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Literacy Methods Term III Lesson Plan Grade: 1st School: Blankenburg Elementary Scheduled Lesson Date: Wednesday,

November 14 Number of Students: 6 Lesson Plan

Frances Brandt 11/5/12

Goals/Objectives 1.) SWBAT identify instances of cause and effect in Strega Nona 2.) SWBAT generate one instance of cause and effect in his/her own life 3.) SWBAT engage in dialogue with a partner about cause and effect during turn-and-talk Standards (and Assessment Anchors, if applicable) 1.) CC.1.3.1.B Ask and answer questions about key details in a text. 2.) CC.1.3.1.C Describe characters, settings, and major events in a story, using key details. 3.) CC.1.3.1.G Use illustrations and details in a story to describe characters, setting, or events. Materials and Preparation Materials Turn and Talk Anchor Chart (Ive already made and introduced this to the class) Turn-and-Talk bell Cause and Effect chart with marker Whiteboard and dry erase marker Behavior stars and tape Book, Strega Nona Post-it notes Index cards Preparation 1.) Put tape on the back of the behavior stars 2.) Put post-it notes in appropriate places in book 3.) Prepare cause and effect chart 4.) Place all materials next to rolling whiteboard so that they are within reach 5.) Write students names on index cards and place in appropriate place on table Classroom arrangement and management issues Arrangement This lesson will take place in an empty classroom/resource room next to our classroom. I will have the students sit at a rectangular table. Three students will sit on one long side, one at each end, and one on the other long side next to me. These seats will be assigned, so I will put little nametags on the table where I want them to sit. I will bring the magnetic whiteboard from the classroom (it has wheels) and place it next to me at the table.

Management issues I am concerned about potential behavior problems for a number of reasons, all of which center around the idea that a lot of things will be new and outside of their routine. First, not all of the students have worked with me in a pull-out situation. Second, students are not used to working in small groups. Most of the time they spend in school they is either teacher-led or individual. The students, therefore, are not used to group discourse. Turn-and-talk, particularly, is not something that they have a ton of practice with. Finally, the story is somewhat long, and so they will be asked to sit in their seats for quite some time. I am going to need to explicitly teach them the norms both before I start the lesson and throughout (see lesson plan below). One thing I will to do try to prevent behavior issues from arising is to give the group a goal: to earn 5 stars together by the end of the lesson (also, see lesson plan below). Furthermore, as was mentioned before, I have tried to insert a variety of ways for students to interact with the text in the hopes that this will make them buy-in enough to want to sit and listen. Body of the Lesson (45 minutes) *Formatting modeled from Childrens Literacy Initiative (CLI) Intentional Read Aloud (IRA) template Italics=spoken words; what Im saying I. Vocabulary (3 minutesjust for expensive word) Expensive Word: Overflow Definition: To be so full, it flows out of the container. Example: At lunchtime, the trash can was so full of food, milk cartons, and dirty napkins, that the trash overflowed onto the floor. If I had a water bottle, and I kept pouring and pouring more and more water, what would happen? When you see or hear the word overflow, give me a thumbs up, like this Defining in context (while reading the story): Convent (pg 1)- place where nuns and priests, who are religious people, live Potion (pg 2)-a magical drink Valuable (pg 4)- something that you think is very special/ worth a lot of money *Strega Nona does not want Anthony to touch her pasta pot because it is very valuable. Barricade- something that blocks your path (most of the time, something thats blocking the road) II. Before Reading: How will I activate prior knowledge? (5 minutes) First graders, today we are going to be doing some fun activities together to help us understand how to group and organize numbers. I am so excited to work with you all. Before we

Comment [u1]: ??

start, I want to tell you about something special I like to do when I am working with students. When I see excellent behavior during lessons, I like to give out stars. [Holds up one star to show students]. Now, here is what I mean by excellent behavior: listening silently, keeping hands/feet/objects to oneself, and raising hands. [Model what each of these things looks like as describing them.] Whenever I see the entire group showing excellent behavior, I will award the group a star. Who thinks that this group will get 3 stars? Does anyone think youll get more than 3 stars? [Come up with plan to get 5 stars. Stars will be placed on the white board inside of a five frame!] Today we are going to learn about cause and effect. Remember, the cause is the reason that something happened, or why it happened. The effect is what happened because of the cause. Yesterday, we read Boots for Beth __________ and we discussed that when ____________ happenedBeths boots didnt fit, she felt sad. For Beth the effect was that she felt sad, and the cause was that her boots didnt fit. Can anyone else remember a different cause and effect from Boots for Beth?, then _____________. For _______ the effect was ______ , and the cause was _____. [We will add this part in after our class has read 1 or 2 books focusing on cause and effect, which will take place earlier in the week.] Im going to tell you about a cause and effect story that happened in my own life. I was really hungry by the time that I got home from school yesterday so I called the pizza place near my house and ordered a big pizza! After I ate 3 slices, I was feeling really full. The cause was that I was hungry, and the effect was that I ate 3 pieces of pizza! So why is it important for us to find cause and effect? Well, cause and effect helps us understand why things happened. So good readers use cause and effect to understand the story better. Today we are going to read a book called Strega Nona by Tomie dePaola. As we are reading, it is going to be our job to find places where we see cause and effect. We are going to be doing a turn and talk, so make sure to pay attention to when I ring my bell! [Match pairs up.] III. During Reading (25 min.) Engaging Students: Thumbs up signal for expensive words Turn-and-Talk Dialogue through questions (see post-its in book) Shared Writing--Chart Comprehension: What questions/parts of the text will I pcause and discuss with children? *See Post-It notes in book 1.) I DO: Model finding instance of cause and effect (p. 6 and 7)

