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Foundation: Color Strategy Paintings

All artists set limits in order to explore certain possibilities. With hundreds of possible
paint pigments from which an almost infinite number of colors could be created, artists
often limit the number of original colors they work with. In this way they are able to
guarantee a sense of unity in their work. The will though explore the possible color
variations they can create with that limited starting point.

In order to explore this idea of specific color strategies or limited palettes you are to
produce three small pattern paintings exploring the possibilities of each of the following
three very limited color palettes.

Mono-chromatic Color: The use of a single pure hue (pure unmixed pigment color) and
variations made by adding white (tints), black (shades) or bits of its compliment (semi-

Analogous Color: Related colors, whose relationship is based on a single shared primary
color. Analogous colors are a series of colors adjacent on the color wheel. A composition of
analogous often creates a pleasing, harmonious relationship.

Complementary Color: Colors that are opposite on the color wheel. Usually the contrast of
a primary against the combination of the other two primaries. When mixed,
complementary colors neutralize each other. When placed next to each other the intensify
each other creating a jarring relationship.

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