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CandldaLe name: Lll Llpmen

1. Whv are vou runnlna for offlce?
l am runnlna Lo be Lhe nexL resldenL of Lhe alms nelahborhood Councll because l wanL a
cleaner, safer, areener, and frlendller alms for mv 9-monLh old dauahLer, and for Lhe whole
communlLv. l have Lhe experlence wlLh Lhe nelahborhood Councll, Lhe relaLlonshlps ln Lhe
communlLv and aL ClLv Pall, and Lhe ablllLv Lo aeL Lhlnas done. 1o learn more abouL whv l am
passlonaLe abouL alms and wanL Lo be Lhe nC resldenL, waLch mv vldeo aL

2. WhaL ls Lhe mosL presslna lssue faclna alms and how wlll vou deal wlLh lL? WhaL ls Lhe mosL
presslna need faclna MoLor and how would vou deal wlLh lL.
CommunlLv enaaaemenL ls Lhe mosL presslna lssue faclna alms. Cver Lhe pasL Lwo vears as a
member of Lhe alms nelahborhood Councll l have creaLed and led numerous ouLreach
pro[ecLs Lo enaaae Lhe communlLv - from Lhe alms Mural 8eauLlflcaLlon ro[ecL Lo our
monLhlv clean ups. l plan Lo conLlnue Lhese pro[ecLs aL Lhe nexL resldenL of alms nC and
expand on Lhem wlLh addlLlonal ouLreach and volunLeer pro[ecLs, whlle worklna wlLh aroups
llke MAlA Lo supporL pro[ecLs llke Lhe larmers' MarkeL.
1he mosL presslna lssues faclna MoLor Avenue are Lhe allevs behlnd MoLor and sLreeL safeLv. l
wlll supporL vour efforLs Lo repave Lhe allevs elLher bv prlvaLe developers or Lhe ClLv, and l wlll
work Lo chanae Lhe Lrafflc paLLerns aL venlce and naLlonal 8lvds. l pushed for chanaes Lo Lhe
slanals aL venlce 8lvd and MoLor Avenue afLer communlLv members llke Candace 8ancler aL
alms Cvcle showed me plcLures of Lhe horrlble accldenLs aL Lhls corner. Cur advocacv efforLs
resulLed ln Lhls pro[ecL belna slaLed Lo occur ln 2013 and l conLlnue Lo keep lL on our
Councllmember's prlorlLles. l also belleve LhaL Lhe slanal musL be chanaed aL MoLor Ave and
naLlonal 8lvd because Lhe buslnesses norLh of naLlonal are belna adverselv lmpacLed and Lhls
hurLs our communlLv.

3. WhaL are Lhree Lo flve speclflc Lasks (e.a. speclflc lealslaLlon, pollcles, enforcemenL acLlons)
vou lnLend Lo accompllsh lf vou are elecLed?
As resldenL, l wlll prlorlLlze:
- Safe and clean sLreeLs, allevs, and sldewalks
- Allev re-pavemenL, fllllna poLholes, bulldlna blcvcle lanes, Lrlmmlna Lrees, and arafflLl
- 8eauLlflcaLlon pro[ecLs aL Woodblne ark, alms Mlddle Schools, & Lxpo Llne SLaLlon
- CommunlLv empowermenL & enaaaemenL Lhrouah volunLeerlsm, collaboraLlon wlLh
communlLv oraanlzaLlons, smarL developmenL, and llsLenlna Lo Lhe communlLv's needs
- Cverland Avenue and MoLor Avenue as more buslness- and pedesLrlan-frlendlv sLreeLs

4. WhaL ls vour professlon or currenL place of emplovmenL? uo vou have Llme for Lhls poslLlon?
l am a manaaer aL an lnLernaLlonal nonproflL - A!C - wlLh an offlce nearbv. l currenLlv serve as
SecreLarv of Lhe alms nelahborhood Councll, whlch ls a verv demandlna poslLlon, so l expecL
Lo have Lhe Llme for Lhls poslLlon as l have alreadv made Lhe commlLmenL.


