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Chilean slang, from A to Z

Chileans, especially those who are younger, contribute every day to expand our Chilean slang.

Many times we hear that is hard to understand when Chilean speak, whether it is because “we
speak too fast” or for our unique slang. This is why we give you an alphabetic list of some of the
most popular expressions in our country,

Achacarse: To get sad or discouraged.

Achuntar: “To hit the nail on the head”.

Al apa: Piggyback ride. In the north, “a tota”. In the south, “a chique” or “al acha”

Al lote: Disorderly, without rules.

Al tiro: Immediately, right now.

Al toque: Right away.

Andar pato: To not have any money.

Apañar: To accompany a friend, physically or psychologically.

Apestarse: To get mad or bored.

Aperrar: To be brave, to persevere despite the obstacles.

Apitutado: Well-connected.

Apretado: To be selfish, miserly

Arrugar: To back out of doing something.

Atao: A problem

Avispado: Very agile or intelligent.

Bacán: Excellent – used like ‘cool’ in English.

Barsa: Fresh, without shame, overfamiliar.

Buena leche: A decent and honest person with good intentions.

Bronca: Anger or disgust.

Buche: Stomach

Cabra/o: A teenager or young kid.

Cabritas: Popcorn.

Cachar: Probably originating in the English word ‘to catch,’ means ‘to get’ something. You’ll most
often hear it as “cachai,” equivalent to the English “you know?”, “get it?” or “do you understand?”

Cachureos: Things that are kept, but that have no use.

Cahuín: Hurtful gossip that starts trouble.

Calato: To be naked

Caleta: A great amount, a lot

Caña: Hangover

Carrete: Party

Colarse: To enter without permission

Condoro: Mistake, indiscretion

Copete: Alcoholic beverage

Curao: Drunk


Chapa: Nickname, alias

Choro: Someone who thinks he or she is tough. Also means great or cool.

Chorearse: To get mad or angry; to rob or steal

Dar pelota: To pay attention to someone.

Dar jugo: Waste time, procrastinate; to talk nonsense

Denso: Someone very serious, almost to the point of being grumpy

Doblado: Very drunk, stoned, unconscious

Echar la foca: To scold someone, challenge or defy someone.

Embarrarla: Screw up. To ruin something or a situation

Engrupir: To flirt with or hit on someone. It can also mean to lie or deceive.

Enrollado:. Very involved or complicated.

Estirar la pata: To die

Fiambre: Stinking or rotten. A dead person

Filo: “It doesn’t matter”

Fome: Boring

Fonda: A place where national holidays are celebrated. Also used to denote a party with lots of
traditional Chilean music and drinks.

Fresco: Cheeky, shameless, having a lot of nerve.

Gallo/a: A young adult. Similar to using the word “guy.”

Gancho: Friend, neighbour

Ganso: Stupid, naive

Gauchada: A favor.

Gil: An idiot.

Guacho: A child that is not recognized by its father; an orphan.

Guagua: A baby

Guanaco: A police vehicle that uses a water cannon to maintain order.

Guata: A belly or gut.

Guater: Toilet, WC.

Hachazo: A rough morning, usually hangover related.

Hallulla: A type of bread.

Huaso: A chilean from the farm or countryside; the Chilean version of an Argentine ‘gaucho,’ or
American ‘cowboy.’

Huevón: Can refer to a person or a thing, a friend or an enemy. Most closely resembles ‘dude’ or
‘guy’ in English, but is far more versatile.

Inflar (to someone): To pay attention to someone or to take into account.

Inflado: Someone that has acquired a value higher than deserved

Irse al chancho: To abuse, or exceed the limits.

Jarana: Party, amusement

Jote: Someone that is always on the prowl for women.

Julepe: Fear.

Kilterrier: A mutt or mongrel dog. Comes from ‘quiltro’, a mixed-breed dog, and ‘terrier’.

La firme: The truth or reality.

La dura: The truth

Lanza: Someone who steals. Pickpocket, thief, big-snatcher

Lata: Something boring

Latero: Boring

La raja: An amazing thing or situation

Lesear: To goof around, to be joking

Leseras: Ridiculous and meaningless things.

Liz Taylor: Ready. “Listo,” Spanish for ready, becomes “Listeilor” or “Liz Taylor.”

L J: “We are gone”

Lolo(a): A teenager.

Longi: Crazy, hippie

Luca: a $1000 Chilean pesos bill

Machucado: Beaten up, poorly treated.

Mano de guagua: Miserly, selfish.

Micro: The public buses.

Mina: A young woman, usually attractive.

Mino: A young man, usually attractive.

Ene: A lot, a large amount.

Nanai: Affection that you show towards someone.

Ni ahí: It doesn’t matter.

Ni un brillo: Something or someone boring, not appealing.

Ojo: Attention!

Onda: ‘Vibes,’ negative or positive.

Once: Afternoon meal, tea time.

Pal Gato (estar): Feeling sick

Pagar el piso: Expression used when someone starts working and invites his friends or family to a
meal or drinks.

Paracaidista: Literally, someone who parachutes; used to refer to someone who attends a party or
event without being invited.

Pasarlo chancho: To have a good time, to be entertained.

Patas negras: A lover.

Patiperro: Someone who travels a lot

Patudo: Shameless, disrespectful

Pavear: To be distracted

Pega: Job or occupation.

Peludo: Difficult, complicated. Someone who is hairy, grown up, mature.

Picada: Cheap place where to get good products or services (food, objects, gifts)

Piola: Unnoticed. Quiet

Pololeo: A romantic relationship, without being married or engaged.

Previa: Friends meeting before a party

Queque: Literally a piece of cake or muffin, used to refer to someone’s backside.

Quina: A $500 Chilean pesos coin

Quiubo: “What’s up?”

Rajado: Very fast, very generous, someone who enjoys partying

Rasca: Unrefined, of low quality, tacky or vulgar.

Rico: pleasant, entertaining

Sacar la cresta: To beat someone up.

Sacar pica: To provoke someone into being jealous

Sapo: Someone who eavesdrops. A mole, a rat

Seco: Someone successful in a certain area

Socio: Pal, friend.

Taco: Traffic jam

Talla: A joke, prank. In the north: Popsicle

Tata: Grandfather.

Tirar a la chuña: Throw something into the air for anyone to catch it.

Tocar el violín: To be the third wheel.

Tollo: A lie, an exaggeration

Tuto (hacer): To sleep. Tener tuto, to be tired.

Último: The worst, horrible.

Vaca (hacer una): When everyone chips in their share to pay for something.

Viejo Verde: An older man that flirts with women significantly younger than him. Sugar daddy

Virarse: To leave.

Yapa: A freebie or free gift.

Yunta: Best friend, pal.

Zombi (andar como): To be very tired

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