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Name: Ellayza Rb D. Operaña Date: March.

6, 2024
DBS Journal No.: 10 Description: Jesus and the Paralyzed Man
Biblical Passage: Luke 5:17-26

What is the passage all about? (In your own words, summarize the passage)
• Jesus is teaching in a crowded house when some men bring a paralyzed man to Him, seeking healing. Since the house is too
crowded, they lower the man through the roof to get him to Jesus. Seeing their faith, Jesus forgives the man's sins and heals
him, demonstrating His authority to forgive sins.
What is new to you about this text?
• The determination of the men to get their friend to Jesus, even by lowering him through the roof, demonstrates
extraordinary faith and dedication.
What do you like about this text?
• The compassion and power of Jesus to heal and forgive sins, as well as the faith and persistence of the men bringing their
friend to Jesus, are admirable.
What surprises you?
• The boldness of the men to lower their friend through the roof to reach Jesus, and Jesus' response by forgiving the man's
sins before healing him, are surprising and impactful.
What you don't understand? Why?
• The reasoning behind Jesus forgiving the man's sins before healing him might be puzzling to some, as it challenges
conventional expectations.
What does this passage tell:
About God: The passage reveals God's compassion, power to heal, and authority to forgive sins.
About people: It demonstrates the faith and determination of the paralyzed man's friends to bring him to Jesus, as well as the
crowd's astonishment at witnessing Jesus' miracles.
About the relationship: It shows that through faith, people can bring their needs and burdens to Jesus, who has the power to
forgive sins and heal.
What is the message for you personally?
• Personally, this passage encourages me to have unwavering faith in bringing my needs and those of others to Jesus, trusting
in His power to heal and forgive.
What is there to do, obey, and follow?
• I am called to trust in Jesus and bring my needs and burdens to Him, just as the men in the passage did..
With whom will you share what you have learned from this passage?
• I will share what I've learned from this passage with friends, family, or fellow believers who may find encouragement in its
message of faith and healing.
What truths can you share this week?
• I will share the truth of Jesus' compassion, power, and authority to forgive sins and heal, as demonstrated in this passage.
What is your commitment this week?
• My commitment this week is to deepen my faith in Jesus and to actively seek His healing and forgiveness in areas of my life
where I need it most.
Name: Ellayza Rb D. Operaña Date: March. 13, 2024
DBS Journal No.: 11 Description: Jesus Calms the Storm
Biblical Passage: Mark 4:35-41

What is the passage all about? (In your own words, summarize the passage)
• Jesus and His disciples are in a boat when a fierce storm arises, threatening to sink them. Despite their fear, Jesus calms the
storm with a word, revealing His power over nature and prompting the disciples to marvel at His authority.
What is new to you about this text?
• The disciples' fear in the face of the storm and Jesus' ability to calm it with a word are new and remarkable aspects of this
What do you like about this text?
• I appreciate Jesus' calm demeanor amidst the chaos of the storm and His demonstration of power over nature, which instills
a sense of peace and trust.
What surprises you?
• The disciples' surprise at Jesus' authority over the wind and waves, despite witnessing His miracles before, is unexpected.
What you don't understand? Why?
• It's unclear why the disciples doubted Jesus' ability to calm the storm, considering they had already witnessed His miracles.
What does this passage tell:
About God: The passage reveals God's sovereignty and power over nature, showing that He is in control even in the midst of
chaos and danger.
About people: It highlights the disciples' fear and lack of faith, as well as their growing understanding of Jesus' authority.
About the relationship: It demonstrates that faith in Jesus brings peace and security, even in the face of life's storms.
What is the message for you personally?
• Personally, this passage reminds me to trust in Jesus' authority and power, even when I am faced with overwhelming
What is there to do, obey, and follow?
• I am called to have faith in Jesus' ability to calm the storms of life and to trust in His sovereignty.
With whom will you share what you have learned from this passage?
• I will share what I've learned from this passage with friends, family, or fellow believers who may find comfort and
encouragement in Jesus' power over life's storms.
What truths can you share this week?
• I will share the truth of Jesus' authority and power to bring peace and calm to any situation, no matter how turbulent it may
What is your commitment this week?
• My commitment this week is to rely on Jesus' authority and power in every aspect of my life, trusting that He is in control,
even in the midst of storms.
Name: Ellayza Rb D. Operaña Date: March. 20, 2024
DBS Journal No.: 12 Description: Jesus and the Man with Evil Spirit
Biblical Passage: Mark 5:1-20

What is the passage all about? (In your own words, summarize the passage)
• Jesus encounters a man possessed by many demons in the region of the Gerasenes. Despite the man's violent and
uncontrollable behavior, Jesus commands the demons to leave him, and they obey. The man is healed and restored to his
right mind, becoming a witness to Jesus' power in the region.
What is new to you about this text?
• The extent of the man's possession by multiple demons and the dramatic transformation he undergoes after encountering
Jesus are new and striking aspects of this text.
What do you like about this text?
• I admire Jesus' compassion and authority in freeing the man from demonic possession and restoring him to wholeness..
What surprises you?
• The reaction of the townspeople, who are more concerned about their economic loss from the pigs drowning than the
miraculous healing of the demon-possessed man, is surprising and thought-provoking.
What you don't understand? Why?
• It's unclear why Jesus permits the demons to enter the herd of pigs, leading to their destruction, and why the townspeople
react negatively to the man's healing.
What does this passage tell:
About God: The passage reveals God's power over evil and His compassion for those who are oppressed and in need of
About people: It highlights the fear and misunderstanding of the townspeople, as well as the transformative power of
encountering Jesus.
About the relationship: It shows that encountering Jesus can lead to liberation and restoration, but it also exposes how some
may reject His transformative work due to fear or misunderstanding.
What is the message for you personally?
• Personally, this passage reminds me of Jesus' power to deliver me from any form of bondage and to restore me to
What is there to do, obey, and follow?
• I am called to trust in Jesus' authority and to be willing to follow Him, even when it leads to dramatic changes in my life.
With whom will you share what you have learned from this passage?
• I will share what I've learned from this passage with friends, family, or fellow believers who may need encouragement to
trust in Jesus' power to bring freedom and restoration.
What truths can you share this week?
• I will share the truth of Jesus' compassion, authority, and power to bring liberation and transformation to those who
encounter Him.
What is your commitment this week?
• My commitment this week is to surrender to Jesus' authority in every area of my life and to trust Him to bring healing and
restoration where needed.
Name: Ellayza Rb D. Operaña Date: March. 27, 2024
DBS Journal No.: 13 Description: Jesus Raises a Man from the Dead
Biblical Passage: John 11:1-44

