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Consulting firm Mckinsey & Co was given a task to work on a turnaround strategy for this unit, while advertising company Ogilvy and Mather had been commissioned to create a new logo and provide branding support. The project was named as Project Arrow? which unit? Ans : Indian Post

Biggest company in terms of revenue as well as net profit? Ans : Exxon Mobil (Revenue of 477 Bn USD and net profit of 45.2 Bn USD)

Inventor of Mouse (Graphical user interface) ANS : XEROX

After hearing of ______'s death, Edberg said: "If he hadn't lived, Michael and I might still be out there playing. James Van Allen creator of the TieBreaker In one of the Wimbledon semifinals, Stefan Edberg lost to Michael Stich 4-6, 7-6 (7-5), 7-6 (7-5), 7-6 (7-2).

This famous business personality earned money by repairing toy trains when he was at 13. His father escaped from the British Police in 1920 and landed in USA with $20 in his pocket and later married an American school teacher and settled in Philadelphia. His corporate headquarters is known as "The Mountain". Identify him? ANS : Amar G. Bose (Bose Corporation)

The original of this was developed after a worker at Rowntrees factory in York put a suggestion in the suggestion box for a snack that a man could have in his lunch box for work. It was launched in September 1935 in the UK as Rowntrees Chocolate Crisp. It was later renamed in 1937 to a brand that we are all familiar with. What?

Kit Kat

Nokia, Ericsson and Motorola in conjunction with Psion created a Symbian OS for cell phones to thwart MS Windows CE operating systems. Symbian OS was in the lines of Psions OS.

Gururaj Deshpande is an Indian American businessman and co-founder and chairman of Sycamore Networks. Brother in law of? NRN Murthy

Shekhar Kapoor's 'Bandit Queen' used an innovative marketing strategy for the first time in India to woo a certain section of the audience. Later the same strategy was followed during the screening of Kamasutra'? Separate shows for women.

China regulates internet access very tightly, in fact occasionally, sites like blogspot have been banned. What creative term has been coined by Chinese IT guys to describe this access control? The great firewall of china

In 1999, AT&T wanted to increase its public awareness. So, their advertising consultants came up with an idea to place their product into a TV programme. What idea and which programme? The phone-a-friend in "Who wants to be a millionaire"

Which brand was originally a vision of Tribhuvandas Kishibhai Patel

Amul Founder of the Kaira District Co-operative Milk Producers' Union in 1946, and later the Amul co-operative movement in Anand, Gujarat, India.


This brand of clothing describes generational differences between Babby boomers and their parents GAP

First Indian state to implement mass internet connectivity in 12000 panchayats? Gujarat


The Walt Disney Company bought Pixar in 2006 from Steve Jobs, CEO of Apple Pixar started in 1979 as the Graphics Group, a part of the Computer Division of Lucasfilms

Who said- 99% of advertising does Not work? David Ogilvy


Parody of Wikipedia
( Try searching Indian Institute of Technology in uncyclopedia)

What do you call a stock market that is neither bearish nor bullish? Chicken market

CEO Larry Young stated that his company would offer a free X to everyone in America through an online coupon download from the company website if Y was released in 2008 X Dr. Pepper Y Chinese Democracy by Guns N Roses

Hold everything is a tagline of Apple Ipod Classic

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