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The Five Senses

Name_________________________ Date___________________

Across 4. Your tongue allows you to do this 5. You taste food or drinks with this 6. Your nose allows you to do this 7. You see these in the sky 8. You can feel these when they fall off the tree 10. How many senses are there? 13. Your eyes help you do this 14. You smell these during winter when people are trying to get warm 15. You pick items up with these Down 1. You see with these 2. You smell with this body part 3. Your fingers help you do this 4. You eat these on Valentine's Day 6. You do this with your ears 9. You can hear this at the beach 11. Hearing, sight, touch, taste, smell 12. You hear with this body part Word Bank Ears Smell Chocolate Nose Ocean Taste Fingers Leaves Senses Clouds Five Tongue Eyes

Hearing Touch



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