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What I believe about disability: WE CAN DO IT! I was not born disabled.

I became physically disabled ten years ago. My first fe eling was that of abandonment. I felt useless, thinking that people has rejected and ran away from me. I thought of committing suicide, but I kept on living I blam ed people and became offensive for no reason. Ten years later, with experience o f meeting people of different disabilities and from different countries I can as sume that number of disabled people feel and have the same tendencies that I had . We think the world and its people are unjust. We complain about everything. We think accessibility is a problem made by human kind against us. We think people are not interested of promoting our rights. I believe in this truth: Human been makes and invents what he believes to be nec essarily used by himself and his own. He doesn t make it for you and me directly. He does not make it for disabled people! He may even not be aware of our realities . This is what I was ten years ago! So, inaccessibility and abject poverty is no t against us. They may just be about us as it s our responsibility to take responsib ility and become the change we want to see in the world. We belong to a universe in mutation and all of us believe in evolution. The weak nesses of people defined what they needed for themselves and then a lot came to be accomplished by men to better the world. We called it Development or Evolutio n of mankind. People did not wait someone else to take responsibility to do what they thought was better for them. Nothing has ever been easy to bring the world to what it is! We can also do this as disabled people. We can break all the social barriers. We can lie down and build ramps for our accessibility. We can develop our world an d even save the energies of able people. A lot can be achieved in a wheelchair! Isn t that people made what they believed to be good at a time? If accessibility, po verty alleviation and our integration are imperatives by our time then we (peopl e in need) must engage and work hard to make it a reality. Complaining has never solved a problem. Only action will do. And, WE CAN DO IT NOW!

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