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Name : ______________________ Class : _____________________

Day : _____________________ Date : _____________________

Read the passage. Answer the questions together. My name is sunflower. I am a flower. I live in a big garden. I am beautiful. I am the brightest flower in the garden. My friends are beautiful too. Their colours are red, pink and yellow. However, I am the most beautiful of all. I am a yellow sunflower. I need air, water and sunlight to stay alive. I need enough space to grow. I have long soft stem. The stem helps me to get more sunlight. 5. How does the stem help me? It helps me to get water. It helps me to get oxygen. It helps me to get sunlight. 4. What do I need to stay alive? Air only. Air and water Air, water and sunlight.

1. What is a sunflower ? Flower Animal Transport

2. Where do I live ? In a big garden. In a small garden. In a beautiful garden.

3. What is my colour ? Pink White Yellow





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