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January 2013

Jesus, Take the Wheel!

Throw off your old sinful nature and your former way of lifeInstead, let the Spirit renew your thoughts and attitudes. Ephesians 4:22-23 Its the new yeara time to throw off the old sweet-eating, holiday-buffet-cheating of the last few months and join the crowds at the New Years resolution station. Have you made yours yet? Keeping those resolutions is as simple (or not so simple) as controlling our choices, and we have a lot of them to make every day. Some are easy, with small consequences, like which socks to wear. Others are more complex and can have larger consequences, like what we say and do. Making choices, in other words, is about self-control, which is defined as control of ones emotions, desires, or actions by ones own will. Controlled by ones own will. But what happens when that selfled control of our choices leads to out-of-control? When we find ourselves giving in to temptations that are not healthy, saying or doing things we know are wrong, or losing our cool much too easily? When our control starts to veer us off course, out-of-control takes over, and pretty soon we realize we are heading for a crash. Sliding sideways down a slippery slope is a logical time to call out: Jesus, take the wheel! But what if were driving through life on cruise control and dont even realize we have drifted off course? It may take a long time before we lose total control, and it may not be all our little choices that make it happen. It could be the biggest choice we have to makewhether to be in relationship with God. In other words, who we choose to put in the drivers seat of our lives every day, not just when the road gets rough. To work on making better choices this year, let Jesus take the wheel, and travel to resolution success!

The Salvation Army 310 N DeSpelder Grand Haven, Michigan

T H E W O R D Think About It

So I say, let the Holy Spirit guide your lives. Then you wont be doing what your sinful nature craves.But the Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Galatians 5:16, 22-23

January 2013 | Page 2

Whats Your Emotional Motion?

Developing self-control in our lives requires changes in thoughts and behaviors, and we generally react with emotional motion in response to those changes. Which gear are you driving in today? Forward Moving: Lets go! You are ready to hit the road. You assess your feelings and take personal responsibility to support changes for a positive outcome. Stuck in Neutral: I think Ill just stay here. You go along with change but have difficulty committing, so not much happens. Moving in Reverse: I want to go back to Egypt. Change is tough for you, and you may want to place blame (on yourself or others). You may even subtly sabotage efforts for change to support your belief that it just wont work. The good news is that no matter what direction your emotions want to take you, with Gods help you can move into forward again!

Asking for Directions

3-Minute Bible Study on Self-Control

If you made a resolution this year or you are joining the more than 30% of women vowing to eat healthier, try this 3-minute Bible study to help you stay on the right track. Minute 1: Unwrap the chocolate/cookie/tempting food item that you crave, and place a piece in your open palm. Close your fingers over it tightly, and squeeze it gently for the next two minutes.

( Stephanie Ackerman 2012, used with permission

Women, its been proven: Studies show were more likely to ask for directions than men. Men are also more apt to pretend they know where they are going (41%) than women (26%). Despite our willingness to ask, a whopping 20% of the miles we drive and 40% of our driving time is spent dealing with navigational errors. In other words, we are lost. A lot. Feeling a bit lost on the road of life, too? Dont spend 40% of your time dealing with navigational errors or pretending you know where you are going. Ask God for some GPS (God-Provided Steering) right now!

Minute 2: Read and meditate on this Scripture and question: A person without self-control is like a city with broken-down walls.Proverbs 25:28 What could help you build stronger walls of protection to resist future temptations? Minute 3: Open your hand and look at the melted or crumbly mess. How does this represent what happens in your life when you hold on to bad choices or give in to temptation? Wash your hands and pray for God to help you build strong walls of self-control in your life so you can avoid the mess!
(Adapted from Simply Relevant, A Taste of Freedom: 6-week Bible Study on Self-Control, Group Publishing.)

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Media Morsels
Movie Review
Seabiscuit Release Date: 2003 Genre: Drama, History, Sport Rating: PG-13 for some sexual situations and violent sports-related images Length: 140 minutes Based on a true story, this film shows how three mena beat-up jockey, a washed-up cowboy, and a heartbroken entrepreneur are brought together by one extraordinary racehorse. Set in the 1930s, this is a story of perseverance and determination that inspired everyday Americans during the Great Depression. An unconventional but fiercely competitive horse, Seabiscuit becomes a symbol of the average citizen, fighting to thrive at a time when it may have seemed easier just to give up. This movies themes are timely, the characters are lovable, and its messages are uplifting. You know, you don't throw a whole life away just 'cause he's banged up a little, one character says. For families with teenagers, this film might spark some good discussion about compassion, grace, and perseverance.

Book Review
She's Got Issues: Seriously Good News for Stressed-Out, Secretly Scared Control Freaks Like Us
Author: Nicole Unice Publisher: Tyndale House Publishers Lets face it, we all have issues. At the same time, we all feel pressure to have it all together. So many of us try to hide our issuesor make excuses for ourselves. In this book, Nicole Unice encourages women to go ahead and acknowledge our issues in light of Gods truth. She shows us how to invite God to change those things that hold us back from enjoying the kind of relationship he wants to have with us. This book is an encouraging and hope-filled read for individual women. Its also a great starting point for group discussion, so you might consider it as a resource for a womens group or book club. The Scripture passages and discussion questions will point you back to Gods perspective on your issues.

This page is designed to inform and educate you and is not an endorsement. Our prayer is that you will make informed decisions on what you see, read, and listen to.

A Taste of Whats Happening for Women
Sun Mon Tue 1 Wed 2 Thurs 3 Fri 4 Sat 5

Happy New Year!

6 7 8 9 Sewing Sisters 5-7 p.m. 10 WM 1 p.m. BD Pat M. 11 12




16 Sewing Sisters 5-7 p.m.

17 WM 1 p.m.


19 Craft Day
11 a.m. 5 p.m. BD Twila B.




23 Sewing Sisters 5-7 p.m.

24 WM 1 p.m.






30 Sewing Sisters 5-7 p.m.

31 WM 1 p.m.

Contact for more information

Name: Captain Sally Davis Phone: 616-842-3380 E-mail:

Design and base content 2013 Group Publishing, Inc., Loveland, CO, Permission to photocopy granted for local church use only.

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