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The DRRM or the Disaster Reductions Risk Management Seminar that weve done allowed me to learn different things. First of them would be the fact that floods are caused by mans waste, continued alienation of land and unending construction of buildings without providing the necessary green spaces to absorb flood water. Second that many places in Metro Manila are hazardous to live in and third and the most important for me. Ive learned basic life support on how to carry an injured victim, learn the knot that were used by medical practitioners in securing the patients body and lastly to be resourceful on using clothes and wood in creating a stretcher. While for our group what we enjoyed the most was doing the PCVA exercise were we combined all of the available hazard maps into one. This map then showed us the most unsuitable places to live in the Metro. For example we learned that a part of Marikina City is not suitable for living because it is a flood prone lands slide prone, is in a fault line, and has a high percentage of liquefaction. On the other hand, one can live

comfortably in Paranaque City because it is not in a flood prone area nor is in a fault line. Then I learned in the seminar that issues on disaster preparedness must be addressed here in the Philippines. For our country which is in the Pacific Ring of Fire and has the Pacific Ocean as its neighbor, is a natural breeding ground for tragedies. Thus by addressing the issue on disaster preparedness we would be able to save many lives, lessen the infrastructure and agricultural damages plus provide a mindset that our beloved country is a safe place to live. By this I know that as a student the only action I can do for now is to spread what Ive learned from our seminars in NSTP. By doing this, I know that many people can be informed and can be save by the information that they have learned. And to increase the capacities of our community, I could start doing what Ive learned, in our house, by segregating garbage, not using plastics and cleaning our yard. Maybe people would be infected by this idea of mine and soon everyone would care for the environment. This would then lessen apathy and soon people would talk about having seminars. This will be a good idea because after experiencing the torrential rains caused by the habagat. The best time to address DRRM seminars is now. Everyone must be involved in this kinds of seminar for everyone are affected by this disasters. No one is safe and assured that he or she would not be harmed

Lastly learning about the Implementing Rules and Regulations of RA 10121. I believe RULES # 5, 6 and 8 made an impression on me. Rules 5 and 6 because they state that there should be public local disasters management office, yet as far as I observe only few communities have DRRM offices that response to disasters. Then Rule 8 which implies that there should be a national disaster training institute that would educate volunteers to respond and know what to do during calamities. Again this made an impact because it is not followed or if addressed it may have low budget and the government made no effort to promote this institute leaving most Filipinos helpless because of their apathy and lack of training in Disaster Reduction Risk Management.

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