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1) How to search for a complex topic, or how to "search by force"

AND Adding AND to a search forces a database to find only those items which contain all of your keywords
eg. habitat AND fracking AND fish

TIP: Use AND when you get too many results

1) How to search for a complex topic, or how to "search by force"

OR Adding OR to a search allows a database to help you determine which keyword or topic is best by searching for both
eg. fracking OR hydrofracturing OR fraccing

TIP: Use OR when you don't get enough results / want more results

1) How to search for a complex topic, or how to "search by force"

NOT Adding NOT to a search prevents a database from showing you items you know you don't want
eg. habitat NOT zoo

TIP: Use NOT when one of your keywords has a homonym, or other meaning:
eg. java (a programming language, an island, a term for coffee)

3) How to search multiple ideas / keywords at once * ? !


Using a wildcard symbol tells a database that you want to see all possible variations of your keyword / idea
eg. president* This is really a search for: president, presidents, president's, presidential, presidentialism, presidentialisation, etc.

TIP: Use * / ? / ! when you aren't sure what the best keyword will be

2) How to search for a complex idea

(quotation marks)

Using quotation marks forces a database to find items that contain the exact phrase, or words in the exact order you typed
eg. "department of defense

TIP: Use " " when you need your words to stay in a specific order

2) How to search for a complex idea


Use parentheses to give order to a complicated search

eg. (growth OR height) AND age

TIP: Use ( ) to keep your "ORs" together

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