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Society Day Checklist:

Event Coordinator (KEENAN KON) 1. Oversee every department 2. Find man-power 3. Call for meeting Asst. Event Coordinator (GALILEE KUAN) 1. Assist event coordinator 2. Help oversee every department 3. Arrange meeting time, inform everyone for meeting Secretary ( KEENAN KON ) 1. Take minutes in every meeting 2. Prepare all the agenda or minutes for the meeting(s). 3. Be the time keeper for every meeting Treasurer ( GALILEE KUAN ) 1. Prepare a budget list for the event 2. Prepare the financial report and closing account 3. Collect receipts for the claim Board Decoration Coordinator (DIANE LO) 1. Take care of all the stuff on the stage (props & equipment) 2. Find equipment and stationaries for board deco 3. Decoration for the board 4. Find own crew 5. Do all the printing stuff, and be ready before the 23rd

Newsletter Designer (KEENAN KON) 1. Design for the theme, find articles 2. In charge of Facebook group or blog update for this event Ground Coordinator ( JANSEN YEOH ) 1. Find own team (can get some man power from CF or Christian House) 2. Take care and be responsible for everything on the ground (chair, table, etc.) 3. Need to transport all the equipment, need man power to move everything 4. Transport (if necessary)

Head Usher ( AMANDA SOO) 1. Find own team of ushers (10-15) 2. Prepare schedule for 2 shifts

3. Able to answer questions regarding CF and its activities 3. Be friendly and smile

Door Gift Coordinator (SHIRLY BONG) 1. Find own team of bookmark makers 2. Pray and find 10 bible verses (verses that may link to freshmens new life and freedom) 3. Prepare 100-150 of bookmarks

Performance Coordinator (DANIEL TONG) 1. Think of a performance that is relevant to theme (5 mins long) 2. Find own team

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