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Tom Clarke

Media camera shots

All varieties of camera shots can be used on different shows or films. One that especially uses a range of camera shots is the CSI series. They use all sorts of shots to display the investigation in the best way. Close up- this could be used in the CSI series to show the emotions on the victims or crime committers face. This will let the viewers read or try to guess if the culprit is lying when being investigated. Zoomed out- this shot could be used to show use the setting of where the crime was committed. This would give the audience and insight into where the crime was and they will able to guess what happened. Birds eye view- this is a shot that is used to show a car chase. This is a great shot as you are able to see the cars in the chase and the civilians. This allows the viewers to see both the cops and the crime committers so they are seeing all the action. Panoramic- is shot that is used to show the whole setting this scan the whole of the city giving you an overview of what the crime scene or city looks like. Mid shot- this would be when it is showing the cops interrogating a suspect this would show both the characters showing the reactions of both. Extreme close up- this is used to give the viewers clues for example the cops could have found footprints, and then they would see a muddy shoe on one of the suspects allowing them to be brought in by the story.

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