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The Bastion of Twilight

This raid contains 4 bosses which is located in The Twilight Highlands.

Halfus Wyrmbreaker
This raid in regular mode, there will be three of five dragon available for release to fight while fighting the boss. Every time a dragon is released, the boss is given certain abilities along with their own ability. Upon the death of each dragon, the boss is given a debuff that increases damage taken by 100%. This debuff will stack with every dragon killed. Dragons and Abilities Nether Scion upon release, impales Halfus to reduce his chance to hit, reduces attack speed and damage by 25%. When this drake is awakened, Halfus is given Frenzied Assault, reducing his attack speed by 100%. Orphaned Emerald Whelps upon release, each whelp will poison Halfus, reducing damage done by 750, stacking up to 8 times. Enslaved whelps allows Halfus to use Photo-Behemoth, raining fire on nearby players. Slate Dragon upon release, gives Halfus a paralysis debuff the periodically immobilizes him for 12 seconds. When this drake awakens, Halfus uses Malevolent Strikes, wounding the tank to reduce healing taken by 6%. This debuff stacks. Storm Rider upon release, encases Halfus into a cyclone, slowing his casting by 500%. When this drake awakens, Halfus uses Shadow Nova, knocking back the entire party while inflicting 24k shadow damage. Time Warden upon release, warps the flow of time around Halfus, reducing velocity of fireballs. When Halfas reaches 50% health, he will periodically use Furious Roar, doing 8k damage and knocks the party down for a 2 second stun.

Theralion and Valona

These two dragons will be summoned at the same time. One will always be on the ground wile the other is in the air. All dps must stay on the dragon that is currently on the ground, as both drakes share the same health pool and both will fall once one dies. At the beginning of the fight, Theralion will always be the first one to take over the ground and Valona will attack by air. Theralion's Abilities Ground Assault Engulfing Magic will increase all spell and healing damage by 100% but each time the affected player heals or does spell damage, a twilight explosion is triggered, causing damage equal to the amount the affected player healed or damaged done, as a 10 yard AoE! Fabulous Flames A circular AoE doing 12k shadow damage every second for 12 seconds. MOVE OUT! Aerial Assault Twilight Blast Twilight flaming balls, doing 24k damage to all players within 8 yards. STAND BACK! Dazzling Destruction Upon landing, swirls are summoned to the ground, doing 15k damage to any party member within 12 yards. If you are struck by this, you will auto die! GET OUT! Valiona's Abilities Aerial Assault Twilight Meteorite She selects a random player and inflicts 120k damage! This damage can be spread out and shared between any players nearby. STAND TOGETHER BEHIND BOSS! Deep Breath Upon landing, blows a flame, engulfing 1/3 of the room. This ability does 15k damage and places the player into the twilight realm. I'M IN THE TWILIGHT ROOM! avoid the bubbles and click on the portal! Ground Assault Blackout

This ability surrounds a random player, absorbing the next 50k in heals they receive. Once this player receives this debuff, ALL players gather up behind the boss as when it ends, it will do 210k damage!! This damage can be shared with any nearby party members! IF YOU DO NOT GROUP UP, THAT PLAYER WILL DIE!

Devouring Flames This is a prolonged AoE doing 64k damage to a random player. To decrease the damage from this spell, the player can back up away from the boss, reducing damage taken the further back you go.

Ascent Council
This encounter has 3 stages, involving 5 bosses Feludius, Ignacious, Arion, Terrastra and an Elemental Monstrosity. At the beginning of the encounter, Feludius and Ignacious are summoned together as Arion and Terrastra watch from a balcony. Stage 1: Feludius and Ignacious Feludius Glaciate a burst of frost that has an increased damaging effect the further you are from him. If you are waterlogged, you will take extra damage. STAND CLOSE! Hydro Lance A water bolt that is randomly fired at a player for 90k! They need a little extra lovin! Water Bomb a multitude of water missiles, splashing for 10k damage to anyone within 6 yards of the splash! This effect causes waterlogged! If you become waterlogged, your movement speed is reduced by 25% Heart of Ice an icy chill that envelopes a random player's heart inflicting increasing frost damage every 2 second for but also acts as a 10 yard AoE, inflicting Frost Imbued on party members. Ranged, get beside the player inflicted with Heart of Ice for increased damage done to Ignacious for 30 seconds!

Ignacious Aegis of Flame A shield that absorbs 500k damage done to him. Once this shield is down, he will cast Rising Flames. Rising Flames Inflicts 15k fire damage to all party members every 2 seconds. With each pulse, his damage is increased 3% for 15 seconds. This stacks so BIG HEALZ on the tank!!! Inferno Rush He drops aggro and leaps at a random target, knocking them back 10 yards and inflicting 15k fire damage. Rushing back to the tank, he will leave a fire trail behind him that will do 10k damage every second. DO NOT STAND IN! Flame Torrent Flaming hands that inflict 40k damage every second for 3 seconds and within 18 yards! This is a frontal AoE, so get to max range and/or behind the boss! Burning Blood Boils a players blood, increasing fire damage every 2 seconds and casts Flame Imbued in a 10 yard radius. This player MUST move away from the party and attack Feludius for the duration of this debuff! Flame Imbued empowers a nearby player with fire energy for 30 seconds. Increases damage done to Feludius! Stage 2: Arion and Terrastra Arion Call winds A violent cyclone the will interrupt any player in it's path, tossing them into the air and inflicting Swirling Winds. Each cyclone summoned will last 50 seconds.

