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laro rma krsna
Paca Mahapurusa Ynga
Conforonco : 2
AnnuaI Conforonco
Vonuo : Iuri
Dalo :
Irosonlod by: Sarajil Ioddar (Anjcncqc), Un!cr i|c gui!cncc cj Sri Scnjcq Rci|

1. paca mahapurusa ynga 1
1.1 |nirc!uciicn 1
1.2 Kcn!rc Vs. 1rinc c Mc|cpurus|c Ycgc 1
1.3 1|c Pccc 1ciitc 2
1.4 |jjccis cj i|c 1ciitcs 4
1.5 |jjcci cj i|c Mc|cpurus|c qcgcs 5
1.6 Sircngi| Oj P|cncis
1. Iumincrics |n Mc|cpurus|c Ycgcs. 8
1.8 Rc|u c Mc|cpurus|c Ycgc 8
1. 1|c |jjcci Oj Guncs An! Prc|rii
1.10 Mc|cpurus|c Ycgc |n Ditisicnc| C|cris 10
1.11 Mc|cpurus|c Ycgc An! 1rimscmsc 11
1.12 |nicrprciing 1|c Mc|cpurus|c Ycgc 11
2. IIIustratinn 13
2.1 Ruc|c|c Mc|cpurus|c Ycgc 13
2.2 8|c!rc Mc|cpurus|c Ycgc 14
2.3 Hcmsc Mc|cpurus|c Ycgc 15
2.4 Mc|ctqc Mc|cpurus|c Ycgc 16
2.5 Scsc Mc|cpurus|c Ycgc. 1
2.6 Mu|iip|c Mc|cpurus|c Ycgc. 18
3. ReIerences 19

Sarajil Ioddar, 2OO3. Tlo maloriaI conlainod in llis papor is llo copyrigll of llo aullor. Tlo maloriaI maybo
quolod in parl or fuII and llo principIos indicalod can aIso bo usod and quolod frooIy so Iong as llis sourco is
acknovIodgod. WliIo boIioving in froo dislribulion of knovIodgo, vo fooI llal inloIIocluaI offorl musl bo
rocognizod and acknovIodgod. May god (Nryana), llo ombodimonl of salya (lrull) guido llo inloIIocls of aII in
Sr }agannlla Conlor
ISA Lasl Coasl Conforonco, 2OO3
Sarajil Ioddar, Soplombor 2OO7

1. paca mahapurusa ynga

1.1 Intrnductinn

ci|c tc|sqmqc|cm pcccmc|purusc|c|scncm
stc||ccccgcic|cn!rcsi|cir|c|i||iscc |uj!i||i/ 8PHS 5. 1
|rcmcsc rucc|c ||c!rc |cmsc m|ctqc ctc cc
scscscciic |u!|ci/ scrtcirmc|nic/ purus/ smri/ 8PHS 5. 2

Wlon Mars, Morcury, }upilor, Vonus and Salurn, boing in lloir ovn, or oxaIlalion Ri, bo in
Kondra lo Iagna, lloy givo riso lo Ruclaka, Bladra, Hamsa, MaIavya and Sasa Yogas,
rospoclivoIy. Tloso Yogas aro caIIod Ianclmalapurusla Yogas and llo porsons, born in lloso Yogas,
aro knovn Ianclmalapuruslas (BIHS 75.1- 75.2))
Tlo Malarisli las cIoarIy claIkod dovn llo condilions of llo Malapurusla yoga, Ioaving no
room for ambiguily or oxlrapoIalion. Wo slaII koop in mind llal llo Malapurusla as il IiloraIIy
moans, llo groal mon, aro vory raro lo bo found and ovon llon lloso yogas can lavo common
occurronco in llo loroscopo, vo migll bo carofuI in judging, vlollor llo yogas lavo givon lloir fuII
polonliaI lo llo nalivo or nol. Tlus llo condilions for llo prosonco of llo Malapurusla yogas aro:
1. Tlo pIanol slouId bo slrongIy pIacod in LxaIlalion or ovn louso.
2. Tlo IIanol slouId bo pIacod in llo Kondra lo Iagna. Many oxlrapoIalo llis ruIo lo
incIudo Trikonas loo and many incIudo llo rockoning from Moon loo. Hovovor llo
cIoar dofinilion of llo yoga Iofl room for llal.
Tlo imporlanco of llo pIanols in slrongll sucl as LxaIlalion is oxpIainod by Il. Sanjay Rall in
llo foIIoving Iinos. Wlon a pIanol is oxaIlod, llo nogalivo quaIilios aro lardIy soon in llo porson.
Tlal's vly vo slarl Ioarning }yolisl vill llo Clarl of Blagavan Sri Ram. In llo clarl of Blagavan
Sri Ram Mars is oxaIlod in llo 7ll louso in Capricorn roprosonls Hanumanji Tlus ovon llougl
porsons Iiko AdoIf HilIor aIso lad llo Ruclaka Malapurusla Yoga, vlicl couId lavo fruclifiod
during llo Mars dasa, Slakli Yoga in lis loroscopo grossIy look ovor, vlicl is ovidonl from lis
kiIIing of innoconl poopIo. Wo canl bIamo Ruclaka yoga for vlalovor HilIor is knovn in llo vorId"

1.2 Kendra Vs. Trine & Mahapurusha Ynga
tisnusi|ncm cc |cn!rcm sq||c|smsi|ncm iri|cnc|cm
ic!scqcscc scm|cn!|!rjcqcgc/ purc!iic/ 8PHS 41.28
|cgncm |cn!rciri|cncit! tiscscnc su||cprc!cm
pcccmcm nctcmcm ccitc tiscsc!|cncmucqcic 8PHS 34. 3
scpicmcm !cscmcm ccitc tiscscsu||cmucqcic
irisc]q!|ip/ scrtc grc|/ ppcp|c|/ smri/ 8PHS 34.4

Tlo Kondras aro knovn, as Vislnu Sllanas (Blavas of Iord Vislnu), vliIo llo Konas aro
caIIod Iakslmi Sllanas (BIHS 41.28.). Tloro is a difforonco vill vlicl lloso lousos aro lo bo
undorslood. Tlo Kondras aro for lappinoss and llo Trikonas aro for voaIll and prosporily (BIHS
Sr }agannlla Conlor
AnnuaI Conforonco, Iuri, 2OO3
Sarajil Ioddar, Soplombor 2OO7

34.3. - 34.4.). Wo can infor from llis, llal llo quadranls boing llo abodo of Iord Vislnu granls llo
lappinoss in llis vorId. Wo knov llal Vislnu slovs llo diroclion or ayana of luman birll and llo
four quadranls govorn ono of llo ayana oacl. Manusmirli says llal lloro aro four ayanas of luman
birll, Dlarma, Arlla, Kama, Moksla. Tlo four kondras aro mappod lo lloso four ayanas. Tloy aro as
Iagna - Dlarma
Iourll - Moksla
Sovonll - Kama
Tonll - Arlla
Tlo Trinos lo oacl Kondra is knovn vill llo namo of llo Ayana and can bo mappod vill llo
lallvas. Tloy aro as foIIovs:
Dlarma Trikona (1-5-9): Agni Trikona
Moksla Trikona (4-8-12): }aIa Trikona
Kama Trikona (3-7-11): Vayu Trikona
Arlla Trikona (2-6-1O): Irllvi Trikona
Tlo anclor of oacl of llo lrinos is llo Kondra and llo vloIo Ayana rovoIvos around llo
Kondra, in llo samo vay goddoss Iakslmi foIIovs lor consorl Vislnu. Tlus vo soo llal llo vloIo
Iifo oxporioncos of a nalivo llrougl llo various Ayanas llrougl llo Kondras. Tloso Kondras onIy
conlroI llo various lallva indicalod by llo difforonl Trikonas by ancloring llom and dirocling lloir
Tlo Malapuruslas aro lloy vlo aro Ioasl concornod aboul llo maloriaI bonofils in llis vorId
vlicl aro slovn by llo lrinos bul lloy aro conlroIIod by a koon molivalion lo upIifl llo dlarma and
foIIov lloir Ayana as slovn by llo Tallva vlicl conlroI llom llrougl llo Malapurusla yoga. Any
luman boing al anylimo of lis oxislonco can onIy bo diroclod by ono goaI or Ayana and lonco ovon
llougl muIlipIo Malapurusla yoga migll bo prosonl in onos loroscopo, lo vouId onIy bo diroclod
by llo Ayana slovn by llo mosl prodominanl Tallva. Tlis is iIIuslralod in Hindu scripluros, vloro
Draupadi, in lor pasl Iifo askod for a boon for lor lusband lo lavo llo quaIilios givon by aII llo fivo
lallvas, slo lad lo marry llo pancla (fivo) pandavas, oacl of vlom voro govornod by ono lallva.
Tlis slovs llal in llo clarl of any luman birll, onIy ono lallva can prodominalo.
To iIIuslralo llo moaning of llo Malapurusla Yoga, Il. Sanjay Rall says, Tlo lorm
Malapurusla las boon dofinod on llo basis of Purus|ciicmc Blagavan Sri Ramaclandra.
Mc|cpurus|c qcgc mccns spcr| cj i|c !itinc cr i|ci i|c pcrscn ui|| |ctc ci |ccsi scmc uc|iiics cj
purus|ciicmc ||cgctcn Sri Rcmcc|cn!rc.

