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SAT List #14


Turpitude (n.): wickedness; depravity

2. Punctilious (adj.): attentive to details in conduct or action; conscientious 3. Conflagration (n.): a large, destructive fire 4. Protg (n.): a person under the guidance or training of another; apprentice 5. Virulent (adj.): toxic; extremely infectious or poisonous 6. Curmudgeon (n.): a stubborn, ill-tempered person; grouch 7. Gustatory (adj.): relating to the sense of taste 8. Misanthrope (n.): one who hates or mistrusts humankind 9. Malevolent (adj.): having ill will; wishing harm to others 10. Paladin (n.): a heroic champion or leader

11. Tangential (adj.): merely touching or slightly connected; digressing from the main point 12. 13. Exculpate (v.): to clear of guilt; to declare innocent Squelch (v.): to suppress; to squash


Ethereal (adj.): heavenly; celestial; light or airy

15. Ascetic (n.): a person who renounces material comforts and practices extreme self-denial Stems: 1. Nove/neo/nou: new 2. Mon/monit: to remind or warn 3. Pend/pens: to hang, to weight, to pay 4. Peri: around 5. Phil: to love 6. Scrip/script: to write 7. Ver: true 8. Lect/leg: to select or choose 9. Loc/log/loqu: word, speech 10. Luc/lum/lus: light

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