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M104 5pm Floorball-Isaac suggest that floorball pull out of CF. Appreciate what CF had done for floorball.

With or without CF, floorball can still go on. Floorball was started because CFers play floorball. Till now CF is just like advertising for floorball. It would benefit us more if floorball comes out of CF. non-believers find it awkward because majority CFers are excluded from fellowship/playing the game For now, there are not much solid reasons to be out of CF. We need to revisit and reflect our vision, missions and aims of floorball ministry Reasons to go out of CF: More resources and more opportunities Reasons to stay: More chances to reach out? Jansens post and Frisbee He is leading it alone. He doesnt see it as a CO (Christ Organization) thing. Really thought of bringing Frisbee into CF. its a ministry for him. His goal is to build up the life of his members Position: His heart is not into his post (Prayer and mission). His heart is at sports. Justin suggested that he finishes the race. He is much more effective outside the 4 walls Christmas Night PIC: Amanda Aim: Week 12: 6 Dec committee: Coordinator: Amanda Assistant: Kristine secretary: Carrisa Treasurer: Jeremy Tay PnW/performance: James/Trina Food: Lydia Ushers: Diane Logistics: Brandon Bakero GIG Media: Matthew Emcee: Going out: Andrea/Shirly Fund-raising week 11 coordinator: Andrea/Shirly RUNTAR: 24 Nov week 10 Saturday A not too big, not too small event suggestion: TAR colleges CFs from all over the nation will run together wearing I Love TARC T-shirts AOB: interview forms slides interview will be conducted in week 7 have to hand in interview form by week 6 Must not force members to share. Insert pics on slide Ended 7.08

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