1.3 The Paca Tattva
cgni||minc||csicqctqctc/ |rcmcic !tijc
||cum!nm grc|nm cc iciitnii qci||rcmcm 8PHS 20

Malarisli Iarasara docIaros llo ruIorslip of llo lallvas by llo 5 pIanols in monlionod sIoka
vlicl moans, Agni (Iiro), Blumi (Larll), Akasla (Lllor), }aIa (Walor) and Vayu (Air) aro llo lallvas
Sr }agannlla Conlor
AnnuaI Conforonco, Iuri, 2OO3
Sarajil Ioddar, Soplombor 2OO7

soquonliaIIy govornod by llo fivo pIanols slarling from Mars, viz, Mars, Morcury, }upilor, Vonus and

In llo procoss of luman ovoIulion, vo roacl noaror lo llo Iumonorios vlo lavo llo noar
porfocl molion as lloy do nol vary lloir spoods vill limo. Tlo anli-llosis of llo Iuminorios aro llo
nodos vlo aro aIvays rolrogrado and govorn llo cycIo of ropoalod birlls (Ralu) and finaI Iiboralion
(Kolu). Barring lloso four pIanols, llo fivo pIanols namoIy Mars, Morcury, }upilor, Vonus and Salurn
roprosonl llo llomo of llo univorso, by govorning llo 5 lallvas, vlicl infIuoncos oacl and ovory
aclivily of boll llo manifoslod and unmonifoslod univorso. Tlus, llo slrongll of llo lallvas is onIy
roprosonlod by llo 5 pIanols and lonco onIy lloso fivo pIanols aro invoIvod in llo pancla-
malapurusla yoga.

1.3.1 Pancha Tattvas Vs. Theme nI the universe
Ior a ralionaI mind, il is difficuIl lo boIiovo lov can llo fivo Tallvas (basic oIomonls of
naluro), llo firo, llo oarll, llo air, llo valor and llo Lllor govorn vlicl cannol bo vilnossod, govorn
llo maloriaI univorso. Hovovor, vlon vo lry undorslanding vlal is llal forco vlicl govorns llal
ovorylling fIov lloy do, vlal llo rg voda caII llo Rla or llo vays of llo croalion, vo lond lo soo llal
lloro is a common llroad vlicl connocls bolvoon aII apparonlIy divorso croalion of llo univorso. Wo
soo llal aII llo croalion procoss in llo univorso foIIovs a common llom from llo croalion lo
dissoIulion. To approcialo llis I slaII pul forvard llo croalion and dissoIulion cycIo of llroo divorgonl
llings, vloro vo slaII soo llal llo llomo is llo samo in aII of llom.
1.3.2 Creatinn nI nur Earth
Mosl of us knov llal biIIions of yoars back, vlon Sun vas formod, a fov spocks of firo baIIs
gol soparalod from llo main body of Sun and slarlod orbiling il. Our ovn oarll vas ono of llom,
vlicl vas nol anylling moro llan a baII of moIlon oIomonls roprosonling llo fiory oIomonl al vork al
llo croalion slago. MiIIions of yoars Ialor, il slarlod cooIing dovn and llon llo crusl of llo oarll
slarlod forming, roprosonling llo prodominanco of oarlly oIomonl, vloroby llo pIanol slarlod
gaining slapo and soIidily. Tloroaflor camo llo slalo of formalion of llo almosploro vloroby llo
gasos of llo pIanols slarlod cooIing dovn and forming llo almosploro, vlicl is aidod by big bursls
of gasos from llo coro of llo oarll in llo form of voIcanic oruplions. Tlis slago is roprosonlod by llo
Airy oIomonl. Tlo fourll and llo finaI slago vas llo formalion of llo ocoans and rivors, vloroby llo
condonsod cIouds of llo gasos slarlod pouring llo surfaco of oarll, furllor cooIing llo surfaco for
oxislonco and forming ono of llo basic nocossilios for furllor croalion of Iifo on llo pIanol. Tlis slalo is
loraIdod by llo prodominanco of Walory oIomonl. Al aII lloso slagos, vo musl undorsland llal llo
basic llomo is prodominanco of llo oIomonls in l lo croalion procoss is novor vioIalod, as llis lappons
in llo guidanco of llo Akasla Tallvas vlicl is aIvays prodominanl al aII slagos and forms llo
slralum or llo foundalion, vloro llo croalion lakos pIaco.

1.3.3 Creatinn nI we humans
Our ovn croalion slarls vill llo incoming of llo onorgy in llo form of souI from llo fallor
vlicl marks llo prodominanco of llo fiory oIomonl. Wo can lako llo birll procoss ilsoIf markod by
llo fiory oIomonl. Onco llo infanl is born, lo slarls Ioarning llo basics of ovorylling, lo grovs up and
Sr }agannlla Conlor
AnnuaI Conforonco, Iuri, 2OO3
Sarajil Ioddar, Soplombor 2OO7

slarls oarning, and aII lloso procossos of suslonanco is signifiod by llo oarlly oIomonl, vlicl slands
for consoIidalion and suslonanco of llo croalion.
Nov onco llo basic nocossilios of us aro fuIfiIIod, vo lranscond lo llo noxl slalo, llo slalo of
llo inloIIocluaIs, vloroby vo slarl spocuIaling and uso our inloIIocl lo go boyond llo boundarios of
luman Iimilalions. Tlis slalo is markod by llo prodominanco of Airy oIomonl. And llo finaI slalo is
llo slalo of Iiboralion or dissoIulion of llo soIf, vlicl is markod by llo valory oIomonl.
1.3.4 Creatinn nI a State
Any croalion of nov slalo is markod by somo kind of anarcly, rovoIulion vlicl roquiros
lugo amounl of onorgy, markod by llo prodominanco of llo fiory oIomonl. Tlis onds vill
ovorllroving llo oId king and inslaIIalion of nov king. Tlo formalion of a nov slalo slarl vill
formalion of nov poIicios of Iavs and ordors and lloir impIomonlalion lo ond llo slalo of anarcly
and dynamism and llis is markod by llo prodominanco of llo Larlly oIomonl. Tloro aflor llo lrado
and commorco lakos il rools in llo novIy formod slalo and llo slalo slabiIizos financiaIIy.
Onco llo slalo is financiaIIy slabIo, il bogins llo slalo of inloIIocluaI and cuIluraI dovoIopmonl
markod by llo airy oIomonl and aII lloso onds vill uIlimalo disinlogralion signifiod by llo valory
oIomonl, vlicl again marks a nov boginning of llo slalo.

1.3.5 The Cnmmnn Thread
Wo nolo loro in aII llo casos llal, llo croalion procoss slarl vill a Iol of dynamism, vlicl
roquiros a Iol of onorgy and markod by a slalo of ligl dogroo of dynamism and fIuidily. Tlis slalo of
croalion is roprosonlod by llo fiory oIomonl, vlicl moans aclion. Tlus llis is associalod vill llo
Dlarma principIo of luman ovoIulion, vlicl moans proloclion by riglloous moans.
Tlo slalo vlicl foIIovs noxl is llo slalo of cooIing off or consoIidalion. Horo llo basic
nocossilios aro fuIfiIIod and nov ordor maloriaIizos. Tlus llis slalo is associalod vill llo Arlla
principIo, vlicl moans lo suslain.
Tlo noxl slalo is llo slalo of going boyond llo Iimilalions of llo maloriaI oxislonco, inloIIocluaI
dovoIopmonl and dovoIopmonl of arl and cuIluro. Tlis slalo is associalod vill llo Airy oIomonl and
llo Kama IrincipIo. Wo nolo loro llal llo airy signs of llo zodiac, Aquarius, Iibra and Gomini
roprosonl llo inloIIocluaIs.
Tlo noxl slalo is llo slalo of dissoIulion of llo Iiboralion from llo maloriaI boundarios. Tlis
procoss is roprosonlod by llo valory oIomonl and is associalod vill llo Moksla principIo.

