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Community Update

10.00 AM, Wednesday 11th February 2009

This newsletter, from the Fire Incident Control Centre at Tidal River, is
to inform the local community about the fire in the area and the control
measures being used to contain it.

Community meeting
A community meeting will be held at the Yanakie Hall tonight at 7.30 pm. This
meeting is for Yanakie and Sandy Point residents.

Fire situation
The Cathedral fire was estimated to have grown to 2667 ha at 8.30 this

The fire crossed Five Mile Road yesterday afternoon, close to the east-coast
(see map). Overnight showers have slowed the fires progress, however
ground observers at 6.00 am reported visible fire activity.

A Prom specific, spot-weather forecast sent by the Bureau of Meteorology at
6.30 am this morning, predicts showers to continue until this afternoon – with
falls of between
10-15mm possible. Winds will be from the south-east this morning, and may
tend south to south-westerly overnight. The wind could also fluctuate
between south-west and south-east this morning.

The Bureau also acknowledges predicting wind direction at the fires location is
inherently difficult as the fire is on the eastern side of a steep range and
should be protected from wind if it does turn south or south-west.

Crew tactics
A grader and D7 dozer are working in the north of the Prom constructing
mineral earth fire breaks for the protection of Yanakie. A break is close to
completion along the Prom’s north boundary on the west side of the
Promontory Road. Today, a mineral earth break will be established on the

For general fire information, please call the Victorian Bushfire Information Line on 1800 240 667 (free call), or the
CFA website ( or the DSE website ( ).
Community Update
10.00 AM, Wednesday 11th February 2009

This newsletter, from the Fire Incident Control Centre at Tidal River, is
to inform the local community about the fire in the area and the control
measures being used to contain it.
eastern side of the Promontory road, extending onto private property to
Corner Inlet.

CFA crews and some DSE staff will be rested today in an effort to allow them
to recover, as many have been involved fighting other fires across the state.

For general fire information, please call the Victorian Bushfire Information Line on 1800 240 667 (free call), or the
CFA website ( or the DSE website ( ).

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