Comment [u2]: If this is a concern because it is not a set behavioral expectation, you may want to model this for studentsor have a student model what this looks like.

Comment [u3]: If the students have had limited experience in reading for cause and effect, in addition to reiterating previous days examples you may want to review the terminology. What is a cause? What is an effect? Comment [u4]: There is another cause and effect imbedded in this example related to you feeling really full. You could assess students understanding of cause and effect based on this second example before delving into the story.

Comment [u5]: ??

First, check for comprehension: So, how did Strega Nona make the pasta stop cooking? [Students will likely say that she sang a song. If they fail to mention the kisses, follow up with another question.] She did sing the song, and she also did something else. Did any of you notice what else she did, after she sang the song? [Pause. Use wait time if necessary.] Now, connect to cause and effect: Now, I think Im noticing a cause and an effect. You all just told me that when Strega Nona sang her song and blew three kisses, the pot stopped cooking pasta. The cause, then, was that Strega Nona sang her song and blew three kisses. The effect was that the pot stopped cooking pasta. To make sure that I remember what the cause and effect are, Im going to write it down. So Im going to use this chart that I made to keep track. On this side I will write the cause. [Write: Song and 3 kisses]. On this side I will write the effect. [Write: Pasta stops]. Now, before we keep reading, I want you to look closely at this illustration because illustrations help us understand what the author is writing in the text. Where is Big Anthony when Strega Nona is singing her song? [Point to top illustration, where Big Anthony is peeking in window.] And where is Big Anthony when Strega Nona blows the three kisses? [Point to bottom illustration and illustrations on next page.] So does Big Anthony see Strega Nona blow the three kisses? 2.) Subtly highlight Big Anthonys disobedience (p.9) Facial expression, body language, point to thought bubble with pasta pot. No conversation/discussion, just emphasizing. 3.) WE DO: Turn-and-talk to highlight second instance of cause-and-effect (p.14) *Note: On this page, do not show the illustration as you are reading, wait until after the turn-andtalk. First, check for comprehension: So, Big Anthony sang the song, but what did he forget to do? Now, turn-and-talk: Thats right, he forgot to blow three kisses. Now its time for the turn-and-talk. When I ring the bell, turn to your partner and make a prediction. Because Big Anthony forgot to blow those three kisses, what do you think is going to happen next? [Talk for about 1 minute.] Choose two or three students to share their partners predictions. Follow-up questions: Im hearing you say that you predict that the pot will overflow. Why do you think that this is going to happen? Lets see what happens! Read on to page 15, stop after reading page 15.

Were our predictions correct?! Yes, it was, you guys are getting so good at making predictions. Im wondering if this might be an example of cause and effect. Help me figure this out! The cause is that Big Anthony forgot to blow three kisses. Im going to add this to our chart. [Write: Does not blow kisses.] What was the effect? What happened after Big Anthony forgot to blow those three kisses? Im looking for a quiet hand. [Write: Pasta overflows.] If still having trouble, ask What does effect mean again? Effect is what happens because of the cause. So the cause is that Big Anthony forgot to blow three kisseswhat happens because of this? Check for thumbs-up for expensive word! 4.) YOU DO: Have students generate third instance of cause and effect (last 3 pages). Hmm, Strega Nona says, The punishment must fit the crime. Im wondering what she means by that? I think Im going to keep reading to see if I can figure it out. Im also going to use the pictures to help me understand what Strega Nona means. Read through the end of the story. Keep book open to illustration on last page. Ok, so what was Big Anthonys punishment? [Students respond.] Right, Strega Nona punished Big Anthony because he did not listen. She made him eat all the pasta because she told him not to touch her valuable pasta pot, but he did anyway. So, this is making me think about cause and effect. Think for a minute to yourself. What is the cause? [Use wait time. Wait for at least 4 students to raise their hands.] [If no hands go up, use questioning.] Think about why Big Anthony was punished. [Pause. See if anyone gets it now. If not] What is the cause? [Write students answer in chart: Did not listen.] Thats right, Big Anthony did not listen. Strega Nona told him not to touch the pot but he did anyway. What was the effect? Somebody tell me what Im going to write here [pointing to second side of chart]. [Students might say, He was punished. If they do, affirm this, write it in the chart as Punished, and add]: He was punished! He had to eat all that pasta! [Alternatively, students might say, He had to eat the pasta. If they do, affirm this, write it in the chart as Ate all the pasta, and add:] Yeah, he had to eat all the pasta that overflowed! That was his punishment!