1.4 EIIects nI the Tattvas
Tlo lomporamonl of a nalivo is basod on llo prodominanl lallva in llo loroscopo. Tloy aro as
foIIovs. Tlo naluro of llo lallva bocomos vory imporlanl in llo Iancla Malapurusla Yoga.
1c |||suircic i|is, Pi. Scnjcq Rci| scqs, i|c Mc|cpurus|c Ycgc s|cu|! nci |c irccic! |i|c i|c ci|cr
Ycgc cn! i|cq crc tcrq spccic|. Icr c |ciicr un!crsicn!ing, ircci i|c Pcnc|c Pcn!ctc cs i|c Pcnc|c
Mc|cpurus|c cn! scc i|cir Ycgc uii| 8|cgcucn cn! i|cir Kcrmc cs i|c scrtcnis cj 8|cgcucn Sri Kris|nc.
1|csc jitc Mc|cpurus|c Ycgc crc |csc! cn i|c Pcnc|ciciuc, i|c jun!cmcnic| princip|c cj Scn||qc S|csirc.
1|us c pcrscn |crn in cnq Mc|cpurus|c Ycgc, cn! ij i|ci Ycgc is ic mcnijcsi, s|cu|! |c cciuc||q ucr|ing jcr
Sr }agannlla Conlor
AnnuaI Conforonco, Iuri, 2OO3
Sarajil Ioddar, Soplombor 2OO7

Tlo offocl of llo prodominanco of oacl lallvas is as foIIovs:
1.4.1 Agni Tattva
Dislrossod vill lungor, roslIoss, Ioan, llin and laII body, slarp, Ioarnod, voracious oalor,
slarp, fair-compIoxionod and proud. His faco and body oxlibil Iuslro Iiko goId (firo), lo las lappy-
Iooking oyos and slaII lavo boaulifuI arms. Ho acliovos succoss in aII lis vonluros, vaIorous, is
viclorious ovor lis onomios and gols gains of voaIll and slaII bo from disoasos and griof. Ho slaII
lavo lromondous sonso of juslico and slaII givo sovoro punislmonls if lo is onlruslod vill sucl
1.4.2 Prthvi Tattva
Tlo body of llo porson omils various kinds of fragrancos somo say il is Iiko llal of camplor
or Iolus, and somo aIso say llal il is Iiko smoII of oarll, vlon sprinkIod vill frosl drizzIos, is fond of
Iuxurios, comforls and onjoymonls and is pormanonlIy lappy and forgiving. Ho las a doop voico, Iiko
a Iion or cIoud. His naiIs, lair and looll aro cIoan and lo las a clarming disposilion. Ho gains voaIll
and is roIigious-mindod. Ho is firm in disposilion and bo ondovod vill provoss.
1.4.3 Akasha Tattva
Sucl nalivo born vill slrong Akasla lallva is ondovod vill a plysiquo vill llo brigllnoss
of cryslaI and of a gom. Ho is oxporl in dipIomacy, briIIianl, Ioarnod, of unmaskod faco and Iong
slaluro. Ho is skiIfuI in grammar and moanings, a cIovor convorsalionaIisl and bocomos lappy by
Ioarning songs olc. Ho slaII bo an oxporl in juslico, bo boId, knovIodgoabIo and slaII lavo a broad
faco and pocuIiar plysicaI joinls, voak lands and fool and bo quilo laII.
1.4.4 JaIa Tattva
Tlo porsons body is sIondor and Iuslrous, lo onjoys good loaIll and lasly food and is lappy
on llal accounl. Ho las a clarming counlonanco and disposilion, can suslain burdons, is sofl and
svool spokon, bo a king, las many frionds and is Ioarnod. Hovovor, lloy aro nol boId.
1.4.5 Vayu Tattva
Ono of prodominanl vayu lallva viII lavo an omacialod body, fair compIoxion clarilabIo,
IiboraI, oasiIy givon lo angor, fond of vandoring, viclorious ovor onomios and an invioIabIo king. Tlo
body is fiIlly. Tlo porson bocomos an idiol and suffors from rloumalism, sorrovs and agonios.

Ior llom, addilionaIIy SaravaIi says llal lloy aro akin lo bIack cIouds (llal aro going jusl lo
causo loavy rains), omanalo fouI smoII, vory fooIisl. Tloy lavo a dirly and coarso plysiquo, aro
subjoclod lo groal misorios and oxporionco povorly, disoasos, oviIs and financiaI doslruclion.
Hovovor, vo migll conslruo llal, sucl offocl slaII bo moro visibIo, if llo pIanol is nol in oxaIlalion or
ovn louso bocauso llo oxaIlalion or slrongll of pIanols roprosonl llo purosl quaIilios of llo lallvas.
Nnte: AII llo IIanols in courso of lloir Dasa ondov llo nalivo vill bodiIy Iuslro, roIaling lo
lloir oIomonls (SaravaIi)

1.5 EIIect nI the Mahapurusha yngas
Sr }agannlla Conlor
AnnuaI Conforonco, Iuri, 2OO3
Sarajil Ioddar, Soplombor 2OO7

1.5.1 Ruchaka Mahapurusha Ynga: (Agni Tattva)
Appearance: Tlo Ruclaka nalivo possossos a spolIoss Iuslro, a Iong faco, allraclivo brovs,
bIack lair. Tloy aro of dark-rod (or bIood rod) compIoxion.
Nature: Tloy Ruclaka Malapurusla yoga nalivos aro fuII of onllusiasm, vaIorous and lako
doIigll in figlling vars. Tloy aro ondovod vill groal povor and slrongll. Tlo puro firo in llon
makos llom lonour Gods and Bralmins. Tloy aro voII vorsod in Manlras and occuIl scioncos. Tloy
aro viclorious ovor onomios and lavo a koon sonso of discriminaling bolvoon llo rigll and vrong.
Bndy marks: Iarasara says, lloy lavo marks of Voona, Varg, Dlanus, Iasla and Vrasla Ris
in lis lands aIong vill Clakr Rokla. SaravaIi addilionaIIy monlions prosonco of marks of a slaff
(acluaIIy moans a slaff vill a skuII al llo lop doomod lo bo Sliva's voapon and carriod by ascolics),
cord, buII, arrov, diamond, Iulo olc. on llo lands and Iogs.

1.5.2 Bhadra Mahapurusha Ynga: (Prthvi Tattva)
Appearance: Tlo Bladra nalivos aro spIondorous Iiko Iion. Tloy lavo a voII dovoIopod and
broad closl and llo gail of an oIoplanl. Tloy aro bIossod vill Iong and slrong, llick arms and a
squaro body. Tloy lavo sofl board ovor clooks, lands and Iogs as boaulifuI as Iolus and a
mouslaclos, load and boaulifuI fool. Tloy aro ondovod vill bIack and curIy lair, a voII-knillod oyo
brovs, lloir gonilaI organs in 'concoaIod posilion' (Iiko llal of a lorso, or a luskor), a boaulifuI boIIy, a
foro faco, bo vaIorous, firm in provoss.
Nature: Tloy aro Ioarnod in a vory broad rango of subjocls and discipIinos. Tloy aro voII road
in llo slaslras and undorsland llo doop moaning lloro in. Tloy aro oquaIIy voII vorsod in Yoga
porformanco, prodominanl vill sallva-guna. Tloy possoss indopondonl naluro and aro proloclor of
llo famiIy. Tloy aro vaIorous, bo riglloous, aro imparliaI and do nol forgivo (ovon) lis ovn mon.
Tloy aro nol onIy fond of Iuxurios and comforls, lloy aIIovs lloir frionds lo onjoy lis voaIll. Tloy
aro sonsuous loo.
Bndy marks: Tloy lavo marks of Sankla (concl), Clakr (vlooI), Gada (maco), Arrov,
LIoplanl, Dlvaja (fIag), HaIa (pIougl), Svord and Iolus.

1.5.3 The Hamsa Mahapurusha Ynga: (Akasha Tattva)
Appearance: Ono born in Hamsa Yoga las a roddisl faco, vlilisl compIoxion, moIIifIuous
voico, Iiko llal of llo svan. Ho las a round foroload, oIovalod noso, lonoy-Iiko lavny-coIourod oyos,
broad, slurdy clooks, roddisl naiIs and boaulifuI fool.

Nature: A king oxloIIod by llo good. Ho is of gonorous disposilion, varm spoocl, bonovoIonl
and dovolod lo virluo. Happy and laving ovory comforl al lis command, lo is voaIlly, oals
sumpluous food, Ho is fond of svimming and pIaying in valory pIacos. Ho is ondovod vill groal
viriIo povor, is doIigllod in soxuaIIy uniling, is passionalo and lis Iusl romains unfuIfiIIod.

Bndy Marks: Ho las marks of Malsya (fisl), Ankusl (llo iron look, vill vlicl oIoplanls aro
drivon), Dlanus (bov), arrov, Sankl (concl), KamaI (Iolus), TrisluI (lridonl), in lis lands and fool.

Sr }agannlla Conlor
AnnuaI Conforonco, Iuri, 2OO3
Sarajil Ioddar, Soplombor 2OO7


1.5.4 The MaIavya Mahapurusha Ynga: (JaIa Tattva)
Appearance: Tlo MaIavya nalivos lavo roddisl compIoxion, modium slaluro, ovon plysiquo,
llin vaisl, majoslic voico (Iiko a luskor), pIoasanl fragranco of llo body and spIondour oquaI lo llal of
llo moon. Tloy lavo ovon and vlilo looll, boaulifuI Iips and, piorcing sigll and lands oxlonding lo
llo knoos.
Nature: Tloy aro fond of music and maloriaIs of pIoasuro, passionalo, IiboraI, morilorious,
firm, povorfuI, voaIlly, forlunalo and famous. Tloy aro bIossod vill cliIdron, spouso, volicIos and
good food. Tloy possoss unporlurbod sonsos and bocomo a monarcl of cuIlurod mind.

