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Diccionary Lie: Mentira Steal: Robar Then: entonces Thief: ladrn Town: pueblo Months of the Year Winter: Invierno Spring: Primavera Summer: Verano Atumn: Otoo Uncontable nouns & units Hair: cabello Sheet: hoja de papel Bit: poquito Drop: gota Busy: ocupado Trades and professions Waiter: camarero Sailor: marinero Diver: Buso Maid: Sirvienta Our body Neck: cuello Elbow: codo Shoulder: hombro Knee: rodilla Toes: dedos pies There is, there are A lot of: mucho Several: varias Few: pocos Words Dial: marcar Turn: vuelta Neighbors: vecinos Leaf: hoja papel Sheet: hoja Now: ninguno Some: algun Every: todo Any: cualquiera Until: hasta Pit: pozo

First book
Pin: alfiler Meet: satisfacer Tire: neumatico Soon: pronto Shape: forma Folow: seguir While: mientras Trable: problemas Quit: renunciar Quiet: callate Quest: mision Tough: duro Butterfly: mosca Hurt: dao Buddy: amigo Find: encontrar Wait: esperar Dude: amigo Bald: pelon Eraser: borrador Leave: dejar Mirror: espejo Laugh: reir Lend: prestar Instead: el lugar de About: acerca de Facts: hechos Dine: cenar Dining room: comedor Tiny: diminuto Bare: desnudo Sour: acido Bitter: amargo Cane: baston At ease: a gusto Tired: cansado Dry: secar Rough: aspero Scared: miedo Scary: de miedo Drunkard: borracho Shame: vergenza Harm: dao Ladder: escalera Skull: Craneo Blackboard: pizarrn Nail: clavo Ring: anillo Ash tray: cenicero Soft: suave

Suitcases: maletas Sock: calcetin Mattress: colchones Climbing: subir Wire: cable This, that, these, those Church: iglesia Coat: abrigo Deer: venado Weather: Clima Hearing: audicion Hearing aid: audifono Deaf: sordo Know: saber Rug: tapete Family: Cousin: sobrino Uncle: tio Aunt: tia Nephew: sobrino Niece: sobrina Prepositions: Beside: a lado Across: atravez Among: entre Above: encima Below: debajo Along: a lo largo Through: a travez Verbs: Let: dejar Come: venir Search: busqueda Quest: busqueda Ask: preguntar Present continuous Happely: felizmente Carefully: con cuidado Call: llamar Begin: comenzar Hum: zumbar Holding: sostener Softly: suabecito Field: campo

First book
Adverbs Seldom: raravez Often: seguido Sometimes: algunas veces Hits: golpes Harmful: daino Bark: ladrido

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