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A Quick Review Of

Clinical Embryology(Ch 1-7) (KLM)

Person with 47 chromosomes

Person with 45 chromosomes

Dictyate/Dictyotene Phase:
The long pause of prophase in oogenesis till ovulation.It increases risk of environmental factors to change genome

Abdominal pain at the time of ovulation, accompanied with slight bleeding

No ovulation due to inadequate gonadotropins

Incision of fragment of ductus deferens to cause contraception in males

Two sperms fertilize one egg

Preservation of gametes in glycerol

In vitro fertilization, a technique used to fertilize egg outside the body

Intra Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection, a technique in which sperm is injected into cytoplasm of oocyte.

Assisted In-Vivo Fertilization, in which fertilization is artificially produced inside female body

Gamete Intra-Fallopian Transfer, in which Gametes are placed in fallopian tube and there fertilization takes place

Zygote Intra-Fallopian Transfer, in which zygote is placed inside fallopian tube

Removal of uterus

Numerical mosaic in chromosomes causing syndromes

Tubal Pregnancy:
Zygote is implanted inside the fallopian tube

Abdominal Pregnancy:
Zygote is implanted on posterior surface of uterus in peritoneal cavity

Lithopedian / Stone Fetus:

In Abdominal Pregnancy, the conceptus dies and calcified into stone

Sacrococcygeal Teratoma:
A tumor that is produces by remnants of primitive cord

Tumor produces due to notochord remnants

Neural tube Defects, Defects due to abnormal growth of neural tube, most commonly anencephaly , meroencephaly,spina bifida

Absence of brain, but there is remnant of brain present.

Partial absence of Brain

Hydatidiform Moles:
Aggregation and cyst formation of Trophoblasts due to absence of normal / viable zygote.

Slight Uterine Bleeding during implantation of blastocyst, can be misinterpreted

as menses

Scanty Menstruation

Postmaturity Syndrome:
The persistent of pregnancy more than three week of expected date of delivery

Taking sample of amniotic fluid from amniotic cavity during 15-18 wk

Examination of alpha feto protein produced by fetus, excess indicates NTD, low indicate Down's syndrome

Chorionic villus sampling, taking biopsy from chorionic villi to check genome during 10-12 wk

PUBS/ Chordocentesis:
Percutaneous umbilical blood sampling, taking a sample of blood from umbilical vein for diagnosis

Placenta Membranacea:
Presence of chorion villi all over the chorion and a extra slip of placenta attached to endometrium

Gestational Choriocarcinoma:
Metastasis of trophoblast into uterus

Placenta Accreta:
Reaching of chorionic villi to myometrium.

Placenta Percreta:
Reaching of chorionic villi to perimetrium , crossing the myometrium

Placenta Previa:
Implantation of embryo on infero-posterior wall of uterus near internal os.

Battledore Placenta:
Attachment of umbilical cord at margins of placenta

Velamentous Insertion:
Attachment of umbilical cord to fetal membranes

Less amniotic fluid than normal value due to renal agenesis

Excess amniotic fluid present

Amniotic Band syndrome rupture of amnion leading to less amniotic fluid and band formation around fetus

Ileal Diverticulum/Meckel Diverticulum:

In rare cases , the remnant of omphaloenteric duct inside the body.

Erythrocyte Mosaicism:
Mixing of erythrocytes of twins

Twin Transfusion Syndrome:

Shunting of blood form one twin to other, one being weaker and anemic, other having polycythemia. Send "follow medcom" (without inverted commas) to 9900 and receive all first year stuff FREE on ur mobile via sms daily... Prepared By: Muhammad Kamran For More Study Stuff.... Join Us @

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