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WHEN BELIEVING IS POSSESSING People have their reasons for believing or disbelieving a situation; what is the love of one

person is the exact opposite to the other person. In the spiritual realm, the concept of belief has a wide scope. During a recent sermon, Prophet TB Joshua had spoken on the concept of believing , in the Christian context. To him, those who truly believe, and put into action such belief, are qualified to possess the blessings associated with the glory o f faith. Using Mark16:17 and 1John5:13-15 as proof texts to establish the potency of his message in the The SCOAN, Prophet Joshua insisted that Whatever is born of God ov ercomes the world, because God is supreme to other forces, and His sheer presence in human affairs adds much to the glory and evidence of the gospel. God hears us when we call, he insisted, but such invitation to human affairs has to be predicated on the strength of faithfulness and strong belief; and His hea ring us is as good as an answer, he added. Prophet Joshua opined that When you believe His Word, you possess the thing that His Word has guaranteed. The Word is the very breath of the Almighty, the answer to every human enquiry. The power of faith, according to the respected prophet, is enervatingly re-assuring. Im talking of the power of faith; when you believe Hi s Word, you pray and know it is His will. When you pray in that name, Jesus take s over it. Then it is in His care. He further stated that our word, in Jesus name, makes things come into being; com e to pass. According to him, it is no longer your burden as long as you do not r epudiate it by a wrong confession, he said. My heart knows that the case is settled. This is the voice of the believer, a poss essor. When you become a possessor, Jesus is your standby. The Bible says, praye r should be followed by an attitude of absolute trust in Christ that HE is worki ng out the answer. The prophet insisted that prayer cannot be treated in isolation but in correspon dence with application of the Word in its perfectly understood manner. He said: Prayer and reading the Bible should always go together. One is not complete with out the other. Fill your prayer with the Scripture because scriptural prayer rel eases the power of God. This shows that prayer has language. The language is in the Word of God.

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