6. uld vou supporL Lhe creaLlon of Lhe nC? WhaL do vou expecL Lhe Councll Lo accompllsh?
l supporL Lhe nelahborhood Councll svsLem and belleve Lhe nC can plav an lmporLanL role ln
Lhe communlLv Lo enaaae and empower lLs sLakeholders. l recoanlze Lhe llmlLaLlons of Lhe role
and undersLand Lhe lmporLance of worklna collaboraLlvelv wlLh Lhe oLher nC members,
communlLv aroups, ClLv offlclals, and Lhe ClLv bureaucracv. l have a Lrack record of aeLLlna
Lhlnas done from fundlna for cruclal proarams ln Lhe nelahborhood llke Lree Lrlmmlna and
waLerlna on MoLor Avenue Lo Lhe lmporLance of brandlna Lhe communlLv Lo lncrease economlc
developmenL and smarL arowLh. l have seen where Lhe Councll can be mosL effecLlve ln lLs work
and wlll flnd wavs Lo expand on our mlsslon.

7. lease descrlbe alms and speclflcallv MoLor Ave. WhaL would vou do Lo lmprove lL?
alms ls a dvnamlc, dlverse, dlsLlncL, and hlsLorlc communlLv. MoLor Avenue ls lLs hlsLorlc and
currenL buslness core. l am passlonaLe abouL alms because we have such areaL resLauranLs,
buslnesses, resldenLs, and communlLv members. l creaLed Lhe alms mural pro[ecL Lo celebraLe
and dlsplav our dlverslLv and hlsLorv Lo aLLracL new resldenLs, buslnesses, and cusLomers Lo Lhe
nelahborhood. And l supporLed Lhe Lree waLerlna and Lrlmmlna efforL because l knew lL was
lmpacLlna buslnesses and needed Lo aeL done. l wanL Lo parLner wlLh MAlA Lo lmprove our
communlLv, and as resldenL, l would expand exlsLlna nC evenLs llke Lhe alms 8lke 8odeo,
nelahborhood clean ups, and Summer 88C Lo enaaae new people, buL also spearhead new
evenLs llke a 1asLe of alms" where we would hlahllahL Lhe cullnarv aems ln Lhe communlLv Lo
draw new people lnLo Lhe communlLv.

8. WhaL sLeps would vou Lake Lo lncrease Lhe susLalnablllLv of alms? uo vou Lhlnk Lhere are
envlronmenLal lssues?
AbsoluLelv. As a currenL board member, l have brouahL a number of susLalnablllLv lssues Lo Lhe
8oard. As a resulL, we have passed moLlons supporLlna Lhe clLvwlde plasLlc baas ban, a ban on
polvsLvrene (SLvrofoam), Lhe Amerlca lasL lorward plan for publlc LranslL ln LA, Lhe 8eower LA
campalan (enerav efflclencv measures aL LAuW), and roposlLlon 37 (CMC labellna). Cur
advocacv and supporL for Lhese cruclal lssues has helped manv of Lhese campalans
Lremendouslv and alms nC has been recoanlzed around Lhe clLv for lLs efforLs Lo supporL Lhese
susLalnablllLv efforLs. ln Lhe fuLure, we need Lo work wlLh buslnesses Lo lmplemenL Lhe clLvwlde
plasLlc baas and polvureLhane ban so lL doesn'L hurL Lhelr buslness (lL could acLuallv save
monev). l also Lhlnk LhaL wlLh Lhe consLrucLlon of Lhe Lxpo Llne, we need Lo supporL LranslL
orlenLed developmenLs, more blcvcle parklna, and more pedesLrlan amenlLles Lo encouraae
people Lo walk, blke and rlde, raLher Lhan drlve, when shopplna locallv or Lravellna somewhere
else ln Lhe ClLv. llnallv, l supporL Lhe creaLlon of a nC SusLalnablllLv CommlLLee and would
appolnL an acLlve chalr Lo lead Lhls work.

