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Subject & Object Pronouns Subject & Object Pronouns jag du han hon den det man vi ni de (dom)

I you (singular) he she it (with en words) it (with ett words) one we you (plural) they mig (mej) dig (dej) honom henne den det en oss er dem (dom) me you him her it it one us you them

Possessive Adjectives & Pronouns with en words min din sin hans hennes dess vr er deras with ett words mitt ditt sitt hans hennes dess vrt ert deras with plural words mina dina sina hans hennes dess vra era deras

my / mine your / yours his / her / its / their his / his her / hers its / its our / ours your / yours their / theirs

The same forms are used for possessive adjectives that are used directly before nouns and for possessive pronouns that replace a noun. For example, this is my car and this is mine would be translated as det hr r min bil and det hr r min.

Sin, sitt and sina can only be used when the third person possessive adjective refers to the subject of the same clause. These words can be translated as his, her, its or their. Generally, if you cannot insert "own" after the possessive adjective in English, you cannot use sin/sitt/sina. Per besker sin mamma. = Per visits his (own) mother. (Sin refers back to Per.) Eva ringer hans mamma. = Eva calls his mother. (Hans refers to Per, not Eva.) Prepositions vid i p hos till frn genom lngs ver mot mellan om sedan trots by, at, next to in on, in, at at the house of to from through, by along across, over towards, to between around, about, in since in spite of av bakom bland bredvid efter enligt framfr fr omkring med under utan utom t of, by, with behind among beside after, for according to in front of for, by, with around with, by under, below without except for towards, for

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