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Question 1

1. What sparked the infamous Salem witchcraft accusations and trials? Answer a power struggle between older and younger religious leaders the suspicious actions of older widows in the community the Glorious Revolution the inherently misogynist nature of the Salem community there is no certain answer, though a history of discord among the townspeople and a dispute over the choice of a minister may have contributed

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Question 2
1. Which of the following does NOT help explain why King James II created the Dominion of New England? Answer The king wanted full compliance with the Navigation Acts. The king wanted to keep the colonial economy safe after King Philip''s War. The king did not share in the Puritans'' religious vision for the colony. The king despised representative institutions and wanted to appoint a single colonial leader. The king wished to promote the constitutional rights of all Englishmen.

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Question 3
1. Puritans deemed education so important in their society that ____________________. Answer the Massachusetts legislature ordered towns containing at least fifty families to open a tax-supported elementary school. colonists regarded education primarily as a responsibility of the church.

all grammar schools taught a basic knowledge of ancient languages, including Hebrew. the Massachusetts General Court imprisoned parents who did not teach the catechism to their children. the literacy rate in seventeenth-century Massachusetts was substantially higher for women than men.

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Question 4
1. The Navigation Acts did all of the following EXCEPT ____________________. Answer require that most goods imported to the colonies be transshipped through England first transport of English goods on English or American ships. require that a percentage of the crew of every ship trading in the colonies had to be English. stipulate that enumerated colonial goods of great value could only go to England or its colonies. offer the Dutch an equal opportunity to trade with the North American colonies. enforce the principles of mercantilism.

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Question 5
1. Seventeenth-century Chesapeake planters could be best described as ____________________. Answer younger sons of English merchants and artisans. planter migrs from Barbados. egalitarian reformers interested in a classless society. Anglican dissenters. Restoration cavaliers, veterans of the English civil war.

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Question 6

1. Mercantilism can be best defined as a system that ____________________. Answer encouraged foreign imports. discouraged new shipbuilding in England. called for the leasing of foreign vessels for trade. called for direct trade between the British colonies and foreign countries. called for tightly regulated trade by the central government as the only way to increase the nation''s wealth at the expense of competitors.

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Question 7
1. In the seventeenth century, town life was more important in Massachusetts than in Virginia. Answer True False

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Question 8
1. The Dominion of New England ended shortly after the Glorious Revolution. Answer True False

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Question 9

1. Nathaniel Bacon and his supporters called for an end to special privilege in government. Answer True False

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Question 10
1. Which of the following was NOT a contributing factor to Bacon''s Rebellion? Answer Nathaniel Bacon was denied a license to engage in the fur trade. Lord Berkeley refused Bacon an official military commission to lead a volunteer army against the Indians. The House of Burgesses disfranchised landless freemen. Indians attacked outlying plantations and killed a few colonists. Nathaniel Bacon was an embittered indentured servant who could buy no land.

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Question 11
1. The Navigation Acts were created to eliminate competition from the ____________________. Answer French. Spanish. Portuguese. Quakers. Dutch.

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Question 12
1. Because women in Puritan New England were considered to be very pious, they could own property, sell land, and obtain divorces. Answer True False

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Question 13
1. Between the 16 and 19 centuries, slave traders carried almost 11 million black people to the Americas. Answer True False
th th

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Question 14
1. The most serious slave rebellion of the colonial period was Bacon''s Rebellion. Answer True False

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Question 15
1. Which of the following is NOT an accurate description of slavery in colonial America? Answer

Slaves in different colonies could have very different lives. Slaves in the Northern colonies were less likely to preserve an independent African identity than those in the plantation South. As the number of Africans in the colonies increased, relations became easier and the strictest slave codes were relaxed somewhat. In areas where there were large concentrations of slaves, kinship networks and some aspects of African cultures were preserved. Slave rebellions were rare.

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Question 16
1. Which of the following factors did NOT contribute to the instability of family life in the seventeenth-century Chesapeake region? Answer Men outnumbered women settlers greatly, and many male settlers could not find wives. Female indentured servants did not start families until after completing their servitude, which cost them several reproductive years. Many immigrant women remained single, either because of their low social status or their low moral standards. Unhealthy living conditions and contaminated drinking water shortened life expectancies. Most settlers did not migrate to the Chesapeake in families, but as individuals.

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Question 17
1. What document(s) resulted from the Glorious Revolution? Answer a Bill of Rights the ""Act concerning Religion"" the Half-Way Covenant the Navigation Acts the Frame of Government

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Question 18
1. King Philip''s War pitted New England Puritans against their Anglican neighbors. Answer True False

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Question 19
1. The Navigation Acts primarily attempted to eliminate trade between the colonists and the Spanish merchants. Answer True False

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Question 20
1. Which of the following historical figures was not removed and/or executed as a result of the Glorious Revolution? Answer Jacob Leisler John Coode King James II the third Lord Baltimore Sir Edmund Andros

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Question 21
1. Tobacco cultivation generated equality in the Chesapeake region. Answer True False

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Question 22
1. The Half-Way Covenant allowed grandchildren of persons in full communion to be baptized even though their parents could not demonstrate conversion. Answer True False

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Question 23
1. By what year was American slavery unequivocally based upon the color of one''s skin? Answer 1700 1740 1730 1680 1690

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Question 24

All of the following statements characterize education in the Chesapeake region EXCEPT ____________________. Answer there was no mandatory educational system in the region. wealthy planters sent their children to schools in England. institutions of higher education developed early in the Chesapeake region. the literacy rate was lower in the South than in New England. high infant mortality rates created little incentive to build elementary schools.

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Question 25
1. What evidence suggests that women living in seventeenth-century Puritan New England enjoyed some independence? Answer They usually married later in life. They could sell their inherited land. They were less inclined to join churches. They sold surplus food that they had raised, and thereby gaining economic independence. They could be divorced.


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