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Collective Nouns

Name : _______________________

Date : ______________ Year : __________

A. Instruction : Please write correct collective noun for the

followings objects,
Animals and people.
1. A ______________________ of natives.

( tribe/ army/ crew )

2. A ______________________ of thieves. ( tribe/ gang/ crew )

3. A ______________________ of doctors.

( class/ panel/ crew )

4. A ______________________ of judges.

( tribe/ army/ bench )

5. A ______________________ of acrobats. ( troupe / gang/ crew )

6. A ______________________ of singers.

( class/ army/ choirs )

7. A ______________________ of sailors.
8. A ______________________ of fish.

( tribe/ army/ crew )

( nest / shoal/ flock )

9. A ______________________ of lions.
10. A ______________________ of bees

( pride / herd / flight )

( tribe/ army/ swarm )

11. A ______________________ of elephants ( herd / gang/ brood )

12. A ______________________ of puppies

( flock / army/ litter )

13. A ______________________ of birds.

( flock/ army/ brood )

14. A ______________________ of milks.

( deck / batch/ carton )

15. A ______________________ of card.

( deck / batch/ carton )

16. A ______________________ of stars.

( pile / batch / galaxy )

17. A ______________________ of books ( pile / batch / galaxy )

18. A ______________________ of stamps ( deck / album/ suit )
19. A ______________________ of songs

( medley / fleet/ chest )

20. A ______________________ of cars ( medley / fleet/ chest )

21. A ______________________ of cookies ( deck / batch/ carton )
22. A ______________________ of rubbish

( heap / fleet/ chest )

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