9. WhaL sLeps would vou Lake Lo lncrease publlc parLlclpaLlon ln alms!"
ubllc parLlclpaLlon has aone up durlna mv Lenure as SecreLarv on Lhe nelahborhood Councll.
When l sLarLed, l worked wlLh oLher members of Lhe 8oard Lo compleLelv redeslan Lhe webslLe,
emall newsleLLer, and launched a lacebook paae. 1hese Lools have lncreased our recoanlLlon
and publlc parLlclpaLlon ln Lhe communlLv. Powever, Lhere ls sLlll much work Lo be done, as
manv people have no ldea whaL Lhe nC does or who we are, and as Lhe nexL resldenL of alms,
l plan Lo focus on publlc parLlclpaLlon.
1here ls a mvLh LhaL we cannoL enaaae manv people ln alms because Lhev llve ln aparLmenL
bulldlnas. As resldenL, l promlse Lo meeL wlLh Lhe Lhree ma[or renLal companles ln Lhe
nelahborhood Lo see lf we can provlde resources and maLerlals on communlLv lnvolvemenL. l
also wanL Lo lncrease publlc parLlclpaLlon bv aeLLlna ouL Lhe word on our currenL proarams,
when we do a nelahborhood clean up, we should alerL sLakeholders on Lhe sLreeL we plan Lo
clean Lo lncrease parLlclpaLlon. We also need Lo enaaae sLakeholders aL places where Lhev
aaLher, such as Lhe MoLor Avenue larmers' MarkeL, Lhe buslnesses on MoLor Ave aL naLlonal,
and falLh lnsLlLuLlons. As resldenL, l plan Lo have a reaular presence aL Lhe larmers' MarkeL,
provlde more evenL flvers and deLalls Lo local buslnesses, and enaaae wlLh falLh leaders Lo
dlsLrlbuLe lnformaLlon Lhrouah Lhelr neLworks. llnallv, l would seek Lo amend Lhe nC bvlaws
Lo lnclude a falLh-based poslLlon and sLudenL poslLlon who could ouLreach Lo our communlLles
of falLh and Lhe numerous sLudenLs (and Lhelr parenLs) ln alms - from elemenLarv school
Lhrouah colleae (uSC and uCLA boLh have sLudenL houslna ln alms).

10. lease descrlbe Lhe ark svsLem ln #$%&'. uoes ls need lmprovemenL? lf so, whaL would vou
do Lo make Lhose lmprovemenLs?
alms needs more, and beLLer, park space. llrsL, we need Lo modernlze Woodblne ark Lo be a
park for Lhe 21sL CenLurv. l sLarLed a relaLlonshlp wlLh Lhe LA arks loundaLlon Lhrouah lLs
Chalr, 8arrv Sanders, who ls also resldenL of Lhe arks & 8ecreaLlon Commlsslon. 8ased on Lhls
relaLlonshlp, Lhe arks loundaLlon applled for a aranL Lo alve Lhe park a facellfL. unforLunaLelv,
Lhe appllcaLlon was re[ecLed, however, l also recommended LhaL funds from Lhe 8oz Wvman
8ecreaLlon CenLer be donaLed Lo Lhe arks loundaLlon speclflcallv for usaae aL Woodblne ark.
We recenLlv heard LhaL Lhev aareed Lo donaLe $30,000 Lo Woodblne ark efforL and durlna mv
resldencv, l wanL Lo break around on Lhe Woodblne ark modernlzaLlon pro[ecL.
l am also worklna wlLh members of Lhe 8oard and alms Mlddle School Lo Lrv and open up Lhelr
quad for llmlLed use bv people ln Lhe communlLv. 1hls larae properLv ls a perfecL place Lo
provlde areen space Lo Lhe resldenLs who llve ln Lhe wesLern areas of alms and l hope Lo
neaoLlaLe an aareemenL wlLh Lhe school durlna mv resldencv.

