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Arab Socialist Ba'ath Party led by Bashar al-Assad Supporters: Russia - Human Rights Watch warned Russia's state-owned

ed arms-trading company Rosoboronexport in a letter that, under international law, "providing weapons to Syria while crimes against humanity are being committed may translate into assisting in the commission of those crimes", and called on governments and companies around the world to stop signing new contracts and consider suspending current dealings with the Russian company. Syria is traditional Russian ally in middle-east Iran - Iranian government is assisting the Syrian government with riot control equipment and intelligence monitoring techniques. Syria is in fact the Irans friend Hezbollah China was named in a May 2012 Security Council report as a transit hub for illegal arms shipments from North Korea, with UN investigators investigating reports of such shipments to the Syrian government In February 2012, it was reported that Hugo Chavez' government in Venezuela had been shipping tens of millions of dollars of diesel to Syria, which can be used to fuel army tanks.[ Rebels: Syrian National Council Free Syrian Army Supporters: Turkey - Beginning in May 2012, some Syrian opposition fighters began being armed and trained by the Turkish Intelligence. USA - In July 2012, the United States government granted a non-governmental organization called Syrian Support Group a license to fund the Free Syrian Army. Recent reports suggest that the United States has doubled down on funding the rebels with a secret presidential order authorizing military assistance (stopping short for now of actual "lethal aid," which has been outsourced to Saudi Arabia and Qatar, in coordination with Turkey). Al-Qaeda and affiliates are anti-Assad. American officials believe that Al-Qaeda in Iraq has conducted bomb attacks against government forces. Al-Qaeda linked organisation al-Nusra is bombing in Syria A crucial line of support began in spring 2012 as Saudi Arabia and Qatar announced they would begin arming and bankrolling the opposition former members of Kosovo Liberation Army are fighting in Syria with Syrian opposition

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