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Chicken tights 800 g (1.76 lb.) Chicken wings 400 g (14.11 oz.) Potatoes (cubed) 400 g (14.11 oz.) Carrots (sliced) 300 g (10.58 oz.) Tomatoes (cubed) 600 g (1.32 lb.) (or tomato sauce) Onion (quartered) 1 PC. Garlic (minced) 50 g (1.76 oz.) Green bell pepper 120 g (4.23 oz.) Black pepper (ground) tsp. Chicken stock powder (optional) 1 tbsp. Green peas 100 g (3.53 oz.) Oyster sauce 3 tbsp. (add more if needed)

Directions: 1. In a large mixing bowl, season the chicken wings and legs with chicken stock powder and ginger powder. 2. After seasoning, heat the wok or non stick frying pan and brown the chicken until slightly golden brown. 3. Saut the onion, garlic, add tomatoes, oyster sauce and simmer until tomatoes are smashed. 4. Add the ground pepper, cover with lid and simmer until chicken is cooked. 5. Add the carrots and after five minutes add the potatoes. 6. Once vegetables are cooked, add the green bell pepper, green peas and simmer for two minutes.
Nilagang Baboy

NGREDIENTS: 2kg Pork (chopped) 700ml of water 2 tablespoon black pepper (whole) 1 onion (thinly sliced) 1 large size cabbage (chopped into 6 pieces) 3 small potatoes (chopped into 3 pieces each) 2 pieces ripe banana (chopped into 2 pieces each) Salt PROCEDURE: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. In a large pot, boil the pork until meat is tender. Add the pepper, salt, onion, and potatoes, let boil for 5 minutes. Add the cabbage, boil until cabbage and potatoes are cooked. Add the banana, cook for 5 minutes. And serve.

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