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Name: Ellayza Rb D.

Operaña Date: February 21, 2024

DBS Journal No.: 8 Description: Jesus and the Religious Leader
Biblical Passage: John 3:1-21

What is the passage all about? (In your own words, summarize the passage)

• The passage talks about a conversation between Jesus and a man named Nicodemus. Jesus explains the concept of
being born again and emphasizes the importance of believing in Him for eternal life.
What is new to you about this text?

• "Born again" The idea of being "born again" carries profound implications for one's relationship with God and the
pursuit of eternal life.
What do you like about this text?

• I appreciate the clarity with which Jesus explains the idea of being born again and the emphasis on belief for eternal
What surprises you?

• The concept of being "born again" might be surprising, especially as Nicodemus initially struggles to understand it.
What you don't understand? Why?
• Theologically, the passage is generally clear. However, individual interpretations may vary, especially regarding the
spiritual concept of being "born again."
What does this passage tell:
About God: It emphasizes God's love and the gift of eternal life through belief in Jesus.
About people: It highlights the need for spiritual rebirth and the role of faith in understanding God's message.
About the relationship: It underscores the transformative nature of a personal relationship with God through faith in Jesus.
What is the message for you personally?
• The passage may convey a message about the significance of spiritual rebirth and the central role of faith in
experiencing eternal life with God.
What is there to do, obey, and follow?

• Reflect on the concept of being born again spiritually and consider the role of faith in your life.
With whom will you share what you have learned from this passage?

• Share insights with fellow believers or engage in discussions about faith and spiritual rebirth with those interested.
What truths can you share this week?

• Share insights about the importance of faith in Jesus for spiritual rebirth and the promise of eternal life.
What is your commitment this week?
• My own personal commitments could involve reflecting on the passage, exploring its implications for your faith, and
sharing these insights with others if relevant to your beliefs.
Name: Ellayza Rb D. Operaña Date: February 28, 2024
DBS Journal No.: 9 Description: Jesus and the Samaritan Woman
Biblical Passage: John 4:1-26; 4:39-42

What is the passage all about? (In your own words, summarize the passage)

• The passage is about Jesus' encounter with a Samaritan woman at a well. He reveals her life story, speaks about true
worship, and eventually, many Samaritans believe in Him.
What is new to you about this text?

• "The Savior of the world" It's noteworthy because it emphasizes the universal significance of Jesus as the one who
brings salvation not just to a specific group but to the entire world.
What do you like about this text?

• I appreciate the compassion and acceptance Jesus shows to the Samaritan woman, revealing His teachings about true
What surprises you?

• The openness of Jesus in engaging with someone from a different cultural background might be surprising and
What you don't understand? Why?

• Theologically, the passage is generally clear, but individual interpretations may vary, especially regarding the cultural
dynamics of the Samaritan-Jewish relationship.
What does this passage tell:
About God: It shows God's inclusive love for all people, regardless of cultural differences.
About people: It highlights the thirst for spiritual fulfillment that people have, and Jesus as the source of living water.
About the relationship: It emphasizes that true worship is not limited by cultural or religious boundaries.
What is the message for you personally?
• The passage may convey a message of recognizing the universal need for spiritual fulfillment and the inclusive nature
of God's love.
What is there to do, obey, and follow?
• Reflect on the idea of true worship and consider how you can approach your relationship with God with authenticity.
With whom will you share what you have learned from this passage?

• Share insights with fellow believers or discuss the importance of true worship with those interested in understanding
the Christian faith.
What truths can you share this week?
• Share insights about the living water that Jesus offers and the inclusive nature of God's love for all people.
What is your commitment this week?
• My own personal commitments could involve reflecting on the passage, striving for authentic worship, and sharing
these insights with others if relevant to your beliefs.

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