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#1 Ironwood St., Rainbow Village V, Deparo Caloocan City



Name: ____________________________________ Date: March___, 2019

Year & Section: ______________________________ Teacher: __________________

Objectives: The students should be able to:

A. Identify the parts of a flower and the function of each part
B. Describe the importance of pollination in sexual reproduction
C. Identify the parts of a seed
D. Describe how other agents help in seed dispersal


A. Direction: Fill in each blank with the correct word or phrase. Choose from the box below.

1. At the top of the stamen is the __________ which produces pollen grains.
2. From the stigma, the pollen goes to the ovary through the ____________.
3. The ovary contains the ______________.
4. When a flower contains only either the stamen or the pistil, it is ___________________.
5. A flower is protected with a group of sepals called _________________.
6. The ovary is also known as _______________.
7. The male sex cells is in a flower are the ______________.
8. The oval-shaped structure found at the bottom of the pistil is __________________, which contains
the ovules.
9. The _________ is the male reproductive organ of a flower.
10. The _________ is the female reproductive organ of a flower.

anther ovules or eggs incomplete flowers style ovary

calyx carpel pollen grains stamen pistil flower

A. Direction: Identify the word or phrase being described in each sentence. Choose from the box below.

____________ 11. It is the transfer of pollen grains from the anther to the stigma of the same flower.
____________ 12. ______, water, humans and animals are agents of pollination.
____________ 13. It happens when the pollen grains from one flower are transferred to the stigma of
another flower of the same kind.
____________ 14. It occurs when the transfer of pollen grains take place in the stamen and pistil of the
same flower.
____________ 15. It is can be also an agent of pollination.
____________ 16. It is feed on the pollen grains and seeds of plants.
____________ 17. It is a procedure done in a laboratory, wherein pollen grains are transferred to a
flower of a different variety.
____________ 18. It is a result of artificial pollination.
____________ 19. It is the most useful insects.
____________ 20. It is the beeswax containers of the bees.

insects water honeycombs pollination wind cross-pollination

cross-breeding self-pollination artificial pollination bees human
A. Direction: Identify the word being described in each sentence. Write your answer on the blank.

_____________ 21. It is the outer covering of a seed.

_____________ 22. This part develops into stem and leaves of a new plant.
_____________ 23. It becomes the root of a new plant.
_____________ 24. It is the tiny plant inside the seed.
_____________ 25. It contains the stored food for the embryo.
_____________ 26. A seed with two cotyledons.
_____________ 27. This is the main requirement for a plant to undergo photosynthesis.
_____________ 28. Examples of this type of seed are corn and coconut.
_____________ 29. This helps the plant bring the nutrients from the soil to its stem and leaves.
_____________ 30. This is a stage of dormancy which some seedlings can undergo.

B. Direction: Draw a seed. Label its parts.

31-40. (10pts)


A. Direction: Write (/) if the statement is correct or (x) if not. Write your answer on the blank.

______41. Seeds can be dispersed elsewhere and become new plants.

______42. Cogon seeds are light and have winglike parts, making them scattered easily by wind.
______43. Stringbeans, peanuts, and peas have hard seed coat to protect the embryo.
______44. Spores of fern plants are easily scattered on the ground by humans and animals.
______45. Seeds can grow even in hard, dry soil.
______46. Some people avoid eating durian because of its unpleasant smell.
______47. Wind and water help in seed dispersal.
______48. Seeds and fruits have special structures that are favorable for seed dispersal.
______49. Coconut is a big seed covered by a hard seed coat.
______50. Seed dispersal helps in maintaining the growth and abundance of plants.

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