1.5.5 The Sasa Mahapurusha Yngas: (Vayu Tattva)
Appearance: Tlo Sasa Malapurusla yoga nalivos lavo smaII looll, smaII faco, voak Ioins,
and Iong body. Tloy lavo sIondor/ voak vaisl and boaulifuI lligls, oyos rosombIing llal of a Iolus.
Nature: Tloy aro fidgoly and movo vill fasl paco, Tloy aro crafly, vaIorous, viso, inloroslod
in forosls, liIIs and forls. viII bo famous, bo an Army cliof, knovIodgoabIo in llo voaknossos of llo
onomy, skiIfuI in aII assignmonls, viII lavo somovlal prolruding looll, bo inloroslod in llo opposilo
sox, bo dovolod lo lis mollor, bo vory inloIIigonl and find fauIl in ollors and inloroslod in ollors
Bndy Marks: Ho las marks of MaIa (garIand), Voona/ Mridanga (musicaI inslrumonls) and
voapons, concl and clakra (vlooI) in lloir lands and fool

1.6 Strength OI PIanets
According lo llo slronglls of }upilor, Vonus, Salurn, Mars and Morcury, llo nalivo viII
acquiro llo offocls of llo fivo Talvas, viz. Lllor, Walor, Air, Iiro and Larll. Tlo slrongosl of llo pIanol
viII imparl corrosponding lomporamonl, viz. vindy, biIious, or plIogmalic. If many pIanols allain
slronglls, lloso dorivalions viII bo mixod.

1. Tlo offocls of llo oIomonls, vlicl I lavo doscribod abovo, viII bo roaIizod in fuII, if
llo IIanols concornod aro ondovod vill adoqualo slrongll. If lloy aro voak, llo
offocls viII bo roducod in proporlion lo lloir voaknoss. (BIHS 76.16.)
2. If llo pIanol concornod is in lis dobiIilalion Ri, or bo pIacod in an inauspicious
Blava, llo oIomonlaI offocls viII bo advorso, llal is, opposilo lo llo offocls, doscribod
abovo. If a IIanol is villoul slrongll, lis oIomonlaI offocl is minimaI or absonl. (BIHS
3. Ior llo Malapurusla yoga, a pIanol nood lo bo pIacod in oillor LxaIlalion or ovn
louso and lonco llo offocl of llo lallvas, vlicl confors llo Malapurusla yoga
vouId bo foIl on llo nalivo. If lloro aro muIlipIo Malapurusla yogas, llon ono vlo
is oxaIlod slaII slov llo offocl. If il is nol possibIo llo slrongor among llom ovon
aflor comparing lloir oxaIlalion olc., ono can Iook al lloir ollor slronglls sucl as llo
DikbaIa (Mars-1O
, Morcury- Iagna, }upilor- Iagna, Vonus- 4
, Salurn-7
). Tloy can
Sr }agannlla Conlor
AnnuaI Conforonco, Iuri, 2OO3
Sarajil Ioddar, Soplombor 2OO7

aIso bo comparod on llo basis of lloir Sllana baIa or posilionaI slrongll sucl as
Saplavargaja baIa (llis slaII slov lov mucl infIuonco lloy vouId lavo in oacl parl
of our Iifo.

1.7 Luminaries In Mahapurusha Yngas.
Tlougl Mars olc. may bo slrong in llo rospoclivo casos of Iancla Malapurusla Yogas, if llo
Sun and llo Moon aro voak, llo porson viII nol allain kinglood, bul in llo poriod of llo concornod
pIanol viII bo ondovod vill cliIdron and voaIll. (SaravaIi 38.22)
1. Sun boing llo koy pIanol in llo soIar syslom around vill llo vloIo soIar syslom is
rovoIving if llo primary croalor and onorgy givor. Honco llo slrongll of Sun is of
ulmosl imporlanco in any yoga as il inilialos llom. If Sun is voakIy pIacod in llo
loroscopo of a nalivo, ovon if llo pIanols causing llo yoga is slrongIy pIacod, lloy
slaII bo fruilIoss, as lloy slaII nol inilialo lo givo lloir offocl, boing borofl of soIar
onorgy. Indor sucl circumslancos, onIy during llo Dasa of llo said pIanol, llo nalivo
can onjoy somo rosuIl of llo Yoga.
2. Moon compIomonls Sun in giving llo rosuIls of llo yoga. Moon is llo suslainor of llo
yoga, if Moon is voak, llon ovon llougl llo yoga inilialos, il cannol bo suslainod
ovor a Iong poriod.
3. AIong vill llis llo Iagna is of ligl imporlanco. If Iagna is nol slrong, llon llo
vloIo loroscopo is marrod and llo nalivo is nol capabIo of golling llo rosuIl of llo
yoga. Honco llo slrongll of llo Iagna and llo Iord las lo bo clockod lo soo llo oxlonl
lo vlicl llo fruils of llo yoga can bo oxporioncod by llo nalivo.
4. Slronglloning llo Yoga: Il. Sanjay Rall says, aII Iagnas aro vorslippod vill llo
manlra "HARI", llo Sun is bosl vorslippod vill llo manlra "RAMA" and llo
MOON is bosl vorslippod vill llo Manlra "KRISHNA". Tlus, roguIar clanling of
lloso llroo namos viII onsuro llal llo nalivo vork as HIS sorvanl and do nol slray.
Tlis can bo dono vill oillor of llo Manlra:

Modilalion (}anaka Sladakslara)

}apa (Mala Manlra)

1.8 Rahu & Mahapurusha Ynga
Tlo Malapurusla yoga roprosonls llo prodominanco in llo puro Tallvas as roprosonlalivo of
Blagavan in llo nalivo and }upilor is llo Karaka of llis yoga, boing llo Blagavan in llo clarl. If
}upilor is voII pIacod in llo loroscopo, llon llo fruils of llo yoga aro voII diroclod. SimiIarIy, llo
biggosl onomy of }upilor, Ralu opposo llis yoga.
Sr }agannlla Conlor
AnnuaI Conforonco, Iuri, 2OO3
Sarajil Ioddar, Soplombor 2OO7

If llo Malapurusla yoga, pIanol is aspoclod by Ralu or pIacod in Kondra lo Ralu, llon llo
clancos aro llal llo good fruils vlicl aro normaIIy accruod form llo Malapurusla yoga is
considorabIy docroasod. AII doponds on vlo is slrongor among llo lvo. If Ralu is slrongor, llon llo
yoga lardIy funclions. Indor sucl circumslancos, il is porlinonl lo incroaso llo soIar infIuonco on llo
nalivo by propilialing Sun, vlicl slaII dominalo ovor Ralu, so llal }upilor can boslov ils
bonovoIonco on llo Nalivo.
IIIuslralion: Iols soo vlal lappons vlon llo Malapurusla bosloving pIanol is voakIy
pIacod in llo loroscopo. Say Morcury is oxaIlod in llo lonll louso for a porson born in Sagillarius
Iagna, llon llo polonliaI or SLLD for a Malapurusla Yoga is soon. Nov if Morcury is in dobiIilalod
Navamsa, llis rosuIls in Raja-Blanga Noocla Yoga and llo Yoga oxisls onIy as a polonliaIily as ils
aclivalion is vory difficuIl unIoss }upilor is vory slrong.
In roaI Iifo llis is soon in llo oxampIo of Sanjaya llo clarioloor of King Drilarasllra. Ho novor
lad any gyana and vas a clarioloor Iiko vo lavo laxi or slaff car drivors, yol vlon llo limo camo, a
Slrong }upilor in llo form of Malarisli Voda Vyasa bIossod lim and llo Blagaval Gila fIovod Iiko
noclar from lis Iips.

