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I whole heartedly agree with Mo Tzu is his views on universal love.

I think all peoples actions are based on the receiving of love or the lack of love received. Love is something that impacts every sentient beings life in some way. I think universal love is the same as unconditional love. Unconditional love is love without conditions or reservations; absolute and to be free of judgment. To love in the way the creator loves all you must love unconditionally. You must love all that is with universal unconditional compassion realizing that you, everything and everybody that you interact with are all part of the same one entity manifesting itself into all we see. The one is all and the all is one. Just as each tiny section of a hologram contains the information for the entire hologram, likewise we are all interconnected. Everything is just one truly connected thing vibrating at different rates. For example let take Ice, steam, and the liquid form of water they are all the same one thing yet the atoms and molecules are vibrating at different rates. For us to function in the image of the creator effectively creating reality as we see fit the only way is to love unconditionally. The creator loves us so unconditional that we are even allowed to believe that we are not loved at all. Love is knowing that all deserve and are worthy of all. When we deal with others we really are interacting with another portion of ourselves. One reason why I believe that it is so difficult to love others as people love themselves is because we feel that life has inherent built in meaning to it when I think that is not the case. Take in a theater for instance that shows many plays, there may be some props back-stage that is frequently used for several different plays. In each play that prop has a special meaning, but outside that play the prop has no innate intrinsic built-in meaning all props are basically without meaning. From this innate absence of meaning, we can assign any meaning we want to them. All the events, people, and circumstances that we experience as happening in our lives are just neutral props. The events or reactions from people you may experience have no intrinsic built-in meaning. These events, people, and circumstances are blank, neutral, and have no innate significance. And from this blank slate we have the ability to assign any significance or meaning for all that we experience. Normally we assign and project a meaning onto a neutral situation

so quickly and automatically that we are not even aware that we are doing it. We think the interpretation or meaning is built-in. We are usually totally oblivious of the fact that we are the ones assigning a very specific meaning to something that is a neutral event. The realization of this idea empowers all to live like Mo Tzu and his followers and to love all that is in a universal unconditional compassionate way.

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