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An Oak Tree in Winter

The Natural Tree and the Symbolic Tree

Genesis- The tree of life and the tree of knowledge of good and evil were in the middle of the garden The tree in painting often represents ambivalence between nature and symbolism

The Tree of Knowledge

Adam and Eve ate the fruit, good and evil. Confusion and disarray of man Structure of the tree is the clarity of thought

The Tree as a Symbol of Life

Life Force it has seasonal renewal It links three worlds, terrestrial (earthly), aerial (sky) and subterranean (underground) It ascends through the branches and reaches beyond itself towards the light, possibly signifying new beginnings new photographic techniques, end of painting start of photography Symbolises human perfection, links to the picturesque period.

The Tree as a Cross

Jesus died on a cross cut from a tree grown over the tomb of Adam, Adam ate from a tree. Part of the tree on which Adam sinned, grew into a great tree that survived until the time of Solomon The saviour of the world would be hung on that wood Explains why Christ was depicted as Crucied on a tree

The Tree and Wood Cutter

Religious context Cutting down a tree, sawing wood will always be connected with the suffering of Christ

Nobility of the Tree

Immortality Oak stands for royalty and nobility

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