11. WhaL sLeps would vou Lake Lo deal wlLh Lhe problem of non-parLlclpaLlon ln our
We have Lo address lssues of relevance Lo Lhe communlLv. As l speak wlLh voLers, l hear a
pleLhora of lssues LhaL concern Lhem - from allevs Lo arafflLl, from clean sLreeLs Lo parklna. We
need Lo address Lhese lssues and enaaae Lhe communlLv Lo help us solve Lhe challenaes we face
LoaeLher. l also Lhlnk LhaL a reaular presence aL Lhe larmers' MarkeL, addlLlonal 8oard members
focused on falLh lnsLlLuLlons and sLudenLs, and enaaaemenL Lhrouah Lhe properLv manaaemenL
companles can also decrease non-parLlclpaLlon.

12. uo vou supporL maklna alms more blcvcle frlendlv? lf so how?
AbsoluLelv. Mv wlfe and l are avld blkers and l have supporLed all efforLs Lo make alms more
blcvcle frlendlv. We have purchased all our blcvcles from alms Cvcle. l wlll conLlnue Lo supporL
Lhe consLrucLlon of blcvcle lanes ln alms and wlll work wlLh buslnesses Lo lnsLall blcvcle racks. l
would llke Lo lnsLall alm Lree shaped
racks on cerLaln sLreeLs Lo alve our communlLv a dlsLlncL characLer and l wanL Lo brlna Cvclavla,
Lhe communlLv cvcle evenL, Lhrouah Lhe alms nelahborhood.

13. WhaL measures would vou propose Lo make Lhe MoLor Avenue larmers MarkeL more
successful? uo vou supporL Lhe acLlvlLles of Lhe MoLor Ave AssoclaLlon? lf so whlch ones and
kudos Lo Lhe MoLor Ave AssoclaLlon for dolna an amazlna [ob of oraanlzlna and admlnlsLerlna
Lhe larmers' MarkeL. lL ls a fanLasLlc communlLv resource. lL has also been areaL Lo see Lhe lawn
slans LhrouahouL Lhe nelahborhood promoLlna Lhe markeL. 1he larmers' MarkeL needs Lo be
promoLed more aL Charnock LlemenLarv, alms LlemenLarv, alms Mlddle Schools, and La
Lvcee lrancals - lL should be ln Lhe reaular newsleLLer, added Lo Lhe announcemenLs bv Lhe
prlnclpal and MAlA should explore oLher wavs Lo make lL a school acLlvlLv such as lnvlLlna Lhe
school bands Lo perform aL Lhe markeL. Also, flvers should be dlsLrlbuLed Lo Lhe ma[or falLh
lnsLlLuLlons ln Lhe area LhaL have a bullL ln neLwork of acLlve communlLv members.

14. uo vou supporL mall ln elecLlon balloLs? Whv and whaL lf elecLed wlll vou do Lo supporL vour
?es. l am on Lhe record savlna LhaL lL was a mlsLake noL Lo have mall ln balloLs for Lhls elecLlon.
We need Lo enaaae as manv voLers as posslble, parLlcularlv afLer Lhe poor LurnouL ln our
prevlous elecLlon. Manv voLers were dlsenfranchlsed bv noL havlna mall ln balloLs - Lhe elderlv,
dlsabled, people who work on weekends, and oLhers. lf elecLed resldenL, l wlll supporL mall ln
balloLs aL Lhe nexL elecLlon and allocaLe more resources Lo elecLlon ouLreach. Cur elecLlon ls
lmporLanL and ls a baromeLer of Lhe healLh of Lhe nC, l Lhlnk we should lnvesL more ln our

13. Pow do vou feel Lhe nC currenLlv funcLlons? lf elecLed whaL would vou do dlfferenLlv?
1he currenL nC funcLlons well, buL lL could funcLlon much beLLer. lf elecLed resldenL, l would
focus on lncreased Lransparencv on Lhe 8oard wlLh aaenda lLems and noLlflcaLlon. l would hold
fewer speclal" or emeraencv" meeLlnas, parLlcularlv on lmporLanL Loplcs llke our budaeL and
Lhe elecLlons. l would appolnL an ad-hoc commlLLee Lo address Lhe budaeL and aeL addlLlonal
lnpuL and proposals from Lhe communlLv on our budaeL allocaLlons. l would also ensure LhaL a
SusLalnablllLv CommlLLee ls creaLed and used as an ouLreach opporLunlLv Lo envlronmenLal
leaders ln Lhe communlLv. l would also slL down wlLh each CommlLLee Chalr and make an
evaluaLlon of wheLher Lhev should conLlnue or anoLher person appolnLed Lo lead Lhe
CommlLLee. CurrenLlv, Lhe nC does noL Lake a sLrona enouah poslLlon on over-developmenL
and runawav developmenL ln Lhe nelahborhood and we need a 8oard LhaL keeps on Lop of Lhls
cruclal lssue.

