Eastern concept of Brahman, or Reality:

Annamya physical mind or reality

Pranamaya vital or emotional mind

Manomaya mental mind

Vijanamaya theme or meaning mind

Anandamaya Blissfull

In comparing the foregoing levels of consciousness it appears that they

parallel one another. This is consistent with Ken Wilber’s idea of the Perennial
Philosophy of Perennial Consciousness. The general pattern is that mind goes from

being more dense and mundane to higher levels which are more subtle and ethereal.

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