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November Newsletter

November looks to be a busy month so lets get right into it! As always if you have any comments or concerns please contact us. We look forward to meeting with all of you in just a few weeks time. Reminders: Progress reports will be going home on the 14th of November. Student led conferences will be held Thursday evening and Friday morning. If you have not returned your preference for your interview time, please do so as soon as possible. The weather is becoming quite chilly, especially in the morning. Please send your child with appropriate clothing for recess and outdoor gym class. Please continue to complete the homework each week, and return it SIGNED to school no later than Monday.

November Learning Goals:

Our home reading program is in full swing! Please review the information provided in the reading bag and take the time to listen to your child read as often as possible. We will continue to review parts of speech; nouns, verbs and adjectives. We will focus especially on adjectives and practice how to use in descriptive writing. Now that we hopefully have a handle on avoir and tre we will be moving on to the verb aller (to go) and the family of verbs ending in er.

We are exploring patterns in various forms. We will be able to identify and describe pattern attributes, such as size, colour, shape, position, number, thickness and texture, and be able to create and extend patterns using these attributes.

We will also be looking at measurement this month. Help your child by talking about the weather every day! What temperature is it? Also, discuss the differences between centimeters, meters and kilometers. What unit would you use to measure the things around you?

We will be finishing up our unit on plants and moving into soils two very connected areas of study!

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