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Module 11 - Mental Health Issues Test Topics

Format: 37 Questions, 60 Marks Know the Key Terms (KT 11) Stroke (p.286 & Box 18-3: Warning Signs of a Stroke) Acquired Brain Injuries (p.775) Mood Disorders - Depression (p.778 & Box 34-3) Major Depression - Supporting Clients (p.779) Outward-Focused Emotions - Anger & Aggression (p.789 & Safety: Supporting Clients with Anger Disorders) Inward - Focused Emotions - Suicide (p.790 & Box 34-5) Confusion (p.802) Dementia (p.804) Stages of Dementia (p.812 & HD 11-2) Managing Challenging Behaviours (p.822) Freuds Theory of Personality Development (HD 11-1) Reality Orientation Technique (HD 11-3)

TT 11

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