Swirling Winds A could that lifts you up for 2 minutes. To remove this, get hit by the Grounded effect. Thundershock A massive AoE doing 80k nature damage. The Grounded effect reduces the damage taken. Lightening Rod A player affected by this is the next to be struck by Chain Lightening. MOVE AWAY FROM PARTY! Chain Lightening Inflicts 14k damage to the main target and will travel from player to player within 15 yards of each other, increasing its damage each jump. SPREAD OUT! Disperse he will dissolve on the spot and reappear at a different location in the room to blast his main target with Lightening Blast, doing 120k damage! KEEP THE TANK UP! Terrastra Gravity Well A pocket of intense gravity, pulling all players within 7 yards, into the Grounded effect. This will inflict 3k damage periodically. Grounded Makes the player immobile for 2 minutes. This can be removed bu Swirling Winds. Hardened Skin Terrastra becomes solid as rock; Increasing damage done by 20% and absorbing 50% of all damage taken to a max of 500k for 30 seconds! IF you break the 500k barrier, all the damage that was absorbed, will be inflicted on him all at once! BEAT HIM IF HE'S HARD!!!! Quake A massive shockwave, inflicting 65k damage to everyone! This will remove Swirling Winds!

Eruption Summons spikes within 4 yards of him, dealing 25k damage and knocks the impaled player into the air! DO NOT STAND IN, MELEE!!! Stage 3: Elemental Monstrosity During this stage, the elemental will take the last 25% health from each boss, being empowered with a special ability from each other boss. Electric Instability Zaps a player for 5k damage and will chain to other players, increasing its damage done each jump. SPREAD OUT! Gravity Crush A gravity bubble, lifting and dropping a player for 6% damage every 0.5 for 6.5 seconds! BIG HEAL THEM!! 78% health inflicted in total!! Lava Seed A shower of flaming seeds, each exploding with a 4 yard radius, for 50k damage. Cryogenic Aura reduces damage taken by 25% and freezes the ground beneath him. This path of frost, for lack of a better term, does 10k damage per second. MELEE, GET OUT!

During this fight, each player will gain a debuff called Corrupted Blood. For each point of corruption gained on a player, they will receive 2% more damage in phase 2. This increased damage taken is inflicted when he casts Corruption of the Old God! HAHA, so during all the bosses abilities being done, you have to watch to make sure you receive as little of a stack from this buff as possible! The increased effects of this debuff are as follows: Corruption: Accelerated At 25% any corruption gained on this player will be increased. BURN ALL YOU GOT!!!

Corruption: Sickness At 50% the player becomes violently ill, vomiting 20k damage to any player within 5 yards of in front of them. IF struck, increased corruption gained! STAND SIDE BY SIDE! Corruption: Malformation At 75% a tentacle erupts from the players back that casts shadow bolts doing 25k shadow damage. Corruption: Absolute At 100% you will transform into a BANANA!!! During this, you CANNOT be healed but your damage inflicted in increased by 100% and all casts are instant! Stage 1: Chaos Comes! Conversion He mind controls random players and receives Twisted Devotion. THIS CAN BE INTERRUPTED! Twisted Devotion increases the damage he does by 10% per player mind controlled, for 15 seconds. Fury of Cho'gall Blasts current target for 20k shadow damage and 20k melee damage. This also increases shadow and melee damage taken by the target by 20% for 1 minute. (Taunt, take hit, take hit, pass, taunt, take hit, take hit, pass between MT and OT?!) Flame's Orders A fire elemental is summoned into his hammer, empowering it with Flaming Destruction. Flaming Destruction does 24k damage and creates a Burning blaze on the ground. Burning Blaze creates a 5 yard pool of lava inflicting 13k damage every second for 25 seconds! 325K damage total, IT WILL KILL YOU! Shadow Orders A shadow elemental is summoned into his hammer, empowering it with Empowered Shadows. Empowered Shadows is an AoE that does 20k damage to all party members.

Summon Corrupting Adherent Corrupting Adherent is summoned from a portal. Gaining of corruption is hastened. OFF TANK PULLS TO THE SIDE AND RANGED DPS! Depravity is done by them, causing 20k damage to all players within 20 yards, so keep MAX RANGE! Off tank will try and keep all the bodies together! Corrupting Crash is a random sequence of shadow missiles, which inflicts 36k damage to a single target. This increases corruption gained. Spilled Blood of the Old Gods is created from the dead bodies of the Corrupting Adherents. Cho'gall will cast Fester Blood, causing the bodies to fester into bile, doing 15k damage per second, on contact! RUN OUT! Fester Blood Causes all corpses of the Corrupting Adherents to ooze, causing Spilled Blood of the Old Gods. Still active Corrupting Adherents will be affect by Festering Blood. Festering blood is a spray that comes form the active Corrupting Adherents, causing 35k shadow damage every 2 seconds within a 20 yard range. This gains corruption! GET AWAY FROM THE BODIES!! Blood of the Old Gods is created from the spray of the Festering Blood, creating vile oozes that will target random players and attack. AoE THEM DOWN!!

Stage 2: Come, Infinite Night At 25 % health, Cho'gall calls fourth the full Powers of the Old Gods. Absorbing all the remaining adds and pools of bile and transforms. Fury of Cho'gall See details on page 7 Corruption of the Old Gods Fills the room with tendrils of shadowy corruption, inflicting 5k damage every 2 seconds to all players. This increases corruption. Darkened Creations tendrils erupt into inky clouds that channel a Debilitating Beam. Debilitating beam reduces the targets healing and damage by 75% and inflicts 6.5k damage every second for 10 seconds. 65K damage done total! If you have one targeted, you can interrupt them!

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