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Information Literacy Lesson Plan

Amanda Porter Georgia Southern University FRIT 7136, Section Y02 Fall 2010 Reference and Information Sources Georgia OnMyLine Dr. Purcell, Instructor

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Information Literacy Lesson Plan

GRADE: 3rd TEACHER: Mrs. Payne CONTENT TOPIC: Goods and services

SLMS: Amanda Porter

STANDARDS FOR THE 21ST-CENTURY LEARNER GOALS Standard: 1. Inquire, think critically, and gain knowledge.

2. Draw conclusions, make informed decisions, apply knowledge to new situations, and create new knowledge. 3. Share knowledge and participate ethically and productively as members of our democratic society. Skills Indicator(s): 1.2.1 Display initiative and engagement by posing questions and exploring the answers. 1.2.3 Demonstrate creativity by the usage of multiple formats. Benchmark(s): 1.1.1 - Form simple questions to being exploring.

1.1.2 - Connect ideas to own experiences. -Identify one or two keywords about a question, problem, or idea. - Share what is known about a question, problem, or idea. 1.1.5 - Recognize and use facets to answer questions. - Interpret information represented in charts, illustrations, and pictures. 1.1.6 - Use simple note-taking strategies taught by SLMS. - Write, draw, or verbalize the main idea with supporting deails. 2.1.2 - Demonstrate simple organizational skills through sorting and categorizing - Organize information into different methods. (charts, drawings).

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2.1.3 - Complete a graphic organizer using concepts that were learned. - Compare new ideas with previous ideas. - Make inferences regarding the topic with guidance. - Draw conclusions about the main idea with guidance. Dispositions Indicator(s): 1.2.2 - Develop questions that challenge metacognition. - Develop questions that concentrates on How do we know what we know?. - Develop questions that explore to gain meaning background knowledge. - Develop questions that require making connections: text-text, text-self, or text-world. - Develop questions that relate to the essential question in the inquiry. 1.2.3 - Collect information needed from a range or resources. - Experiment with a variety of forms to communicate information. Responsibilities Indicator(s): 1.3.5 Use information technology responsibly. 2.3.1 Make self-connections to the real world. 3.3.2 Create products that apply to real world contexts. Self-Assessment Strategies Indicator(s): 1.4.1 Monitor own information-seeking processes for effectiveness and progress, and adapt as necessary. 1.4.3 Monitor gathered information, and assess for gaps or weaknesses. 1.4.4 Seek appropriate help when it is needed. 2.4.3 Distinguish new knowledge and understanding. 3.4.2 Assess the quality and effectiveness of the product. Connection to local or state standards: SS3E2: The student will explain that governments provide certain types of goods and services in a market economy, and pay for these through taxes and will describe services such as schools, libraries, roads, police/fire protection, and military. Overview: Third grade students will practice research skills to identify sources of information that will help them distinguish between goods and services in a market economy. Using the information,

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students will create an on-line collage or graphic organizer to represent information learned. Students will choose which methods best fits them and relate information draw to real world experiences and background knowledge. Final Product: Students learn how to identify information in given resources within the library and electronic resources by using the SLSMs pbworks webquest to gather information and create collages depicting between goods and services. Library Lesson(s): Students will receive an overview of the given websites/resources on the teachers pbworks and SLMS page to find information. Then students will be introduced to given websites they may choose to create a collage or graphic organizer with the information they have gathered. During the lessons, students will learn as well proper note taking and organizational skills Assessment: Product: The completed collage is proof of the students applying learned knowledge to back ground knowledge and meaning experiences (text-text, text-self, text-world). The on-line websites allow students to research, exercise, and then apply knowledge through choices and understanding. Process: SLMS and teacher observe students actions throughout the lesson through group discussion, answering, and questioning. Student self-questioning: - Did I listen and participate? - What sources should I use? - Did I take proper notes and do I have enough? - Do I have all the required information to complete the collage or graphic organizer? - Is the information meaningful to me?

INSTRUCTIONAL PLAN: Resources students will Use: Venn Diagramm: responsible for contribution during whole class discussion Website

Porter 5 Kidspiration software and printer Overhead projector Promethean Interactive slate, CPS software with clickers, and PowerPoint software. SLMS Wiki Rubric generator- Instruction/Activities: Direct Instruction: As the class comes in, students will see a Venn Diagram on an overhead projector powered by CPS software and Promethean Interactive slate. The SLMS will review what the students have learned about goods and services by reviewing a PowerPoint. Then, all students will use clickers to engage in a interactive assessment through questions and pictures pertaining to the topic (used with CPS software and Promethean Interactive slate). The SLMS will be able to review with the students the responses and clarify any confusion or questions they may impact the meaning of the main idea. The SLMS can also do a whole group assessment by using the following website:

Modeling and Guided Practice: The SLMS will introduce the collage website to show the students how to navigate the websites. (All students are aware of how to use Kidspiration if they choose to use that software instead). Students are taken to the computer lab and given 10 minutes to explore and choose to create a graphic organizer or collage.

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Independent Practice: At the end of the 10 minutes, students are directed to begin to create their collage or with SLMS and teacher support and guidance. Sharing and Reflecting: When students are done, they will print their collage to visually share with others. This will be done in the teachers classroom through pair-shares. Assessment of student learning and results: Assessment: Through the use of informal observations, it was determined that all students successfully accessed the given websites and stayed on task. There was much talking; however, the students were engaged and conversing about the websites. The clickers with the Parmethean Interactive slate allowed students to interact, engage, and assess whole group answers. The teacher and I were able to make immediate modifications and assessments to any confusion a student had (non-English speaking natives). Some students didnt understand some terminology and multi-step directions. Students were able to jot down information they wanted to use for their collage or graphic organizer on paper. The challenge was helping students (non-English speaking natives) make connections from the review due to language barriers. They werent able to participate confidently or understand the given assessments. They also were challenged in understanding how to navigate the given website and software when independently working. Students who could speak both English and Spanish were pared with the nonEnglish speaking natives for better understanding and support throughout the activity. Results: All students completed and printed their collage or graphic organizer. I enjoyed to see all the creative works the students used to compare goods and services. The most important result was if the students were able to make personal connections to what they learned and apply it to their final product. Of course our non-English speaking natives struggled due to language barriers.

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Reflection: The lesson was engaging and truly assessed students knowledge through review and application. However, the idea was appropriate for the grade but needed to be a week long lesson plan. With all the non-English speaking natives in the classroom, it was challenging for them to grasp the concepts taught, reviewed, and then apply them in a short amount of time. It was also challenging for some students to use the technology since they do not have access to it at home. Next time, I will use terminology or review before the activity so that students have better clarification of the words. It was nice to help the students together on the computers and then monitor their work by walking around helping and watching the students creative minds to work. They seemed to enjoy the interactive lesson and were able to personalize their collage in the making. At the end, most felt proud, artistic, and knowledgeable.

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