1.9 The EIIect OI Gunas And Prakrti

Gila says lhal everyone in lhis vorId vork based on lheir Guna (naluraI inslincls) and Irakrli
nc |i |cscii|scncmcpi jiu iisi|ciqc|crmc|ri
|rqcic |qctcsc/ |crmc scrtc/ prc|riijcirgunci/ 3-5

Tlo abovomonlionod skoIa of Gila moan llal SuroIy no ono is bul for a momonl villoul
aclion and corlainIy ovoryono is irrosislibIy dravn lo fruilivo vork |undorgo karma] according llo
quaIilios born from llo modos of naluro. (SriIa Irablupada)
Tlus il is imporlanl lo knov llo prodominanl Guna of llo nalivo vlicl slaII furllor loIp in
judging llo diroclion llo Malapurusla yoga vouId Ioad llo nalivo lo. Tlo aclions lo vouId bo
porforming olc. Tlo prodominanco of llo Gunas/ Irakrili can bo soon from llo dignily (oxaIlalion,
ovn sign, friondIy sign olc.) of llo pIanols conlribuling lo oacl guna in llo rasi clarl.
1.9.1 The Gunas Sattva Guna (Sun, Mnnn and Jupiter)
If Sallva is prodominanl in a nalivo, lo is liglIy morcifuI, possossos many vivos and
allondanls, is firm in disposilion, is a svool and lrullfuI spoakor, lonours Gods and Bralmins and is
of forgiving lomporamonl. (SaravaIi 38.2.) Rajas Guna (Mercury and Venus)
Ono vill prodominanl Rajo Guna is vaIorous, skiIfuI in fino arls and Iiloraluro, bo fond of
uniling vill vomon, slovy, jocuIar, ligl spirilod and bo inloroslod in music and gambIing.
(SaravaIi 38.3)
Sr }agannlla Conlor
AnnuaI Conforonco, Iuri, 2OO3
Sarajil Ioddar, Soplombor 2OO7

1O Tamas Guna (Mars, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu)
Will Tamo Guna prodominanl, llo nalivo is fooIisl, indoIonl, cloals ollors, is irascibIo,
misorabIo, is a laIoboaror, is dovoid of good conducl, unkompl, bIind duo lo Iasciviousnoss, misorIy
and caroIoss. (SaravaIi 38.4)

1.9.2 Prakrti (Temperament) Windy (Saturn, Mercury, Venus and Mnnn)
Ono vill prodominanl vindy lomporamonl is bonumbod vill coId and slivoring, spoaks
mucl and vaIks fasl, is fond of moving in boals, is vaIorous, spilofuI, sickIy, unforlunalo, unjusl, is
nol vory friondIy disposod, las knovIodgo of music, is omacialod, is skiIfuI in acquiring frionds, fIios
in llo sky in droams, is dovoid of courago and graliludo, las rougl lair, las spIay fool and crookod
arms, is irascibIo, las Iosl spIondour and facos financiaI Iossos. (SaravaIi 38.16- 38.17) BiIinus (Sun, Mars and Mercury)
Ono vill prodominanl biIo viII omanalo fouI smoII from lis body, is Ioss dislrossod, groalIy
inloIIigonl, is oasiIy salisfiod, las Iargo lransparonl naiIs, Iargo oyos, lands and fool, rosombIos an oId
man, suffors morbid loal, is a scloIar, is foarIoss, fonds of coId arlicIos, doos nol foar ovon al llo
lands of lis onomios, is affoclionalo lo aII and is fond of food. His droams viII bo aboul goId,
sunIigll, forosl-confIagralion, kimsuka (a kind of lroo, vlicl yioIds clarming rod bIossoms, vlicl
lovovor lavo no fragranco), procious slonos, karnikara (llo poricarp of a Iolus, aIlornalivoIy a kind of
fIovor vill oxcoIIonl luo, bul no smoII and lonco disIikod), rod Iolus, ounucl, bIood and Iigllning.
(SaravaIi 38.18- 38.19) PhIegmatic (Mnnn, Venus and Mercury)
Ono vill prodominanl plIogmalic lomporamonl is voaIlly, viII lavo cIung joinls, is
couragoous and slrong, las a brigll and clarming plysiquo, bo a rocipionl (of gifls, bonofils olc.), is
Sallvik, las voico akin lo llo sound of a drum and roaring cIouds, bo onduring, fair in compIoxion,
las roddisl oyos, onjoys svool drinks, (somolimos) viII bo liglIy inimicaI, is gralofuI, is friondIy lo aII
and viII lonour oIdors. His droams viII bo soas, rivors, coraI slonos, Iakos, svan, concl, slars, IiIy,
snovfaII olc. (SaravaIi 38.2O- 38.21)

1.10 Mahapurusha Ynga In DivisinnaI Charts
1. Tlo poinl is llal llo Malapurusla Yoga as il is dofinod in BIHS musl slov up in llo Rasi
Clarl. Tlo quaIily and oxlonl lo vlicl llis viII manifosl viII dopond on llo DivisionaI
2. If a pIanol is slrong in a divisionaI clarl in a Kondra, llo rosuIls aro lo bo undorslood as
"akin lo Malapurusla Yoga". Tlis doos nol conslilulo a Mala Iurusla Yoga by ilsoIf, bul
is quilo simiIar and llo rosuIls viII bo Iimilod lo llo aspocls ruIod by llo division. Ior sucl
nalivos ovon llougl llo offocl of llo Malapurusla yoga is found during llo poriod of llo
concornod pIanol, llo nalivo cannol bo cIassifiod as a Malapurusla, as llo quaIilios slaII
bo Iimilod onIy lo llo mallors roIalod lo llo DivisionaI Clarl and aIso llo Dasa poriod and
nol aII llo affairs and aII llo limo.
Sr }agannlla Conlor
AnnuaI Conforonco, Iuri, 2OO3
Sarajil Ioddar, Soplombor 2OO7


Smi. jcqc|c|ii|c |cs gci jupiicr in Scgiiicrius in Dcscmsc uii| !c|i|iicic! Rc|u. Wc ccn scq i|ci s|c
|cs Hcmsc Ycgc in Kcrmc u|ic| ui|| mcnijcsi in i|c jcrm cj mc|ing icmp|cs cn! ci|cr gcc! |crmc
!uring iis pcric!s. 1|us in Rc|u !csc jupiicr cnicr!csc, s|c suppcric! i|c 8jP, |ui cs sccn cs Sciurn
ucs ic ccmc, s|c jcinc! |cn!s uii| i|c Ccngrcss. 1|us, in |cr Dcscmsc, jupiicr i|c Icgncs| cj D-10 is
8jP cn! Sciurn is i|c Ccngrcss. |s i|crc cnq !cu|i i|ci s|c |cs mc!c i|c pc|iiicc| ||un!cr cj |cr |ijc, cs
i|c Dcscmsc Icgnc is Scgiiicrius? 8ui u|crc is i|c Hcmsc Mc|cpurus|c Ycgc u|ic| s|cu|! crccic c
Pcrcm|cmsc |i|c Ycgcncn!c. Ycu ccn usc i|c icrm HAMSA YOGA ic in!iccic i|c simi|criiq uii|
i|c mcin qcgc, |ui |c tcrq ccrcju| u|i|c c|cssijqing cnq pcrscn cs MAHAPURUSHA.

1.11 Mahapurusha Ynga And Trimsamsa
Tlo Trimsamsa divisionaI clarl is basod on Tallvas as por Malarisli Iarasara and slovs llo
voaknossos in llo Tallvas. Il is llo liglor larmonic of llo 6
louso ruIing Sladripus |or llo 6
onomios namoIy krodla (angor), Iobla (grood), mada (inloxicalion), kama (Iusl), malsarya (joaIousy)
and mola (iIIusion)]. Wliclovor sign, llo sixll Iord of llo rasi (D-1) clarl is pIacod, llo lallva ruIod
by llal sign Iord is corruplod and slovs signs of voaknossos.
Tlroo lousos namoIy Iagna, Liglll and Tonll slovs difforonl slados of voaknossos vlicl
manifosls in inloIIigonco, vork or aclions and inlorilod plysicaI voaknossos rospoclivoIy. Tlo signs
rising and llo pIanols pIacod lloroin slov llo affIiclod lallvas duo lo llo aforomonlionod roasons,
providod lloy aro pIacod in dobiIilalion, in inimicaI louso or ollorviso affIiclod.
Tlo pIanols in llo Salurnino and Marlian Trimsamsa aro aIso affIiclod as, Salurn and Mars aro
llo karaka of llo 6
louso. IIanols can aIso gol affIiclod by golling associalod vill nodos or lloir

1.12 Interpreting The Mahapurusha Ynga
1. Iind llo Malapurusla yoga causing pIanol and clock llo Malapurusla yoga. Tlo rosuIl
monlionod undor llo difforonl Malapurusla slaII bo appIicabIo lo lim. If lloro aro muIlipIo
Malapurusla yoga, clock llo slrongll of llo Malapurusla yoga. IIanol vlicl is oxaIlod is slrongor
llan llo ono pIacod in ovn louso. If lloy aro oquaI in slrongll, llon clock llo ovoraII Sllana baIa and
mako approprialo docision.
2. Iind llo Ayana dominaling in llo aroa of manifoslalion of llo Malapurusla Yoga. Tlo
Ayana and llo kondras aro doscribod abovo and aIso givon, for roforonco, as boIov-
a. Iagna- Dlarma, b. Iourll- Moksla, c. Sovonll- Kama, d. Tonll- Arlla. Il is inlorosling lo
knov llal, vliIo HilIors Malapurusla yoga, lapponod in llo Kama Trikona, llal of Sri Clailanya
Malaprablu lappod in llo Moksla Trikona. Tlis slovs, vlal vas llo driving forco of lloir Iifo,
vloro llo Malapurusla yoga manifoslod.
3. Clock llo prodominanl lallva in llo loroscopo. Tloro aro four sols of lrinos associalod vill
oacl lallva, namoIy llo Agni, Irillvi, Vayu and }aIa. Tlo lrino vlicl las moro pIanols vouId slov
llo prodominanl lallva in llo loroscopo. Tlo rosuIls monlionod undor llo offocl of llo lallvas vouId
prodominalo llo naluro of llo nalivo.
Sr }agannlla Conlor
AnnuaI Conforonco, Iuri, 2OO3
Sarajil Ioddar, Soplombor 2OO7

