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What do Buddhist believe? 1 Timothy 2:3-6; Isaiah 26:19; Daniel 12:2 October 8-12, 2012 Monday: Gautama Siddhartha (563-483 BC) is the founder of Buddhism. He is also known as Buddha or Enlightened One. He was a spiritual teacher from ancient India. He is regarded as the Supreme Buddha of our age. Buddhists believe that you can become a Buddha by attaining nirvana. Buddha is not a name, but an epithet of those who have achieved enlightenment. It is what Buddhists seem to strive towards. What are you striving towards? Who do we look towards as the supreme authority in our lives? Tuesday: Read 1 Samuel 2:2 The Buddha himself did not believe in the existence of God. What does that verse say about the uniqueness of our God? Can that verse be accurate and other religions be accurate at the same time? How would you have a conversation with someone who does not believe that there is a God? Wednesday: Buddhists do not generally believe in the person of Jesus. Those who do generally view him as an enlightened teacher. They do not believe him to be God. Read 1 Timothy 2:3-6. What does that verse say about the person of Jesus? Why would that verse seem irrelevant for a Buddhist? How would you describe to a Buddhist the aspect of Jesus as a ransom for all? Thursday: Salvation for a Buddhist is to discover the Eightfold path with the goal of nirvana. Nirvana is to eliminate all desires or cravings. The path is a system to free them from any desire and eventually achieve nonexistence Read Luke 3:1-6. Where will all mankind see Gods salvation? Christian view of salvation is very different from that of a Buddhist. How would you describe salvation through Christ alone? How would you describe the need for what Christ did on the cross? Friday: Reincarnation is the main belief about death for a Buddhist. They believe that people do not have their own individual soul, but that ones desires and feelings may be reincarnated into another person. Read Hebrews 9:27-28 According to that verse what do Christians believe about death? Does it sound like there is any security in what a Buddhist believes about death? How would you communicate what you believe about death and eternity?

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