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Matthew Hahn

Seoul, South Korea |

To obtain a job as a youth ministry leader


Yongsan International School of Seoul 2009-2015 YISS Praise band Bible Class Character Education (has to do with personality to approach people)

Going to church 1997- 2011 I was born in a Christian family so I went to church for most of my life. Praise Band Drummer/Bassist 2010 - 2011 As the drummer and the bassist of the school praise team, I got to learn a lot about God through talking and sharing testimonies with the team members. Homeless Ministry 2012 I went to Seoul Metro Station and served the homeless with the food provided from the church.


Sense of leadership Sense of humor Unstopping skepticism (meaning I am opened to talk about passages in the bible that I do not agree with or do not understand with people) Talking to people Ive never met before without being nervous or hesitant Not embarrassed to speak in front of others

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