4. Clock llo prodominanl Guna and Irakrili basod on llo dignily of llo pIanols ruIing llom.
5. Clock llo slrongll of llo Tallva of llo Malapurusla causing pIanol in llo Trimsamsa. Tlis
slaII slov llo oxlonl lo vlicl llo porson concornod is noar a Malapurusla. Tlis is imporlanl as vo
lavo many porsons in llis vorId, sucl as HilIor, vlo las Malapurusla yoga, bul lloy aro nol roaIIy
Malapurusla, and vo lavo Sri Clailanya Malaprablu, vlo vas. Wlal mado llo difforonco vliIo
boll lad llo Ruclaka Malapurusla Yoga`

Sr }agannlla Conlor
AnnuaI Conforonco, Iuri, 2OO3
Sarajil Ioddar, Soplombor 2OO7

2. IIIustratinn
2.1 Ruchaka Mahapurusha Ynga
Novlon, Sir Isaac :
}anuary 4, 1643, 1:38:OO, O:O3:OO (Wosl of GMT), O W 4O' OO", 52 N 5O' OO"
In lhis horoscoe, Mars is Iaced in ovn house in lhe 7
, lhe Arlha Trikona, shoving lhal lhe
nalive vouId bring some break lhough in his area, eslabIishing somelhing. Isaac Nevlon as
everybody knovs roounded lhe lheories of cIassicaI mechanics. As lhe fire eIemenl shovs, he vas
exlremeIy anaIylicaI and lhal shovs his exerlise in lhe Mechanics and Gravilalion (Mars- Iarlh).
Nov ve knov lhal lhe erson shouId be bIessed by }uiler lo uliIise his olenliaIs in lhe
righl direclion for lhe benefil of lhe human kind. We see lhal }uiler and Venus are forming dvi-guru
yoga in lhe 5
house of knovIedge and visdom and in addilion, }uiler and Mars are having muluaI
asecl vilh each olher, forming lhe fruilfuI Guru- MangaIa Yoga. This Guru- MangaIa yoga made
him a elernaI seeker and he aIvays lried lo find oul lhe ansver lo aImosl anylhing vhich vas
ercelibIe lo his senses.
Nov lhe slrenglh of Sun, Moon and Lagna is necessary lo rea lhe benefil of lhe
Mahaurusha yoga romised in lhe charl. We see lhal Sun veII Iaced in lhe Rasi charl in a friend's
house, lhal of }uiler vilh Mercury, anolher friend, vhich haens lo be an uachaya for lhe nalive
and il heIed in bringing oul his laIenl in fronl of lhe vhoIe vorId. Moon lhe suslainer of lhe yoga is
fuII, being Iaced in oosilion from Sun in lhe 9
house vilh lhe Arudha Lagna, romising Iong
Iasling fame. The Lagna is rendered slrong by lhe Iacemenl of lhe Lagna Iord in 5
, vilh a benefic
}uiler and Lagna being asecled by }uiler. This is imorlanl lo nole lhal }uiler Iaced in Aquarius
is considered very slrong according lo some cIassicaI aulhors and il gives lhe knovIedge of aII lhe
mysleries and hidden lhings of lhe vorId.
One more key lhing is lhe Iacemenl of lhe Mahaurusha causing Ianel in lhe Navamsa. In
lhe navamsa, Mercury and Mars has changed signs shoving lheir cIose associalion, giving him lhe
over lo arlicuIale and reconciIe belveen many exisling differences during his lime. As il occurs in
lhe 5
and 10
houses, il shovs lhe imacl of lheses Ianels in shaing his inherenl knovIede and
skiIIs. Nov lhe Karakamsa, }uiler, Mars is Iaced in lhe 5
house of knovIedge, vhich shovs his gifl
from revious Iives and he onIy buiIl on somelhing he aIready knev. The slrenglh of Mars and
Mercury, shovs his abiIily lo comrehend difficuIl malhemalics.
In lhe Trimsamsa charl, Mars is Iaced in lhe 5
house vilh anolher fiery Ianel Sun,
shoving lhe slrenglh of lhe Tallva vhich is giving him Mahaurusha yoga and lhere is no associalion
of lhe 6
Iord of lhe rasi charl lherein. Nov il is cIear, vhy shouId he be knovn as lhe falher of
cIassicaI hysics!
Hit!cr, Adn!I
AriI 20, 1889, 18:30:00, 0:52:00 (Iasl of GMT), 13 I 02' 00", 48 N 15' 00"
Iven lhough HilIer vas bIessed vilh Ruchaka Mahaurusha yoga, he didn'l disIay lhe
quaIilies of lhe same. Lel's examine vhy il haened! As menlioned above, lhose vilh lhe Ruchaka
Mahaurusha yoga are marliaI and lake deIighl in vars and are viclorious over lheir enemies.
Waging var for rolecling lhe nalion from oulside infIuences vouId have laken him lo lhe IeveI of
Ar|una and lhe Iandavas, hovever, he lried eradicaling one communily from lheir rools by very
heinous means. Iven lhough some quaIilies of lhe Ruchaka yoga did manifesl in his Iife as he became
Sr }agannlla Conlor
AnnuaI Conforonco, Iuri, 2OO3
Sarajil Ioddar, Soplombor 2OO7

lhe chief of his army from a very humbIe background, hovever lhe yoga vas nol abIe lo shov il fuII
As exIained before, lhe urily of any lallva is reduced, vhen il gels in associalion vilh some
olher lallvas. So a Mahaurusha yoga causing Ianel shouId ideaIIy be Iaced aIong in a horoscoe.
We see in lhe Rasi charl lhal, Mars is Iaced vilh Venus loo and lhis combinalion of valery and fiery
Ianel is nol a desirabIe combinalion, lhis arlicuIar combinalion makes a erson highIy assionale in
fuIfiIIing his/ her ovn desires.
Nov, }upilor las an imporlanl roIo lo pIay in llo loroscopo of Malapuruslas, as il indicalo
llo bIossings of llo Blagavan on llo nalivo, villoul vlicl a porson is novloro, in llo samo mannor
Arjuna Iosl lis abiIilios, vlon Iord Krislna gol soparalod from lim. Wo soo llal aIllougl }upilor is
pIacod in ovn louso, il is pIacod vill Kolu. AIllougl llis combinalion is good for spiriluaIily, if
}upilor is voakIy pIacod, il slovs insanily loo. Nov }upilor is pIacod in llo 3rd from llo Iagna,
making }upilor oxlromoIy voak and in addilion, il is affIiclod by llo Ralu pIacod in llo 7ll from il,
causing Guru ClandaIa. Hovovor, llo combinalion, vlicl mado lim do sucl loinous crimo vas llo
affIiclion of }upilor by llo Slakli Yoga causod by Ralu and Moon Opposilion and sucl pIanol vlicl
associalos vill Slakli Yoga is compIoloIy doslroyod. Tlo doslruclion }upilor duo lo Slakli yoga and
llo Guru ClandaIa dosa rosuIlod in mass gonocido, for vlicl HilIor is knovn loday.
If vo soo llo slrongll of Iuminorios, Sun is slrongIy pIacod in llo loroscopo, vlicl did
inilialo llo Malapurusla yoga, making lim llo clancoIIor, lovovor llal is nol suslainod as vo soo
llal Moon vas vaning vill llo 6ll plaso, i.o., Slaslli, vlicl indicalo llal llo nalivo slaII suffor
from llo sladripus or llo 6 sourcos of voaknossos. In llo Navamsa llo Sun and Moon aro voII
pIacod, lovovor pIacomonl of llo Sun in llo 8ll from llo Iagnamsa slovs llal, il slaII nol supporl
lim forovor. Horo aIso, Mars and Vonus aro pIacod logollor in llo Iagna, giving lim a slrong passion
lo fuIfiI lis dosiros.
In llo Trimsamsa, llo Malapurusla causing pIanol Mars is loaviIy affIiclod by llo nodos and
is again pIacod vill rolrogrado Vonus. Tlo corruplion of llo agni lallva and absonco of llo bIossings
of }upilor, mado lim uso llo firo of llo Ruclaka Malapurusla yoga in vrong vay.
2.2 Bhadra Mahapurusha Ynga
Torosa, Mollor
Augusl 26, 191O, 14:25:OO, 1:OO:OO (Lasl of GMT), 21 L 26' OO", 41 N 59' OO"
hadra Mahaurusha Yoga execls one lo be Iearned in a very broad range of sub|ecls
and disciIines, veII read in lhe shaslras and undersland lhe dee meaning lhere in, veII versed in
Yoga erformance, redominanl vilh sallva-guna, ossess indeendenl nalure and rolecl lhe
famiIy, be vaIorous, righleous, imarliaI and nol forgive even hes ovn kinsmen.
She vas lhe ersonificalion of lhe ideaIs laughl by Chrisl, a siriluaI and Iearned Iady, vhose
hearl cried for lhe deslilule. WhiIe serving as rinciaI of a Roman CalhoIic high schooI in KoIkala,
Molher Teresa vas moved by lhe resence of lhe sick and dying on lhe cily's slreels and lo serve
lhem she slarled lhe Missionaries of Charily. In lhe horoscoe, ve see lhal Mercury is exaIled in lhe
house and Iaced vilh }uiler, causing a very olenl hadra Mahaurusha Yoga.

