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Open Space For a Better Understanding of the Method

December 7, 2012, St. Paul, MN USA

Diane Gibeault
OST international trainer

Open Space Technology (OST) is a simple but

powerful way of exercising leadership and working together on a daily basis. This dynamic process for small or large group meetings, of 5 to 2000, leads to the emergence of collective intelligence, creativity, collaboration, enthusiasm, and exceptional results. This workshop is for those who have experienced an Open Space event. Come learn How to better plan an OS event in situations of challenge or not, in varied settings and conditions. Basic steps on preparing the sponsor and helpful hints for a successful event. A different, simple and holistic way of determining priorities during OS. How to find partners who will assist you when you organize or facilitate future OS events. Diane Gibeault is an internationally recognized trainer and author in Open space Technology. She trained with Harrison Owen, OST founder and for over 15 years has facilitated many OST training workshops and events, in North and South America and in Europe, creating conditions that foster a climate in which everyone has a sense of well being and fully contributes. Join other keen Open Space people like you Location: Minnesota Humanities Center, 987 Ivy Ave. East, St. Paul, MN Date/Time: December 7, 2012, 9:00 to 5:00 Cost: $60.00 To register: Email the Meadowlark Institute:

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