III. After Reading (74 minutes) Today you guys did a great job thinking about cause and effect as we read Strega Nona. Together, we found 3 different times that there was cause and effect in the story [point to them on the chart as talking about them]: 1.) Strega Nona sang her song and blew three kisses so the pasta stopped cooking; 2.) Big Anthony forgot to blow the three kisses so the pasta overflowed; 3.) Big Anthony did not listen when Strega Nona told him not to touch the pot. Now, remember when I told you about my cause and effect story before we started reading? About being so hungry that I ate 3 pieces of pizza? I want you all to think for a few seconds about a cause and effect story from your life. [Each student shares up with a cause and effect story from their own life/something they can think of.] Assessment of the goals/objectives Informal assessment of both their understanding of cause and effect and their ability to engage in diaglogue with their partner during turn-and-talk will occur through teacher observation. The We Do and You Do sections of the lesson give students the responsibility of identifying cause and effect. I will listen in on their conversations during the turn-and-talk, and I will hear them describe their partners predictions about what the effect will be when they share out afterwards. I will ask very direct questions, such as What is the cause? and What is the effect? in order to assess whether students can make the connection between the events of the story and the concept and vocabulary involved in the cause and effect strategy. Informal assessment of their understanding of cause and effect will also occur through teacher observation and questioning at the end of the lesson when I ask students to come up with their own cause and effect story from their lives. Anticipating students responses and your possible responses I anticipate that some students might have trouble identifying the third instance of cause and effect (Big Anthony does not listen He was punished.] Out of the three instances of cause and effect, this is the most difficult because it is the least concrete. The fact that he did not listen is an abstract idea that is associated with the concrete fact that Big Anthony touches the pot. Similarly, the fact that he is punished is an abstract idea that is associated with the fact that he had to eat all of the pasta. I anticipate, therefore, that some students might verbalize this instance of cause and effect as Big Anthony touches the pot He has to eat all the pasta. If this is in fact the response that I hear, I will celebrate it because it nonetheless demonstrates an understanding of cause and effect. I anticipate that while some students may be able to predict what happens next during the turn-and-talk, they may not be able to identify that prediction as being the same thing as the effect. If this were the case, those students might have trouble answering the question, What was the effect? If this is the case, I will remind them of what the word effect means, and ask remind the student of the prediction that he/she just made.some guiding questions. I will vary the way I ask the question, using both what happened after ____? and what happened because

Comment [u6]: I am not sure this is a realistic time frame given that you will be reminding students of your intro story of self, then having them generate their own cause and effect stories and then sharing them out with the group.

Comment [u7]: Be careful. These may be slightly different things. A prediction is what will happen next in the story. An effect is what happens as a result of some other event. How do we get students to substantiate their predictions in preceding actions?

of ____? so that if students dont understand the way one question is phrased, perhaps the other questions wording will help. [See revisions in lesson plan above.] Accommodations For students who find the material too challenging Before we start the lesson I will be assigning seats in such a way that when it is time for the turn-and-talk the children who I anticipate may have some trouble identifying cause and effect will be paired with students who I anticipate will be able to do so. I will continue to rephrase my question in different ways for students who may not understand it the way I ask it at first. I will also go back and remind them of the instances of cause and effect that we have already identified, pointing to the chart and to the movement of the arrow from cause to effect as I highlight that the effect happens as a result of the cause. At the end of the lesson, when students share their own stories of cause and effect, I will not call on these students firsthelp them break down their stories into the most basic parts and ask them to label those parts as either cause and effect. In other words, I will help them organize their thinking before asking them to use the terminology of cause and effect. Rather, I will wait until they have heard some of their peers examples. For students who may need greater challenge and/or finish early At the end of the lesson, I will make sure to call on these students first to share out their own stories of cause and effect. After they have shared, I will ask them to think of one more story and to tell me at the end of the lesson.

Comment [u8]: How will facilitate these students understandings? It sounds like the cognitive demand will be on the more proficient students. How do we share this load? What scaffolds will you provide to facilitate their thinking?

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