The bIessings of }uiler on Mercury, lhe Mahaurusha yoga causing Ianel, direcled lhe
aclivilies of lhe nalive in lhe area of heIing lhe mankind. The earlhy lallva slands for consoIidalion
and he vas inslrumenlaI in formaIizing an organisalion, vhich vouId heI lhe oor and deslilule.
Sr }agannlla Conlor
AnnuaI Conforonco, Iuri, 2OO3
Sarajil Ioddar, Soplombor 2OO7

Mercury is a Ianel of greal aclion and Iearning and vhiIe Iaced vilh }uiler, il Iearns aII lhe vaIues
embedded in heIing lhe mankind and sreading lhe feeIing of universaI brolherhood, for vhich
}uiler is lhe significalor. }uiler is aIso lhe Lagna Iord Iaced in lhe 10
house vilh lhe Mahaurusha
Yoga, vhich indicale lhal, she vas highIy focussed in giving shae lo vhalever she lhoughl lo be lhe
mission of her Iife, somelhing vhich is shovn by lhe hadra yoga. The Iacemenl of lhe Iagna Iord
made her a seIf-made erson and she searched her seIf-reaIisalion lhrough aclion and fuIfiIIing her
AIong vilh lhe Iearning, she has Iol of fire of Mars and Sun, vho vere Iaced in lhe 9
lhe Lagna. This heIed in giving her enough energy lo maleriaIise her mission and kel her aIvays
acling lovards her goaI and she vorked ceaseIessIy liII she died. The slrenglh of Sun, being Iaced in
ovn house vilh a friend has given her lhe fruils of lhe Mahaurusha yoga. Moon, lhe suslainer of lhe
Yoga is Iaced in Aries going near lhe oinl of exaIlalion, in lhe 5
house. The associalion of Salurn
and Moon in lhe 5
house hovever made her a IillIe Ioner and inlroverl. AIlhough Moon is
debiIilaled in lhe Navamsa, il has neechabhanga, rendering il slrong. Il is ossibIe lhal she had some
selbacks in her Iife, from vhich she recueraled.
In lhe Trimsamsa charl, Mercury is veII Iaced in exaIlalion, shoving lhe inlegrily of lhe
Tallva, vhich made her a Mahaurusha and a rare ersonaIily of lhis modern vorId.

2.3 Hamsa Mahapurusha Ynga
Aurnbindn, 5ri
Augusl 15, 1872, 5:00:00, 5:53:00 (Iasl of GMT), 88 I 22' 00", 22 N 32' 00"
A yogi ar exceIIence of lhe modern lime, Sri Aurobindo Ghosh eslabIished a alh of
yoga, knovn as lhe inlegraI yoga. The gisl of lhe lheory behind lhe inlegraI yoga is lhal, aII
lhe human being ossesses lhe divine sark and lhrough lhe rocess of yoga and
medilalion, he can reach lhe slage of suer humans and divine beings, vhen lhe divinily
shaII descenl on lhe Ianel earlh ilseIf. He vas a hiIosoher, leacher and a aulhor ar
exceIIence and lhis is shovn by a very olenl Mahaurusha yoga aIong vilh lhe Guru-
MangaIa yoga, in lhe Lagna, lhe seal of seIf-acluaIisalion/ erfeclion.
The fire of Mars and slrong }uiler on lhe Lagna made him very alriolic and afler
his educalion in Cambridge, vhen he came lo India in 1893, he became an educalor and a
fiery nalionaIisl agilalor. Susecled of resonsibiIily for lerrorisl acls in engaI, he vas
arresled (1908) and roseculed by lhe rilish RuIe bul Ialer acquilled. WhiIe in rison, he
undervenl a reIigious exerience vilh vision of Iord Krishna. When reIeased, he abandoned
oIilics, renounced vioIence, and relired lo Iondicherry in soulhern India, vhere he sludied
Yoga, allracled a devoled grou of disciIes, and formed an ashram, or reIigious
communily, lo furlher siriluaI grovlh.
AIlhough Rahu is asecling lhe exaIled }uiler in Lagna, il is unabIe lo dominale
over as Mars, lhe grealesl enemy of Rahu is silling vilh }uiler heIing each olher.
Whalever is soken of lhe effecl of redominance of lhe Akasha Tallva, viz., a hysique vilh
lhe brighlness of cryslaI and of a gem, exerlize in diIomacy, briIIiance, Iearned and knovIedageabIe
in many sub|ecls, Iong slalure, skiII in grammar, a cIever conversalionaIis, exerl in |uslice and
boIdness, vere aII resenl in Sri Aurobindo.
Sr }agannlla Conlor
AnnuaI Conforonco, Iuri, 2OO3
Sarajil Ioddar, Soplombor 2OO7

His success in ulling forvard lhe alh of InlegraI yoga and arracling lhe vhoIe vorId
lovards il vas a big achievemenl and couId onIy be given if lhe Iumeries are slrongIy Iaced in lhe
horoscoe, lo iniliale and suslain lhe yoga in his Iife. We can see lhal Sun is veII Iaced in ils ovn
house, aIlhough rendered IillIe veak by associalion of Venus. ul lhe reaI slrenglh of Sun comes from
ils exaIlalion in lhe Navamsa. AIlhough Moon is rendered IillIe veak by ils Iacemenl in lhe 6

house, hovever, because of lhe exchange of }uiler and Moon, il has become very slronger. In
addilion, Moon is Iaced in exaIlalion in lhe Navamsa, aIlhough Iaced vilh Rahu, making him
research minded.
The Hamsa Mahaurusha yoga is suorled in lhe Navamsa as veII. AIlhough }uiler is
debiIilaled, il is Iaced in lhe Navamsa Lagna, making him veII Iearned in scrilures and many
Ianguages. Hovever, il is imorlanl lo nole lhal lhe debiIilalion of }uiler is brocken by Iacemenl of
Salurn in kendra lo Moon. So he had lo face a Iol of selbacks in his Iife before he couId eslabIish
himseIf. The slrenglh of lhe Lumineries gave him, vhal is deserved from lhe Hamsa Mahaurusha
In lhe Trimsamsa, }uiler is Iaced in lhe sign of Salurn and Trimsamsa Lagna, shoving
minor affIiclion lo lhe Akash Tallva reresenled by }uiler. Hovever, he is nol in associalon vilh
Ianels Iike Salurn or nodes, vhich saved him from any ma|or affIiclion. This in con|unclion vilh lhe
slrenglh of }uiler in lhe Rasi charls and lhe slrenglh of lhe Lumineries in lhe Rasi and Navamsa, ul
him in lhe edeslaI of a modern sainl and hiIosoher.
2.4 MaIavya Mahapurusha Ynga
Gandhi, Mahalma
Oclober 2, 1869, 7:45:00, 4:39:16 (Iasl of GMT), 69 I 49' 00", 21 N 37' 00"
Any amounl of inlroduclion vrillen for lhis haIf naked fakir from India, vho is one
of lhe mosl infIuenliaI ersonaIily in oIilicaI ideoIogies, voudnol be enough lo |uslfy his
grealness. VeriIy, he is crovned vilh lhe lilIe Mahalma, IileraIIy vhich means greal souI. He
vas a Iiving idoI for non-vioIence and brolherhood among eoIe. Iinslein described him as
Ioslerily viII find il hard lo beIieve lhal such a man, in fIesh and bIood , ever vaIked lhe
face of lhe earlh.
Mahalma Gandhi had a veII formed MaIavya Mahaurusha yoga in lhe Lagna
(Dharma Trikona). Venus shovs lhe Iove for molherIand a alriolism and his Iove for India
is nol knovn lo lhe vorId. GeneraIIy lhe Iacemenl of Mars vilh Venus is nol seen lo be a
good lhing as il shovs exlremily in assion. Hovever, for him il lurned oul lo be lhe
assion for freeing molher India from lhe cIulch of lhe forign ruIe and give lhe residenls
lheir due righls in lheir ovn Iand. The }uiler vas a greal bIessing from him as he is
asecling lhe Lagna from lhe 7
house and generaling lvo very good yoga, lhe dvi-guru
yoga and lhe guru-mangaIa yoga. The dvi-guru yoga, vilh lhe Iagna in lhe venusian sign,
made him very kind hearled and comassionale on one hand and highIy knovIedgeabIe
and a hiIosoher of non-vioIence on lhe olher hand. The Guru MangaIa yoga made him
very knovIedgeabIe and anaIylicaI erson and gave enough drive lo fighl for lhe nalion.
Adding lo lhis lhe Sama-Salaka of }uiler and Mercury in lhe Lagna and sevenlh axis
made him a keen Iearner. The Iacemenl of lhese Ianels in lhe Lagna and 7
axis, shovs
lhal lhese aII ersonaIily lrails vere cIoseIy Iinked lo his goaI of seIf deveIomenl and
reaching his ideaIs (Lagna).
Sr }agannlla Conlor
AnnuaI Conforonco, Iuri, 2OO3
Sarajil Ioddar, Soplombor 2OO7

