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The Tenth Big Lie: There is no box / there is a conspiracy

Journalists stand very low in the public trust rankings. There's some very good economic journalists, but many more who have the critical awareness of mud. In this section, I have a go at two Financial Times journalists because I've learned a lot by reading them both. Nevertheless, I think they have to share in the responsibility for the complacency that led to the crash; mostly, misplaced faith in the market. Most of the distortion is systemic rather than personal. Editors hire journalists who tell proprietors what they want to hear. Doors open for those who are, as Sir Humphrey might murmur, sound. No doubt many journalists are self-absorbed hacks, but others are not. Either way, if journalism is to be considered a profession, the judgment of its achievements must be the literacy of the electorate; and if that was satisfactory, how would the politicians get away with the rancid goulash of disjointed dogma that they persist in dishing up?

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