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II Space Race to the Moon (diapo) Firstly, the Soviets dominated the race in terms of launching the first

satellite, first animal in space, first man in space, first try to hit the Moon, and first picture of the Moons backward side . And all this successful events were showed in the media, but failures of the Soviets were always silent by their press to convince people of the superiority and success of the socialist system As a response of all this advances , in 1960 the Usa decided to land the firtst man on the moon and return him safetely to the earth and they created the Apollo Space program, which was supported by the anti- communist president Kennedy who was determined to assure the survival and the success of liberty, the military and the economic supremacy through a capital system / In fact, The American Lunar program Apollo stood for effective governmental execution and control, therefore in the same way as the USSR media did it, all the Nasa events were shown through the media with the purpose of unifying the nation during a time when political turmoil was predominant and no cambiar d ideologia /and the public was always freely to follow the Nasa events through the media (introduccion) Kennedy : "This is important for political reasons, international political reasons. This is, whether we like it or not, an intensive race." promoted as the embodiment of American values such as bravery, patriotism, Godfearing faith But finally, in 1969 , the American Neil Armstrong became the first man on the moon on, the Apollo 11 mision, this meant humiliation and loss of the race to the moon for the Soviets who tried desperately to land probes on the Moon and to make the spacecraft work for manned landing, but the Soviet lunar program struggled with shifting policy objectives and ongoing rivalry between the national design bureaus, which caused delays and failures.

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