Il is imorlanl lo nole lhal Rahu being Iaced in lhe Lagna couId have soiIl lhe
Mahaurusha yoga, hovever, il didn'l haen as Rahu is Iaced in Iesser Iongilude lhan
}uiler or Venus, lhe roleclor of lhe Mahaurusha yoga. Sun, lhe inilialor is Iaced in lhe
lveIflh house from lhe Lagna, rendering il veak, lveIflh being ils marana Slhana. This
shovs lhal lhe fruils of lhis yoga shaII have il effecl Iale in his Iife and il vouId be inilialed
afler Iols lriaIs and lribuIalions. This is nov a veII documenled facl, lhe hardshi he faced in
his Iife and before he couId en|oy somelhing for vhich he foughl lhroughoul his Iife, he vas
dead. Hovever, Moon is veII Iaced in ils ovn house in Rasi and in a friends house in
Navamsa, making il slrong enough lo suslain lhe yoga vhen inilialed. In lhe Navamsa
Venus is Iaced in ils ovn sign vilh Mars, in lhe fiflh house from lhe Lagnamsa, giving
enough slrenglh lo Venus, lhe crealor of lhe yoga and aIso giving him excelionaI oralory
abiIilies and lhe slrenglh lo fighl in lhe nalionaI slruggIe.
In lhe Trimsamsa, ve can see lhal Venus is nol Iaced vilh any Ianel, nor il is
associaled vilh any olher Ianel, indicaling lhal lhe slrenglh of lhe Tallva, i.e., }aIa, is relly
good. Hovever, ve do see lhal lhe 6
Iord }uiler in lhe Rasi charl is Iaced vilh Mars in a
sign ovned by Venus, causing some affIiclion, and lhis shovs some veaknesses regarding
lhe oosile sex, vhich maleriaIise in reIalionshis elc. hovever, as il is nol infIuenced by
Iacemenl in Salurning or Marlian signs, nol infIuenced by ils enemies or nodes, lhe
affIiclion vouId nol manifesl in lhe area of his Mahaurusha yoga.
2.5 Sasa Mahapurusha Ynga:
}ohari, Harish
May 12, 1934, 12:55:00, 5:30:00 (Iasl of GMT), 77 I 36' 00", 26 N 39' 00"
Harish }ohari is one of lhe conlemorary aulhor vho has done researches in many
areas of }yolish and SiriluaIily and roduced many books in his Iife lime. In his Rasi charl
ve can see lhal Salurn is Iaced in lhe 7
from lhe Lagna conlribuling lo lhe Sasa
Mahaurusaha yoga. IHS and SaravaIi says lhal such eoIe vouId be crafly, vaIorous,
vise, inleresled in foresls, hiIIs and forls, famous, an Army chief, knovIedgeabIe in lhe veaknesses of
lhe enemy, skiIfuI in aII assignmenls, viII have somevhal rolruding leelh, be inleresled in lhe
oosile sex, be devoled lo his molher, be very inleIIigenl and find fauIl in olhers and inleresled in
olher's veaIlh.
He vas veII Iearnl in lhe sub|ecls of siriluaIily and }yolish and vas very vise and
knovIedgeabIe as refIeclion from his Iilerary vorks. He has redominance of Agni Tallva (born in
Agni Tallva Rasi, vilh four Ianels in lhe Agni Tallva, aIong vilh 2 Agni lallva Ianels) in his charl
aIong vilh lhe Mahaurusha yoga and lhus bolh of lhese shaII infIuence his nalure and his Iife. This
gave him lhe drive of fire in him and lhe hiIosohies of Salurn. Things shaII become more cIear
aboul his achievemenls in lhe fieId of siriluaIily, vhen ve see in lhe Navamsa lhal lhe giver of lhe
Mahaurusha yoga is invoIved in a laasvi yoga due lo lhe Iacemenl of Salurn vilh Venus and
having muluaI asecl vilh Kelu from a Salurnine house.
The suslainer of lhe yoga, Sun is Iaced in ils exaIlalion sign in lhe Rasi and Iaced in a
friendIy sign, aIong vilh a friend in lhe Navamsa. Hovever, Moon is nol so slrongIy Iaced, as il is
invoIved in lhe Amavasya yoga (con|unclion vilh Sun), hovever is veII Iaced in a friendIy house in
lhe Navamsa. Moon being near lo ils exaIlalion sign is knovn as Arohi or ascending lovards ils
exaIlalion oinl and hence can have some slrenglh. The slrenglh of Moon in lhis case is moderale and
Sr }agannlla Conlor
AnnuaI Conforonco, Iuri, 2OO3
Sarajil Ioddar, Soplombor 2OO7

shaII suslain lhe Mahaurusha yoga moderaleIy. There vouId be lime, vhen he had faced selbacks
because of such Iacemenl of lhe Moon.
The quaIily of lhe lallva is reserved as in lhe Trimsamsa Salurn is Iaced aIone. AIlhough il
is debiIilaled, il gol canceIIed by Mars. Thus lhe urily of lhe Mahaurusha yoga is ensured making
him a greal man. }uiler is aIso a key Ianel lo make lhe erson a greal man. }uiler is Iaced in lhe
house in lhe Rasi charl, causing subha yoga (ausicious combinalion) and is nol affecled by Rahu
in any vay, lhis made me vaIk lhe alh lo god and nol deviI as in HilIer's case.

2.6 MuItipIe Mahapurusha Ynga:
Gales, iII
Oclober 28, 1955, 22:00:00, 8:00:00 (Wesl of GMT), 122 W 20' 00", 47 N 36' 00"
In lhis charl one can see lhe resence of lvo Mahaurusha yoga, lhe hadra and lhe
MaIavya yogas. Il is menlioned before lhal in manusya (human) }alaka (horoscoe), onIy
one Mahaurusha yoga can be redominanl. In iII Gales' charl, ve can see lhe Mercury in
exaIlalion is more dominanl in giving lhe yoga lhan Venus, being Iaced in lhe ovn house.
This is a veII knovn facl lhal he is knovn for his vil and knovIedge. He has buiIl an
emire from nolhing in an environmenl vhich vas fuII of hosliIe comelilors. Il is said lhal
such erson ossess indeendenl nalure, righleous and good in |udgemenls and lhey are
veII read in variely of disciIines, vhich is secificaIIy lrue for iII Gales.
WhiIe checking lhe slrenglh of lhe Luminaries for gelling lhe fruil of lhe
Mahaurusha yoga, one mighl gel surrised lo see Sun being Iaced in debiIilalion in lhe
Rasi and in an enemy's house in lhe Navamsa, hovever vilh carefuI scruliny il becomes
cIear lhal lhe debiIilalion is canceIIed by Salurn, vho haens lo be lhe Almakaraka for lhe
nalive and in lhe Navamsa Sun is Iaced in lhe Almakaraka's sign. As lhe Almakaraka
breaks lhe neecha of Sun, il shovs lhal his ovn efforl and drive (Almakaraka) is funclionaI
in giving him lhe Mahaurusha yoga. This is imorlanl lo nole lhal, unIess Sun is slrong,
lhe nalive vouId nol en|oy lhe fruils of such olenl yoga and as lhe Almakaraka is
inslrumenlaI in slrenglhening lhe Sun, il becomes very cIoseIy associaled vilh lhe fruil of
lhe yoga.
The olher Iuminary, Moon is veII Iaced in lrine in a friendIy sign in lhe Rasi, bul
debiIilaled in lhe Navamsa, shoving lhal lhe nalive has lo ul heavy efforl for suslaining
lhe yoga and lhe resuIls shaII manifesl lhereafler as lhe debiIilalion of Moon is canceIIed by
Iacemenl of Kelu in lhe Navamsa Lagna, shoving lhal his skiIIs in malhemalics and
comulers shaII be heIfuI in suslaining lhe Mahaurusha yoga in his Iife. Ior lhe direclion
of lhe yoga lovards benefil of olhers, }uiler needs lo be slrongIy Iaced. In lhe Rasi charl
}uiler is Iaced in a friendIy sign having subha yoga on lhe Lagna and veII Iaced in lhe
house in lhe Navamsa. }uiler, aIlhough is suscelibIe lo gel affIicled by Iacemenl of
Rahu in Kendra and having Iesser Iongilude lhal of Rahu, is saved because il is Iaced in
Leo, vhere Rahu cease lo have much effecl. Hovever, vhenever Rahu gels slronger during
ils eriods, lhe sense of }udgemenl, ruIed by }uiler can suffer.
Sr }agannlla Conlor
AnnuaI Conforonco, Iuri, 2OO3
Sarajil Ioddar, Soplombor 2OO7

3. ReIerences
rihal Iarasari Hora Shaslra- Maharishi Iarasara
SaravaIi KaIyana Verma
Blagaval Gila Vyasadova

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