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First Semester 2012 Mrs.

Clearys Tiger Stars Lake Asbury Junior High School, 7-C Science Week 13 November 5, 2012 Essential Questions: What are the benefits of applying scientific inquiry and the scientific method to conduct an actual scientific investigation? Objectives: Students will apply the principles of scientific inquiry and the use of the scientific method to a question they will develop regarding heat transfer. Schedule subject to change! Day Monday Homework Lessons

Complete two document Academic - Class 1 and 2 Third document analysis on analysis on chosen Science electromagnetic radiation infrared rays. Fair subject.

Class 5 and 6 discussion of Science Fair heat transfer subject possibilities. Advanced - Procedural plan worksheets review and county form completion/review. Tuesday
Academic classes Academic Brainstorming purpose of investigation, what Document Analysis #4 and one wants to investigate. #5.

Advanced Peer editing of science fair research paper Procedural Plan graded and given back. Wednesday
Draft of Research paper additions to be made Thursday and Friday.

Academic Research paper outline/ guided plan overview. Hypothesis and experimental plan to test the hypothesis explored. Advanced Write revised procedural plan in log book. Peer editing return and discussion. Final paper with corrections/changes due 11/14/2012


Science Computer lab #8063

Academic Document analysis and research paper typing. Advanced Re-type and revision of background research and forms.


Science Computer lab - Academic Document analysis and research paper typing. #8063 1st draft due Monday peer review/editing. Advanced - Re-type and revision of background research and forms.

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