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Scientific name : Glechoma hederacea Common Name : Ivy

DESCRIPTION Ivy plants like to grow in environments with moist ground, according to This plant grows best in the shade, but also tolerates exposure to the sun. Areas where ivy plants tend to grow include slopes, roadsides, railroad tracks, low woods and waste ground. This plant prefers soil with medium loam and heavy clay content.

MEDICINAL USES Used to treat eye inflammation, kidney disease, indigestion, colds, coughs and congestion. burns, cuts, dandruff, and other skin problems


Read more: Ivy Plant Facts |

Read more: Ivy Plant Facts |

LYCEUM OF THE PHILIPPINES UNIVERSITY College of International Tourism and Hospitality Management SY 2012-2013

Submitted by : Anne Celine C. Dela Cuesta

Section : A-306B Schedule : 1:00 2:30

Submitted to : Prof. Shirley O. Banzuela

Scientific Name : Glechoma hederacea Common Name : IVY

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