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Foundations of Flow Workshop

with Kristine Tom

Saturday January 26, 2-4:30pm $35 registered by January 12, $45 after or at the door

Space is limited, please register early.

To fully appreciate the physical, physiological, and psychological benefits of the practice it is necessary to understand the basic component of integrating breath and mindfulness in the asana practice i.e. throughout the poses. Sun salutations or Surya Namaskars are found in many styles of the yoga practice. But how does one flow in and out of the postures with a sense of ease, stability, grace and breath? This workshop will include a detailed discussion and practice of basic poses, foundations of breath, proper body alignment to prevent unnecessary strain/injury, and accessible tools for basic meditation and mindfulness. All levels welcome. This workshop is great for beginners to gain a foundation of poses and breath, as well as experienced practitioners wishing to deepen their knowledge.

1601 El Camino Real Suite 204 Belmont, CA 650.264.9655

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