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S11000A6FE2 - How to convert session number from lokdisp output into qrysessn format -dave.

clark ----------------------------------------------------------------Below is a procedure to convert the session number from the lokdisp utility output into the same format that you see in querysessn or pmon Here is sample lokdisp output which shows a session number of 12,22532
> start lokdisp start lokdisp Started 'lokdisp' in window 1 at Wed Aug 15 14:31:48 2001 Input Supervisor Command: > root@ada# cnsterm 1 Attempting to connect to CNS...completed. HelloLOCK DISPLAY UTILITY Command String Syntax: Help or ? TRan [ProcId Uniq1 Uniq2] | [ALL] Db [DBname] | [ALL] TAble [DBname.Tablename] | [ALL] ROWRange [DBname.Tablename TypeAndIndex] | [ALL] ROWHash [DBname.Tablename TypeAndIndex, RowHash1 RowHash2] | [ALL] | [NONE]] Blockers [TRAN [ProcId Uniq1 Uniq2] | [ALL]] | [LIMIT [Number] Quit

-> Please enter your selection from the list: > tran a tran a - The following amps are available: 0 1

-> Which amp(s) do you want to request on (S=Sampling/A=all/C=cancel/Q=quit): > A GRANTED LOCK REQUEST(S): Tran: 16298 01520CB0 Host: 1076 Session: Database: DBC Row Hash1: 53984,33413 To convert this number into the format that qrysessn uses do the 12,22532 Mode: WR User: EPDWC021 Table: SESSIONTBL

following: Suppose we get session number 12,22532. Multiply the first part before the comma (12) by 65536 then add to that the number after the comma (22532). (12 * 65536) + 22532 = 808964 Here is sample qrysessn output: Host ----52 Session ------808964 PE ----16298 DBC User ID ------------------------------EPDWC021

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