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Prophet Hazrat Ibrahim is the Father of Islam and was named Khalil'ullah - Friend of Allah.

He went against his father, Azars religion, and his community who were idol worshippers and upheld his belief in Tawhid - One God. He trusted in Allah and showed willingness to sacrifice of his dearest possession. Allah did not really want his son Ismail. And Hazrat Ismail, by agreeing to obey the command of Allah, relieved the burden Hazrat Ibrahim must have felt. Both father and son submitted to the Will of Allah.

This occurrence gave birth to Eid-ul Adha - carnival of Sacrifice, where Muslims all over the world remember the sacrifice of Hazrat Ibrahim and he was rewarded by Allah by sparing hazrat Ismail and making him an example for us to go after. When we choose to acquiesce His will, all ends well.

Eid-ul Adha is celebrated on the 10th of the month of Zil-Haja after pilgrims complete their Hajj to Kabbah and follow the footsteps of Hazrat Bibi Haazjra when she was left in the valley of Mecca with Hazrat Ismail by Hazrat Ibrahim. Families get together to offer the Eid prayers and then there is feast, exchange of gifts and jubilation.

Islamic method of slaughter involves making a single, quick cut to the throat of the animal and to cut the spinal cord. Research tells this type of slaughter is painless to the animal. The immediate separation of blood and oxygen supply to the brain causes the animal to quick loss of consciousness and commotion.

Muslims celebrate Eid ul Adha by wearing their nicest clothes and offering Salatul-Eid in the morning. After which everyone seems to be busy in social activities. Next People visit each homes of their relatives and friends. Arrange feasts with special dishes, soft drinks and desserts. Children receive gifts and sweets on this happy occasion. In addition, like the pilgrims in Mecca, the Muslims, who can afford, offer domestic animals. For instance sheep, goat, cow or camel as a symbol of Hazrat Ibrahim's sacrifice. The meat is distributed for utilization to family,

friends, and to the pitiable and deprived people. Now we will see how EidulAdha is celebrated in other countries of the world.

In Egypt Eidul Adha is celebrated warmly.Eid ul Adha denotes the end of hajj. During the days of the merriment, Muslims across the country wake up and go to mosques for their prayer. This is followed by an oration after which, people meet up with their acquaintances and dear ones and wish each other "kol sana wa inta tayeb", means "I hope every year finds you well". Feasts are highly anticipated aspect of Eid ul-Adha. All over the country, poor people await this time, as this is a time they can get beef and mutton, freely provided to them by the wealthy and various charitable organizations.

The Moroccan celebration of Eid-ul-Adha is similar to its observances in other countries. Animal sacrifices are carried out in Morocco as a dedication to the Allah. Generally a cowor sheep is slaughtered and its meat is then distributed among the poor people. The celebratory days people visit their nearest mosques for prayer and sermons, following which people visit each other's homes and relish festive meals together.

Eid-ul Adha is also known as "Kurbanir Eid" or "Bakri Eid in Bengla Desh. The occasion is observed religious and festal one. One month before the Eid, preparations set in motion and each day leading to the Eid has local sweet shops and gift canters readying themselves. "Qurbani" or animal sacrifice is considered here as a "sunnah" . The animals picked to be slaughtered must be of a particular age and should not have any injury. Cows, goats and buffaloes are selected for the custom; camels are also specially imported by some Bangladeshis for Qurbani. The time of sacrifice begins right after the "namaz" of the first day of Eid and continues up to the sunset of the next two days.

In Pakistan, Eid ul-Adha is a four-day event celebrated on the 10th day of the Islamic lunar month of "Dhul Hajji" . The festive days witness local business houses and shops being closed. The occasion begins with a short prayer followed by an oration. Every Pakistani who can afford it, sacrifice an animal in honor of the Allah Almighty, distributing its meat

to friends, family and the poor.

Some Muslims observe it on the 10th of Dhul Hijjah according to local lunar date and some follow the declaration of Hajj by the authorities in Makkah and celebrate this Eid after the day of Arafah. After careful study and consideration, the Council has reached the conclusion that Eid al-Adha will be following the Day of Hajj as announced in Makkah. Eid al-Adha commemorates the end of the struggle undertaken by the pilgrims to Mecca and the holy restrictions. The latter also commemorates the struggle of our hazrat Ibrahim. His struggle

revolves around his pure devotion to God, and his motivation to give up everything he possessed for God even his loving son.

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