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Amanda Morse 9/25/12 Period 6 Weekly writing 2

It was 3:15 a.m. when the red eye to France crashed on a mysterious murky island. Everyone on the plane including me didnt know where we were. People were constantly looking at their maps but still nobody could tell where we were. Not even the pilot. This just seemed weird to me because every person on the plane had no idea how we had crashed either. No more fuel? A broken wing? Who knows but it was getting very spooky. We all decided to split up to go find shelter and food in the darkness of the night. I never agreed that this was a good idea in the first place but I decided to go with it. While I was walking, I kept on hearing little rustles in the leaves and cracking of sticks behind me. I let it slide the first few times. Then it started getting on my nerves so I decided to turn around. Nothing. A second time, nothing. Finally the third time something caught my eye but I couldnt tell what the dark figure was. I knew I had seen it before, but where? Was it something from a movie, no. A magazine, no. A book, YES! That was when I realized that I was standing face to face with a Homo erectus. This was amazing I thought. I decided to keep this one just to myself and not tell anybody. We stood face-to-face in the spooky jungle fog for a few seconds. Instantly he grabbed my hand and was dragging me on the cold, mysterious and rocky jungle floor. I mustve hit my head during it all because when I awoke I didnt remember

anything. I looked around and saw that I was surrounded by a giant circle of Homo erectus. It was like they thought that I was some other creature that they recognized. The one that I came face to face with must have been their leader because he started to grunt and make weird actions to the rest of the group members. Then I felt something drip onto my forehead, I looked up and saw all this moisture on the ceiling. EEWW. Where am I? I whispered. Then my memory started to come back to me. They must have thought that I was another Homo erectus invading their territory. So they brought me back to this cave that is their home. That is right when my right foot started to burn. I looked down into the darkness of the cave and saw that one of them had touched their fire to my foot and was trying to burn it. I got up and started to make a run for it. I guess they didnt like that idea because when I looked back there was a swarm of them running right at me making the weird grunting sounds. Ouch! I screamed, as I stepped on a sharp figure on the rocky floor of the cave. As one was right on my tail, I slipped and fell into a dark hole along with another Homo erectus. I had no idea where or what I had just fallen into. All I knew was that it smelled really bad. I started to look around the miniature hole to try and get a sense of where I was. Then I looked over and saw that the Homo erectus mustve gotten hurt. He could not get up. I think it was his left leg because once he got up his left leg was dragging behind him. I felt bad so I went over but he started moving away from me. I tried to comfort him by talking but then I remembered that he wasnt able to understand me. I turned my back and acted like I was walking the other way to trick

him. He didnt fall for it. I didnt know what to do. I was trapped in a little spooky hole with an injured homo erectus, how about that for unpredictable? After hours of thought, I finally realized what I was going to do about my absurd situation. The first step to my plan didnt exactly go the way I wanted it to so I decided to wing it. I started walking slowly over to the Homo erectus and this time he didnt move a muscle. He just stood there in silence watching me. I carefully gestured for the Homo erectus to follow me and he did. So we both carefully started walking to try to find a way out of the little hole. After we had been searching for hours, we finally found a miniscule little way out that I could see light through. I decided to go for it. I came to the conclusion that I was going to let the Homo erectus go first so that he wouldnt get stuck in the hole. While I was lifting him up he got distracted and he dropped his fire. Of course it hit my foot just like the first one did, and OUCH it really hurt. I was going to give him a second chance. I lifted him up and out he went. WHOO-HOO!! I cheered from in the hole. By the time that I got up and out (not to mention that it wasnt that easy) I looked around to see if he was there. I squinted through the thick humid jungle air but couldnt see anything. I was disappointed but I guess that it was okay. I would have done the same thing and raced back to see my family. I should probably go and find a flight to take me back home. While I was slowly walking away, I heard the little rustles again. I turned around and there he was. This time it was just him. No fire. No anything. He walked up to me, took my arm and gave me something. It was the torch that he had dropped onto my foot when we were trapped in the hole. I figured that he was

giving me something to remember him. Once he gave it to me, he turned around and ran into the jungle fog. The last thing I could see of him, was his silhouette in the distance. So I turned around, put the torch in my pocket and started happily walking away thinking about this experience and how I will never forget it.

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