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The Eighth Big Lie: Britain was broken

This lie was necessary to justify the neo-feudalist project. There's always things you can tinker with, for sure, but if there were critical design flaws in society, they were associated with over-reliance on market forces. Cameron's solution is an intensification of what caused the problem. He's scampering round chuckng fireworks at random into an out-of-control bonfire. The last thing we need right now is an unaccountable political elite conducting an ideological putsch, tearing down social institutions that have taken generations to build, reinforcing the destructive and divisive, and wondering why we're faffing around in aimless stagnation. Neither the public nor the private sector is sufficient in itself. Those societies which flourish do so through a rational mixture of private, public and civil enterprise, undertaken in a culture of trust. All the data show the NHS was good, and getting better. Not broken. Education is perhaps a more difficult call, and some significant reform may well have been indicated; but, if you're lost in fog on Exmoor, you either calm down and listen, or you lead everyone over a cliff. You don't just listen to your inner voice of ill-informed uncertainty; but it's strange how often ignorance and arrogance go together.

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