16. WhaL do vou Lhlnk abouL Lhe sLaLe of LransporLaLlon ln alms? Cn MoLor Avenue?
1ransporLaLlon on MoLor Avenue ls one of our blaaesL challenaes. As l sald earller, l
spearheaded efforLs Lo aeL Lhe fundlna and approval Lo chanae Lhe llahLs aL venlce 8lvd and
MoLor Ave. l supporL efforLs bv MAlA and local buslnesses Lo remove Lhe 'no lefL Lurn'
resLrlcLlon on MoLor Avenue aL naLlonal 8lvd. l also belleve LhaL Lhe resLrlplna of MoLor Avenue
ls Lhe rlahL declslon for Lhe communlLv - lL lmproves safeLv on Lhe sLreeL bv creaLlna a
dedlcaLed lefL Lurn lane for problems areas llke 8eaenL, 1abor, and Lhe uS osL Cfflce, and lL
compleLes Lhe MoLor Avenue blcvcle lane Lo connecL Lhe Lwo sLudlos aL elLher end of MoLor.
Powever, Lhe currenL Llmlna aL MoLor Avenue aL naLlonal and Lhe addlLlonal Lrafflc from Lhe
Lwo new developmenLs on MoLor wlll cause addlLlonal Lrafflc Lo back up on MoLor Avenue. We
need Lo work LoaeLher Lo address Lhls lssue Lo flnd soluLlons LhaL beneflLs buslnesses,
commuLers, and resldenLs.
l also Lhlnk LhaL we need Lo look aL parklna and Lrafflc resLrlcLlons on Cverland, whlch currenLlv
creaLes challenaes for buslnesses, resldenLs, and pedesLrlans. AddlLlonallv, l commend Lhe
efforLs bv MAlA Lo address Lhe new Lxpo Llne sLaLlon ln alms and we need Lo conLlnue Lo work
LoaeLher Lo look aL how Lhls sLaLlon can become a hub for Lhe communlLv and noL onlv provlde
more opLlons for lLs resldenLs buL brlna new consumers Lo our local buslnesses.

17. Pow manv proarams have vou lnlLlaLed, developed and lmplemenLed ln alms? lease llsL.
(lease be as speclflc as posslble)
- 1he alms Mural 8eauLlflcaLlon pro[ecL wlLh Lhe supporL of Councll ulsLrlcL 10, Lhe alms nC
8oard members, and LA Commons. 1hls proaram hlred 2 local arLlsLs and a dozen apprenLlces
(sLudenLs), and enaaaed hundreds of communlLv members ln developmenL of arLwork and
palnLlna of Lhe murals - A mural arL openlna" aL Lhe Museum of !urasslc 1echnoloav, fosLerlna
a new parLnershlp wlLh Lhls communlLv aroup - 1he ClLv Club aL PamllLon Plah School - a
collaboraLlon beLween SC8C nC and alms nC Lo empower and oraanlze sLudenLs aL PamllLon
Plah School Lo alve back Lo Lhe communlLv Lhrouah volunLeerlsm - CreaLed of Lhe monLhlv
alms clean ups, over 20 have been held wlLh dozens of communlLv members. - lnlLlaLed Lhe
vearlv Summer 88C ln Woodblne ark, 3 have been held - Pelped oraanlze and moderaLe a
communlLv forum on nonvlolence wlLh communlLv, falLh, pollLlcal, and law enforcemenL

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