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1. An array is a systematic 1.

A matrix (plural matrices, arrangement of objects, or less commonly matrixes) usually in rows and is a rectangular array of columns. It can be of any numbers, symbols, or length. An example of An expressions. The individual array with six elements is items in a matrix are called its elements or entries. An [1,2,3,2,1,3] example of a matrix with six elements is

2. Matrix always has 2 dimensions because it is rectangular arrangement of data.

2. An array can be of any dimensions i.e. 1-dimensional, 2-dimensional, 3-d, 4-d and so on. 3.It is a programming concept, used 3. It is mathematical concept to store data systematically in used in various applications consecutive memory locations like Graph theory Analysis and geometry, Probability theory and statistics, Symmetries and transformations in physics, Linear combinations of quantum states, Normal modes, Geometrical optics, Electronics 4. Matrices are usually denoted using uppercase letters, while the corresponding lowercase letters, with two subscript indices, represent the entries.

4. Generally arrays are denoted by a[i][j][k]... , where i, j, k...are number of elements in each dimension.

A common shorthand is A = [ai,j]i = 1,...,m; j = 1,...,n or more briefly A = [ai,j]mn 5. Arrays are classified on basis of number of dimensions and on basis of data type i.e. integer array, character array etc. 6. Array is a more generalised view of observing and studying systematic data. 5. Matrix are classified on basis of number of rows or columns like matrix with only one row is row matrix and with one column is column matrix. 6. Matrix is a special case of array i.e 1-d and 2-d array, a[i,j] is a 2-d array and matrix with i rows and j columns. a[i,1] is i-d array and matrix with i rows and 1 column. 7. Array can store values of different data types. 8. Array is itself a data type in computational languages. 9. Array can be accessed through loop iterations. 10. Array defined but not initialized takes up default values.

7. Matrix is used for numeric data only i.e. to manipulate mathematical instructions. 8. Matrix is just a rectangular form of representation. 9. Matrix is only used in mathematical related problems. Hence no provision for loops. 10. Matrix needs to be defined and initialized properly.

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