What is the passage all about? (In your own words, summarize the passage)
• Jesus receives word that His friend Lazarus is very ill. Despite the delay, Jesus eventually arrives in Bethany to find that
Lazarus has died and has been in the tomb for four days. Jesus raises Lazarus from the dead, demonstrating His power over
death and revealing Himself as the resurrection and the life.
What is new to you about this text?
• The depth of Jesus' emotional response to Lazarus' death, including His weeping, and the miraculous raising of Lazarus from
the dead are particularly striking aspects of this text.
What do you like about this text?
• I appreciate Jesus' compassion and empathy for Mary, Martha, and the other mourners, as well as His display of power in
raising Lazarus from the dead.
What surprises you?
• The delay in Jesus' arrival after hearing about Lazarus' illness and His decision to wait until Lazarus had died before going to
Bethany may surprise some readers.
What you don't understand? Why?
• It's unclear why Jesus allowed Lazarus to die and the subsequent suffering of Mary, Martha, and the other mourners,
though it ultimately serves to reveal His power and glory in the resurrection.
What does this passage tell:
About God: The passage reveals God's compassion for the grieving and His power over death, highlighting His sovereignty and
ability to bring life out of death.
About people: It demonstrates the depth of human grief and the limitations of human understanding in the face of death, as
well as the need for faith in Jesus as the source of eternal life.
About the relationship: It shows that through Jesus, God offers hope and life even in the darkest moments of grief and
What is the message for you personally?
• Personally, this passage reminds me to trust in Jesus as the source of eternal life and to find hope in His power to bring life
out of death, both spiritually and physically.
What is there to do, obey, and follow?
• I am called to trust in Jesus' power over death and to have faith in Him as the resurrection and the life.
With whom will you share what you have learned from this passage?
• I will share what I've learned from this passage with friends, family, or fellow believers who may find comfort and hope in
Jesus' victory over death.
What truths can you share this week?
• I will share the truth of Jesus' compassion, power, and ability to bring life out of death with those who may be struggling
with grief or despair.
What is your commitment this week?
• My commitment this week is to deepen my faith in Jesus as the resurrection and the life, trusting Him to bring life and hope
in every situation, even in the face of death.
Name: Ellayza Rb D. Operaña Date: April. 10, 2024
DBS Journal No.: 14 Description: Jesus Talks His Betrayal and the Covenant
Biblical Passage: Matthew 26:17-30

What is the passage all about? (In your own words, summarize the passage)
• Jesus shares the Last Supper with His disciples, instructing them to prepare for the Passover meal. During the meal, Jesus
predicts His betrayal by one of the disciples, Judas Iscariot. He also institutes the practice of Communion, symbolizing His
body and blood given for the forgiveness of sins.
What is new to you about this text?
• The details of Jesus' prediction of His betrayal and the establishment of Communion as a symbolic act of remembrance are
significant aspects of this text.
What do you like about this text?
• I appreciate the symbolism of Communion and Jesus' willingness to sacrifice Himself for the forgiveness of sins.
What surprises you?
• The revelation of Judas Iscariot as the betrayer among Jesus' closest disciples may surprise some readers.
What you don't understand? Why?
• It may be unclear why Jesus chose to share the Last Supper with His disciples knowing that one of them would betray Him,
though it serves to fulfill prophecy and demonstrate His sacrificial love.
What does this passage tell:
About God: The passage reveals God's plan of redemption through Jesus' sacrifice and His intimate relationship with His
About people: It shows the disciples' loyalty to Jesus, as well as Judas' betrayal, highlighting the complexity of human nature
and the capacity for both loyalty and betrayal.
About the relationship: It demonstrates God's willingness to establish a new covenant with His people through Jesus'
sacrifice, inviting them into a deeper relationship with Him.
What is the message for you personally?
• Personally, this passage reminds me of Jesus' sacrificial love and the importance of remembering His sacrifice through
What is there to do, obey, and follow?
• I am called to participate in Communion as a way of remembering and proclaiming Jesus' sacrifice for the forgiveness of
With whom will you share what you have learned from this passage?
• I will share what I've learned from this passage with my church community during Communion services and with friends or
family who may benefit from understanding the significance of Jesus' sacrifice.
What truths can you share this week?
• I will share the truth of Jesus' sacrificial love and the importance of Communion in remembering His sacrifice for our
What is your commitment this week?
• My commitment this week is to approach Communion with reverence and gratitude, reflecting on Jesus' sacrifice and
renewing my commitment to follow Him faithfully.

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