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Kenneth Uh HWST 107 Sect.

#018 28 November 2010 Extra Credit #1

Hawaiian Heritage After watching Hawaiian Heritage, most of the content of the movie was very inaccurate. I had high hopes of learning a little bit more about the art of Hula. In this video they explained that Captain James Cook thought hula was very interesting and was probably the first outsider to see such an art form. After World War I and World War II, many servicemen stopped in Hawaii and saw and enjoyed these hula dances. The show the servicemen saw was very different from what Captain James Cook saw. In class hula was explained as something with great power and great meaning. Since then hula became watered-down and almost meaningless. It seemed like hula began to get watered down at an earlier time than I have imagined. This video also explained that the feet sometimes represented the waves and rain. The hips represented by whirl pools, they also clicked rocks together and also used bamboo sticks. I do not know how accurate these facts are because the tour guide was telling this to a bunch of tourist who could not even pronounce the word. It seemed like anything they heard they would believe. They also showed some Hawaiian games, one was like checkers but it was with white and black rocks, another game was rolling a stone in-between two sticks, kind of like bowling. These Hawaiians must have been very smart not only for coming up with these games but to not show the true art form of hula to these tourist, who have no absolute meaning to what they are doing and why they are dancing.

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