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Know Interesting things about el sistema solar

Universe is a subject in itself, a vast matter that needs minute understanding and which is way beyond our life existence. We may die trying to study the universe but we will be done with just about a few percentages of the study. One such magnificent part of the universe is the Solar System. There are numerous galaxies in the universe of which solar system is present in the galaxy called milky way.

Around 4.6 Bn years earlier a molecular cloud that was giant-sized collapsed to form what is today known as the solar system. This system consists of a sun and certain astronomical objects that revolve round it in an orbit. The majority mass of Sistema Solar is made up by the sun. This mass of the sun is mostly made up by the eight planets that revolve relatively closer to the sun. These planets lie on an elliptical plan and have a flat disc and circular orbits. Jupiter and Saturn are the two major planets of Sistema Solar and they are made up of hydrogen and helium. The suns gravitational force keeps the planets in the solar system together and orbiting alongside. If the suns central force goes missing, the entire system would go haywire.

Greek and Latin are the basis for most of the names associated with the solar system. For example, the word Planet itself originated from a certain Greek word Plansthai for wander while the word satellite originated from a Latin word Satelles for attendant. There are around 140 natural satellites also known as moon in another language in the el Sistema Solar. These 140 moons revolve around various different satellites depending on their position in the el Sistema Solar. Along with the major planets there are approximately five dwarf planets: Pluto, Eris, Makemake, Ceres and Haumea. Between mars and Jupiter lies an asteroid belt that holds many odd shaped asteroids. Mercury has the shortest year among all the other

planets. The total days in a year on mercury is 88 while that on earth is 365. Now thats an interesting fact. More information is available haz click aqui

Another interesting fact is that for a long while astronomers believed that earth was at the centre and all planets revolved round it along with the sun. This was later disproved and people found the real fact. Solar System is a research in itself and the deeper the research greater the findings. To read more about el sistema solar then visit the website

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